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Posts posted by Daisy

  1. I'm sorry?

    I found the interview it aired on September 23, 1997. I can't find it for free anymore but you can buy it on amazon.

    I morphed a couple of memories together though it seems, he talked about the helicopters but not the haircutting business in this interview. For that go get his autobiography (official by the way, not unofficial) it's called Sean Penn: his life and times. It talks about the hair cut but references a Rolling Stone interview where it came from originally. Not sure where that is.

  2. Whoa, it seems I started a bit of something!

    I guess it makes sense, as I said I've been a fan forever and when I saw that interview online a few years ago it was all new info for me (and I think saying he asked for the divorce was an error, I think he said "it was decided we would divorce") or something like that. I saw this several years ago.

    But let me say this, as a woman: Any form of abuse is wrong. I am certain he stepped over a line that should never be crossed, I'm just not so sure it was to the degree the tabloid press has led us to believe.

    Another tid bit, from a different interview, maybe the Rolling Stone cover of Sean in 1995? he mentioned that he once asked Madonna to say something publicly about how he hadn't actually trussed her up like a turkey and such to clear his name and she declined. Lol. Honestly, he has talked about it several times.

  3. Hi~new here, kind of... I've been lurking.

    I've been a fan since the dinosaur days and I remember the divorce. I've never seen Madonna speak about the domestic incident but Sean has on several occasions. He talked about it in his autobiography and there used to be a Charlie Rose interview from 1998-ish where he talked about it at length but it seems to be gone now.

    Basically, Sean said they fought "all night" and eventually ended it in the morning with him asking her for a divorce. She agreed and said she would come back to the house later to get her things. He told her no she couldn't come back and if she did he "would give her a very severe haircut. Well, she took this threat of a haircut very seriously and took the matter to the police." He then went on to recount how he was sitting in his kitchen eating rice krispies when he heard helicopters overhead and at the same time he heard cars speeding up his drive-way. Charlie Rose asked him what he thought at that moment and Sean said he immediately knew it was Madonna.

    So, he then hears a bull horn say "Mr. Penn come outside with your hands up." He says, he went out through the garage and sees several police cruisers are sitting in his drive-way and Madonna is in one of them in the front passenger seat. It is now that he remembers that they own the house jointly and tells the police that she is free to come and go as she pleases as it's her house, and he goes back into the kitchen. Big mistake, as then the police throw smoke grenades through the windows and he comes out and the police "do what they had to do."

    Then they got divorced. That's all he said, though there's obviously more to the story. And honestly my take on his attitude was that he was amused and proud of her for bending him over because he deserved it. That is just my opinion though.

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