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Posts posted by qaz

  1. just came back!!!

    amazing experience!!!

    it was literally a journey looking for this video installation, or short movie if you like, throughout some of the most beautiful monuments in Rome...

    the first one was against a flat white wall of the Ara Pacis musuem (it was the best screening, where you was able to hear and see clearly); 17 minutes of absolute, religous silence (and no flashes) looking at the gorgeous movie. It's beatifully photographed, edited, directed...there are reminiscence of the previous Madonna-Klein collaboration and a lot of homages (she look the most, to me, like Barbara Stanwyck). The second screening was a stunning projection on the Pantheon wall. it was almost cancelled because our local municipal police intervened trying to block everything....because there was no permission, because the van transporting the materials was not parked properlu, etc....but after a while and heavy discussions with some fans they, strangely, got away (i guess if the van has received a fine anyway) (and during the projection i had to hear a girl commenting "for me it's all about her secual desires.... :huh: ").

    The third location was on the side of the Altare della Patria, at the beginning of via dei Fori Imperiali, it was very noisy because of the traffic... (going through the first and the second location i even risked to get wet cause a fucking idiot throwed away from a window a glass of water or something and almost hit me....i've been really harsh while he was asking apologies...apology mt ass!!!!).

    there will be a last one screening on the central station, but i was too tired to go....

    Great film, anyway....i have to watch it again to clearly understand all the voiceover...perfect film? don't know...powerful film? yes, for sure...!!! the editing and choreography was amazing.... a woman (but not only a woman, the human kind) fighting her real and metaphorical enemies that goes on prison because of this, without justive and without protection, that dreams of freedom, freedom of mind as well literal freedom. A freedom that is under control even in her dreams....

    does it make sense??

    Great review!! I am so glad you enjoyed. And I can recall the places you mentioned!

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