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Posts posted by tumbleweedt

  1. ^^^ Dumb and Dumber up there crack me up!

    It's like there's a whole group now that chat with and support each other. It's really rather cute. :lol:

    Same. I think it's cute too. It's like they're a pact!

    I don't think it's cute. I'm all for freedom of expression, but I hope that together we can ensure that this Forum retains its direct irreverent humor and that it won't be swamped by morose sanctimonious treatises that seem to have been increasing lately.

  2. 10617072_1048135718537208_1021805583_n.j

    Asap Ferg in studio with Madonna and Diplo

    Sharing some of my thoughts, NOT news....thanks in advance for indulging me.

    That youtube link leads to some teenybopper shite, which fits nicely with Diplo's Instagram...... Since seeing Diplo's Instagram pics, months ago, I still haven't mustered the courage to search and listen to any of his stuff out of fear of major disappointment (even though any collab with M might yield very different results). Hope neither his nor some of M's more recent presumably "cool" Instagram hashtags are an indicator for the music and themes they'll come up with for the upcoming record. I DO LOVE carefree unpretentious fun and MIXING things up style and theme-wise. But I'll also admit that I would be less interested in youth-culture inspired stuff (if that makes any sense) than I would be in something TRULY DARK and honest.

    TL;DR: the uncertainty about the album ('s direction) is killing me. :blush:

  3. Does anyone have an idea where and when the following picture of M and kids was taken? Found it on tumblr. It's not from Instagram, but I couldn't find a more appropriate thread. It's a picture of a picture: you can see three silhouettes in the background reflection. Wondering if the painting could be part of THE collection...


  4. (....) they just did not go hiding for 35 years and come back prompting a new found interest..

    Do you mean to say that you feel as if Kate Bush were cheating or something / as if it is somehow unfair that her re-appearance would spark such interest? :huh:

    Thing is music today is so boring and predictable all these music journalists are jumping on anything just to escape the sad scenario of the industry...

    But there is more newly produced music available than ever before in history....Surely there will be some new music out there somewhere that you will like. Or did you mean to refer to the best-selling music as registered in various charts?

    The "weird" pictures and costumes and even the set at some point have all been seen in Madonna shows talking about the theater experience but no one is going to say that because the media have already made up their mind saying Kate Bush is better and more original than Madonna.

    Just because you haven't spotted any references to Madonna in the UK media's Kate Bush coverage doesn't necessarily mean that this is a conscious slight on their part :chuckle:Besides: entertainment is not some zero-sum game, is it?

    Madonna being at the concert?? She must have laughed her head off when she saw her Bang Gang set on stage...

    So please, let's not fool ourselves..

    Were we fooling ourselves? In that case, thanks for the warning!

    when the hype goes down they will be trying to look for someone else to put on the pedestal and we all are going to get intrigued by it.

    ALL of us? Damn, looks like we're ALL caught in a catch-22. :nervous:

  5. I wonder if the V&A tag means that she saw this at the V&A, which again strongly suggests that she's back in the UK now and the previous picture about getting back to work is that she's possibly back to working on the album (in London), possibly mixing and mastering which she has often done here in the UK (with Spike.)

    yeah, the two placards are part of the Disobedient Object exhibition there. I reckon they've been back in London since at least last week, I saw Lola on Friday.

    :kiss2: to you both. Love MNationers :blush:

  6. BTW, while I absolutely think that The Queen CAN WEAR ANYTHING she damn well pleases, I'm not a big fan of her wearing grillz, because I *personally* find that the grillz take away from her beauty. For me, her age is irrelevant in this regard: I would have felt the same if she wore them at 25. I feel the same way about her previous cheek treatments, because apparently 'more natural' aging fits my personal idea of beauty. BUT, I still think this is rather SUPERFICIAL of me and I guess it sort of shows that part of me enjoys living vicariously through M from time to time. :blush:

    Can anyone on this forum relate to this?

  7. I bet it's twisted. I would expect that a real interview with the FIRST official recognition that they are in a romantic relationship would carry 'official' pics of Timor / elaborate on the setting of the conversation / be longer than three paragraphs...and NOT be with the Daily Mirror. This looks more like they twisted his soundbites. There don't seem to be any quotes of him saying he is in a ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP with Madonna or that he would like to have kids WITH MADONNA. Maybe Liz will ask them to publish a correction which will end up somewhere among the fine print. I also expect this story to gain significant traction before being debunked.

    Or is it part of Non Traditional Promo - part 2?

  8. Surely some of this is stuff pillaged (okay, legally acquired...) from Sweet Melly Mel's storage

    Exactly. Do you think M has a shelf full of VMA awards she keeps dusting?

    I surprised about the Material Girl dress. I can only assume there were more than one used in the video. M said she's kept a lot of her clothes in storage and that is one of her most famous outfits ever.

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