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Posts posted by SPARKLE

  1. The album is taking too long to produce. She recorded so many tracks with so many producers and it's still not finished? If after 50 recordings she doesn't have enough for an album does she need to record 100 more tracks in a desperate, expensive crapshoot to get an album's worth of decent songs? Perhaps she needs to take this as a sign to retire from music. The spark just isn't there. Even hiring all these producers to do most of the work for her isn't helping much.

    The attacks on Madonnatribe are uncalled for and vicious. Madonnatribe is attacked by jealous bullies here who are ungrateful for their Madonna news. Madonnatribe is a forum with intelligent free discussion where fans can express their views good and bad. Unlike here in which fascist blind kissass Madonna fans censor criticism. Wake up you jerks!

  2. Madonna stopped being artistic after American Life. She has become a submissive sell out worried about popularity and not rocking the boat. She's obsessed with making easy money and not on art anymore. Leaving Warner Bros. is the biggest mistake of her career. She has become a corporate prostitute shill for Live Nation and Guy Oseary. Will the old Madonna ever come back?

  3. The launch of the lead single and completion of the album is taking too long. If she stopped wasting so much time posting embarrassing selfies on Instagram and opening those stupid gyms in third world countries we'd already have new music now. And I believe she's getting nowhere in the studio and getting a lot of dud tracks with all these deejays. She needs to work with real musicians instead of flavor of the month deejays who just push a few buttons on their computers.

  4. oh my god.......i dont believe the album is done......she just spent one week with avicci, one week with Nathalie, and one week with S1 in the studio.....that's......three weeks....oh and she recorded three songs in november.

    i knew she likes to work fast, but this fast?!

    i just hope she actually wrote a song and not just turn up in the studio to record the songs written for her.

    This album has been produced too fast and with too many cooks in the kitchen. Not a good sign. Wake up and focus on quality control Madonna!

  5. Can't stand looking at her fake fat face. It's embarrassing. I'm going to make a petition online urging her to stop butchering her appearance. Stop the injections and surgeries. We need to get all the fan sites publicizing the petition and tweet it to her management and companies she does business with. Fans threatening to boycott her business will be a wake up call for her to stop behaving like Joan Rivers! She's becoming Cher. We need to stop her before she turns into Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson was surrounded by yes men and leeches afraid to say he needs to stop getting plastic surgery. Wake up Madonna!

  6. Disgraceful performance from a once great star. Sad to see such a faded artist sell herself out to that corporate puppet Miley just so she can be cool with the kids. Madonna is old and can barely dance and sounded bad she should've lip-synched the performance. What happened to the woman who gave us Like a prayer and Blonde Ambition?? What the hell is going with Madonna she just gets more disappointing each day. She participated in that stupid stunt performance at the Grammys and calls her children nigger for cheap publicity. It's like she's trying to alienate and get rid of her remaining true blue fans. Go get a therapist Madonna!

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