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Posts posted by JWAD

  1. These are the hits I hope she performs:


    Into the Groove

    Dress You Up

    Live to Tell

    Who's That Girl

    Like A Prayer (or Express Yourself)


    Deeper and Deeper




    American Life (video interlude)

    Hung Up (original no remixes!)

    Get Together

    4 Minutes (video interlude remix)

    Girl Gone Wild

    Alternatively mashups or medleys of:

    Vogue/Holy Water

    Addicted/I'm Addicted

    Erotica/SEX/Best Night

  2. My playlist includes the following demo versions as I think they are better than the album versions, the other unreleased demos I listen to quite a lot:

    Living for Love (Demo) - this is far better

    Joan of Arc (Acoustic) - hate the album version

    Wash All Over Me (Demo) - I prefer the dance version

    Messiah (Demo) - album version is overworked

    Rebel Heart (Demo) - far superior to the album version

    Borrowed Time (Demo) - again prefer the dance version

    Autotune Baby


    Tragic Girl

    Two Steps Behind Me

    Nothing Lasts Forever

    Never Let You Go

    God is Love

    Trust No Bitch

    Back That Up



    Alone With You

    Take A Day

    Take It Back



  3. I'm just wondering if we will get a third single? I had such high hopes for Ghosttown especially with the stunning video but it has sank without a trace. I wonder if they will just concentrate on the tour at this point. If she releases another single she might as well release something out of the box like BIM as you never know it might actually be a hit. Release it with the album version, Diplo remix and Demo 2 - I love the latter!

  4. Warner Bros. wasn't all bad. I only think they went downhill from 2008 onwards when she announced she was leaving. "Hard Candy" was badly promoted and had bad single choices, "Celebration" was non-promoted and a complete misguided affair with terrible versions and audio problems, the video collection was a low quality mess. Then we got the vinyl reissues with photocopied artwork and "The Complete Studio Albums" which was terribly designed and again low quality. I wonder if it was a big fuck you to her leaving, as I cannot believe they would release such lazy, low quality work for a superstar like Madonna. There's been recent remasters and box sets for the likes of Belinda Carlisle and Kylie Minogue which are far superior and done by smaller labels. I agree they need to hire a fan who knows her catalogue in and out, so we get the best versions included and actual bonus material. I dream for that day we get a greatest hits or a box set with a lot of work and thought for the fans put into it.

  5. Reading some of the posts cheering on M for posting that photo and quote calling her a "genius", her photo "brilliant" and telling other users "to get a grip" really shows the disconnection from reality some people really have. Margaret Thatcher was an evil vile woman who should not be championed in any way. Yes she was a strong woman but if you actually go and get educated on her, then you'll see why this has riled up some of us (especially those in the UK). Madonna made a mistake and quickly rectified it, so she realised that it was a bad choice to post it. Let's just leave it at that.

  6. calling her ignorant and idiotic is very mean, she didn't mean to hurt her gay fans, that's why she deleted it. But it seems it is not enough for you. being a fan since 1984 doesn't give you the right to insult her.

    Your are also ignorant.

    I wasn't insulting her I was merely annoyed at her posting that on Instagram. I never called her an idiot nor think she is ignorant, I simply mentioned that this is how she comes across to others who hate that vile horrible woman. I was very disappointed in her but she made a mistake and I'm all about forgiveness. I even forgive you for being ignorant and unable to read my previous posts. Now go read a book.

  7. Everyone is ignorant, nobody knows everything so I have no problem with Madonna being it. I also didn't know that Margaret Thatcher was that homofobic creature so I'm also ignorant.

    I don't have to know everything about every politician in the world. I understand that you feel offended because you are from UK but calm down, don't be a fan anymore and that's it.

    I've been a fan since 1984 and I'm not going anywhere thank you very much. I suggest that if you feel ignorant, educate yourself and do some reading then you can have an informed opinion.

    Don't worry, me and M are all good. It's just so annoying for M to champion human rights and then post a photo of her that's all.

  8. Or maybe people shouldn't be so quick to criticize her. People pounce on every little thing she says, but I guess that's the life of the Greatest Star that Ever Lived.

    It wasn't an idiotic or misinformed post, though. She never said she agrees with Thatcher's policies, she just admires her work ethic as a woman and liked that particular quote.

    Maybe if people would THINK before they attacked Madonna, instead of blaming Madonna for not THINKING, this wouldn't be a problem.

    I'm sorry but if you post a portrait of Margaret Thatcher and one her quotes and then praise her, you are acting like a fan of hers and that's the way it has come across. M probably realised this and that's why she deleted it. That's why I am saying for her to think before she does things like this. It's not doing her any favours. I'm not gonna arrange a burning of Madonna CDs for god sake!
  9. Get a grip, Madonna doesn't have to be your protective monster mother :mellow: Madonna has never been the mother Teresa.

    What the hell are you talking about? All I am saying is that when she does stupid things like this people lose respect for her. Her post was a mistake but things like this are like self sabotage and ignorant. I don't think M is perfect in anyway but she needs to stop and think sometimes especially when it makes her look really ignorant and idiotic. Posting a portrait of that vile woman was very stupid and I am glad she deleted it. I grew up during Thatcher's rule in Scotland, so forgive me for having a bad reaction to my icon and heroine posting a photo and quote of that evil cow.
  10. For an evolved, strong and talented woman, she can be so fucking stupid sometimes. I am quite appalled she posted a photo of Thatcher who is loathed by most people (ie not the rich) in the UK and especially Scotland, where I live. Thatcher was an evil woman who did not give a fuck about the people in the UK. She was a power hungry, homophobic, vile human being. For Madonna to post a photo of her has actually gutted me a bit. I don't care if she took it down. She needs to think before she posts. Her comments about Nazi France and now this, she's actually coming across as an ill-informed ignorant person.

  11. She really loves terrible quality photos :lmao:

    Yeah it's a pattern. It's usually live albums though; I'm Going to Tell You A Secret, Confessions Tour, Sticky & Sweet, MDNA Tour, all terrible... The terrible design of the latter was the reason for the abysmal sales, it looked like a cheap bootleg and it had terrible quality b/w photography inside, all pixelated and low quality, it was a shame as they were actually great photos.

    I actually just don't get it as she must have final say on it??? LFL was just lazy design, the single did terribly and the digital version (apart from remixes) was just the album deluxe cover. Ghosttown looks so amateur, font is far too small for the design. I just don't get it, it's like self sabotage. A plain black cover with Ghosttown across it would have better than this.

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