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Posts posted by Django

  1. On 6/6/2018 at 5:49 PM, Genevieve Vavance said:

    Why are Israelis such NAZIS??

    I wished Madonna was still Hindu


    Judaism and Jews around the world aren't responsible for Israel actions, no matter how hard Israel tries to appropriate Judaism and everybody that's a Jew. There are plenty of Jews who are against Israel and the image they are giving to everyone with a minimum of humanity. The only ones responsible are Israel and its supporters. 

    Just because one is Jew, one doesn't have to support Israel and the murders and atrocities they commit. It's like saying just because you are German you had to support the Nazis. 

    After all this doesn't have to do with religion, but as always it has to do with power. 

  2. On 6/6/2018 at 3:40 PM, jaron said:

    great thread django,


    but be careful because if you were in germany you would be claimed as antisemit for those posts, because you are not entitled to critize israel in any kind of way.


    Funny cause Israel murders Arabs on daily basis and Arabs are also semites. 

  3. On 6/7/2018 at 9:26 PM, Acediace said:

    Wow ok I have a lot to sat but I won't say it all 

     because basically it's a waste of time
    first of all so much bullshit in 30 minutes video its hurts

    I'm Israeli and I've also been in the army (not a warrior but more in the supportive part)

    And that "TRANSCRIPTION OF THE THREATS FROM ISRAELI SOLDIERS.." is the most ridicules thing I have ever seen. No Israeli soldier ever sends "massages" to people in Gaza and no Israeli soldier will ever call IDF "the occupational army".

    The daily routine of a soldier (involved with gaza) is being at the border at bases, in observations or like emergencies as in the operation that was in 2015 to do what needs to be done and only wait for this shit to end so that you can go back home. THERE IS NO ONE ISRALI SOLDIER THAT WANT TO BE INVOLVED WITH THIS SHIT ANYMORE. The situation is bad, very bad but nobody want it to be that way but when there is a TERROR ORGANIZATION THAT CONTROL ALL PELESTINIAN PEOPLE (but nobody in the world gives a shit about that right?) there is no much you can do. And as long as Hamas has the control hand there will never be peace between Israel and Palestine. The way Israel is portrayed in international media is simply not objective and its like that for so long that no matter what a person like me will come and write about it here you just won't believe it and that is why I'm not going to write about whether its occupation or not and "who was here before", or why there are so many casualties in the Palestinian side.

    But what I know for sure that if situation like this would've been in any other country, every country in the world will act the same fucking way so stop with this hypocrisy. There is not one country in this world that will accept a reality in which missiles are fired at it regularly, terrorist that are digging tunnels into its territory in order to harm people, terrorist that throws kites to forests near the border to ignite huge fires (yes it’s a new thing), or every week a huge crowd of people trying to squeeze the fence of the border to create chaos in the area while calling it " protest".

    Bottom line - nobody wants to live like that and I, like most of Israeli people ,do feel bad about the way the innocent Palestinian people live. We don’t want it to be that way.


    Happy regurgitating the neo Nazi propaganda from the Israeli fascist government while there's a genocide right in front of our eyes? 


    Good for ya! Too bad for people around are waking up more and more believe less all the crap this disgusting and genocidal country is doing to innocent people.


    And Palestinians aren't the ones suffering from Israel existence. You can find plenty of information regarding not only the treatment African asylum seekers have to endure there, but also how other jews that aren't white are regarded as second rate citizens. That also applies to christians and muslims living in that horrible country.


    The only bulshit here is your sick post full of lies and straight out SHIT. 

  4. After Trip to Gaza, Anthony Bourdain Accused World of Robbing Palestinians of Their Basic Humanity


    Celebrity chef and television presenter Anthony Bourdain has died by suicide. The 61-year-old was found dead in his hotel room in Strasbourg, France, where he was filming an episode of his CNNprogram “Parts Unknown.” During one episode of his show, he traveled to Gaza. In 2014, he won an award from the Muslim Public Affairs Council. In his acceptance speech, he said, “The world has visited many terrible things on the Palestinian people, none more shameful than robbing them of their basic humanity.”




    People of Aida Refugee Camp

    We are the occupational army

    You throw stones and we will hit you with gas until you die

    The children, the youth, the old people

    You will all die, we won't leave any of you alive

    We have arrested one of you, he's with us now, we took him from his home

    And we will slaughter and kill him while you watch

    If you keep throwing stones

    Go home or we will gas you until you die

    Your family, your children, everyone





  6. 4 minutes ago, GOD said:

    Confessions on a dance floor is a horrid album title, I agree.. what should they have called it?


    That's a good question... Never thought about it. I'm actually fine with COADF as a title, though I just prefer titles like Magic. Judging by the title tracks of the album... I think something like Future Lovers or Future Love would be my choice.  But that's only if we use the album tracks as the title. 

  7. 19 minutes ago, MeakMaker said:

    What's wrong with you people?! Once again I get reminded of how ignorant I am on the matter?!?  Jeez if ignorant people are allowed to cast a vote for an election or referendum why cant an ignorant person be part of a conversation on the bloody internet of all places??! Enough with the clever police! 

     I was only expressing yes a very simplicistic way to deal with things in these situations.. in end if we don't pick ourselves up and try to move on together as humans and build better societies even all you well informed people points of view won't change shit. Pointing the blame or taking a side won't solve the problem. People are talking about divisions in our countries, continents, governments, etc.. but then again we don't have to look any farther than this thread. Yes we have divisions. Yes we have people who don't agree with each other but it's up to us to make a difference and create a culture of unity, peace and inclusion.  



    Again, in order to solve a problem you need to know not most but ALL about it.

    Also, the fact that ignorant people can cast a vote is one of the main reasons the world is at this state. 

    You are free to express your opinion of course, just don't get mad when people keep pointing out your lack of knowledge on the subject while you keep bringing your uninformed point of view on a subject that requires, at least, having a base in order to understand what is going on. 

    We are not the clever police, we happen to be Spanish so we kinda get what's going on. 

    The subject is not only complex itself, but as current events unfold it keeps getting more and more complicated altogether.

  8. 50 minutes ago, MeakMaker said:

    But why can't people just get along? People are becoming way too full of themselves. " This is my land. Get out" way of thinking is so wrong on so many levels. I don't think it's constructive to rely on separation and division. Looks like the Wall /Trump mentality is winning. "Let's separate each other; let's go back to the "caves" where we come from" ideology is rampant these days. Why can't we all rise above this bullshit and find strength in unity?

    Once again, get informed. You keep giving your opinion on something you know little to nothing about. This is way more complicated and complex than that. It goes back in history as early as the 10th century, and it continues until today being the Nova planta decrees, war or the Spanish succession, the Second Spanish Republic, the Spanish Civil War, Franco's dictatorship and the Spanish transition to democracy relevant historic events. So as you can expect, it is not as simple as you seem to get it. 

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