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Posts posted by Andra

  1. 34 minutes ago, M_Sinner said:

    She's being playful with her voice, it is her, "that's right" is so M


    29 minutes ago, Crystal Coffin said:

    It's HER, come on Andra! You are a genuine fan, you know Madonna. 

    I mean especially when she says "And don't you forget it, you're going to regret it". Listen to that and tell me it sounds like her. Unless they altered it to the point of unrecognition.

  2. 3 hours ago, Mensch said:

    The video is based on Scarface (I guess that explains her looking like Michelle Pheiffer in the still we got of her in the sequin outfit)  and the dancing is weird and there’s a shootout in the club. 

    Apparently he said it reminded him of living for love but much better đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïžđŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïžđŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïžÂ 

    Also I don’t know how much I believe this but there will be another record dropped soon afterward...apparently already recorded and ready but THAT I find hard to believe. A full dance record

    A song during Pride will be filmed for a music video possibly for I Rise...idk how much I believe that either.  

    I saw pics and he described lots of songs!!! 


  3. Just now, domyeyebrows said:

    I saw the video when it was uploaded by accident and my favourite bit was so subtle - I hope it stayed in the edit.

    When Swae says (the first time) "It's on the line girl you're risking everything" - M does this knowing vulnerable look as if to say "No shit, Sherlock". It's very sweet but it's blink and you miss it. I hope it's still in there!

    I know the bit you're talking about, I like it, I'm curious if she kept that in.

  4. Madonna talks 'Madame X's political power and being a gay icon with French LGBT magazine TĂȘtu

    "I feel blessed to have a voice, and to be able to use it to help people don’t have one."

    Just days after her performance at Eurovision Song Contest grand final caused controversy with its powerful (and unnapproved) message of unity between Israelis and Palestinians, Madonna has insisted that her upcoming record Madame X is her most politically-charged since 2003's American Life.

    Appearing on the cover of French LGBT magazine TĂȘtu - on newsstands from today (22 May) - the 'MedellĂ­n' singer reveals she "frightened" by the current political climate but that she hopes her new material will help "inspire people to act."

    In an exclusive interview in which she also discusses her relationship with the LGBTQ community, Madonna is asked whether she is scared, angry or fed up with the state of the world.

    The singer replies (translated from French): "All those feelings you mentioned. I’m scared. Frightened by so many things going on in this world. As you are I’m sure.

    "But I’m also optimistic. I think the future is full of possibilities. And I hope I was able to channel my anger and my rage in order to create a music full of joy."

    She adds: "To me, in many ways, this album is the continuation of American Life."

    Madonna's career has been defined by her political and social activism - of using cultural provocation to spark discussion - and the star is also asked how she feels about populist right-wing figures such as Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen co-opting such tactics to espouse hate.

    "If you’re a narrow-minded person using provocation, then your message will be narrow-minded," she replies. "It depends on the intention of the provocateur."

    She adds: "I don’t see the world through labels and categories.

    "But society loves to categorise, label and separate people: the poor, the gays, the Africans
 Because it make us feel safe."

    Madonna, who will release Madame X on 7 June, is also asked how she feels about being regarded as possibly the world's great gay icon, and whether it's a title she 'claims'.

    "I think it’s weird to call myself an icon," she says. "I feel blessed to have a voice, and to be able to use it to help people don’t have one and to fight for the rights of those who are not heard.

    "I think the word ‘icon’ is a word that other people can give you. But I can’t claim it for myself. Do you think I’m an icon?

    Told she's the very "definition", Madonna replies: "So if you think I’m an icon, then I am one!"

    The new issue of TĂȘtu is on newsstands from today (22 May).


  5. Just listened to the whole of #Madamex (with cakes) Can safely say the best is yet to come. Some fantastic dark dramatic work with Mirwais
    The highlights? Dark Ballet, I Don’t Search I Find
    She’s clever
saved the really personal stuff for the album release

    There’s a beautiful, weird piano-led track, and a disco banger
hard to describe
strange world pop?
    She sings out on a few. She is comfortable. She’s in her own space
    I think stadiums aren’t quite right for this album
theatres will be perfect
    Least favourite? Hmmm
Looking for Mercy
    The disco track was my favourite!
    I am
I actually prefer this album to Rebel Heart
it feels more organic
    Yes, one disco track that takes us right back to that Detroit dance floor
    Is there something like Paradise (Not For Me)? – Yes, though updated to now
imagine a conversation between Madonna and Mirwais now
    Review? It’ll be in the next issue of Mojo mag x
    I personally think she’s better in one to one collaboration with a trusted producer (eg Orbit, Mirwais, Pat Leonard)
    It’s like she’s gone beyond the sales – ‘this is my life in Lisbon’

    Couple of fillers, but they feel more like a vibe, rather than ‘we sat the production team in a room and they didn’t come up with anything’. More organic
    About ‘Killers’ – I can’t say too much, but it is a manifesto song
Madonna laying herself in the line
but less obviously. The more relaxed she is the less she needs it
    Are the Mirwais tracks simple or electronic – Imagine where he would be now. French house a big influence
and world pop
    Another ‘Hung Up’? – One or two
me and the writer from Attitude really like a couple that haven’t been singles yet!
    I actually think the best tracks have been held forthe album release, but that’s my personal preference!

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