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Posts posted by Icykiller

  1. I think Madonna sometimes gets too caught up with a particular image, and runs through with it as the whole look of the album, without stopping to think about the whole sound. AL really suffered with that. The album was, deep, personal, there was fear and anxiety there. But she insisted on the war theme, and a very direct, in-your-face one, rather than going less explicit. The public gets divisive when she goes too explicit. Sometimes it pays off, sometimes it doesn't. Here it didn't.

    I think the same happened with RH but in a different way. Her idea of rebeliousness was/is, sometimes, borderline teenager (too by-the-numbers "rebel"). And at others, it's brilliant.

  2. I am still waiting for that superb album she will coproduce with Joe Henry!

    Also, there are some past sounds that just died and never got any continuity which I think deserve some more. Secret Garden comes to my mind: something chill, poetic, with a more implicit sensuality rather than explicit. Skin as well, but maybe a more organic, less processed version of it. The folk of I deserve it or Xstatic Process would also be a breath of fresh air.

  3. See which flavor you like and I'll have it for you

    Come on into my store I've got candy galore

    Don't pretend you're not hungry I've seen it before

    I've got Turkish delight baby and so much more



    I'm ok with CS... But she sucks singing it!!! Let's face it, so far the song has not transended well on stage. She neds to find a way to sing it, just as she did with Paradise on CT. I'd rather keep listening to the awesome album version.

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