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Posts posted by M.Dolla

  1. ugh you're the absolute worst

    writing essays is not gonna make us change our opinion. she is NOT using "poor cultures" to earn millions. she actually gave jobs to those dancers who also vogued and who helped her with it, so she did a good thing.

    ugh i can't even bother explaining, I just can't believe some people fall for this PC BULLSHIT. wake the FUCK UP. if youre now not allowed to be inspired by other cultures, then where the fuck is our world coming to? white people should only be inspired by white shit and black people by their shit? what the fuck do you think is gonna happen then? people are only gonna become more isolated, and yes.. RACIST. because the smallest fucking thing is dissected and wrongly interpreted just for the sake of being angry and writing essays. it's all about flattering your own ego, really.

    lmao 😩 spare me the dramatics, and please don't pretend there's anything for you to explain to me as if I don't understand your reactionary talking points that have already been posted in this thread by a dozen other people
  2. If people are truly thought of as individuals and Madonna's intentions were clear to you then in judging someone actions or expression, their intention means nothing? You mentioned that we should step back and see a problem with Vogue even though you and others understand Madonna's intentions. Why? If Vogue made no money would it be more honorable? It was intended to be a b side so hit wasn't the first thought into making this song.

    I wasn't suggesting anything but looking at the individual. Everyone counts.

    The answer to your question of why there might be a problem with Vogue is in my original post, which I don't feel you ever truly acknowledged. I don't want to go in circles so I'm not going to reiterate myself and talk about the hypothetical scenarios you're presenting when you aren't even willing to consider what I have to say.

    If you want to consider individuals, consider the individuals from the balls who felt wronged and robbed by Madonna and Vogue. A lot of people talk like the first people to ever have a problem with Vogue were white teenagers on Tumblr decades later, when that isn't the case.

    Could you blame them for being resentful? For finding it unfair Madonna was making so much money off Vogue when they were poor, homeless, barely getting by? Can you blame other people for seeing a problem with Vogue for the same reasons? I don't. I feel terrible for Willi Ninja every time I watch Paris is Burning during the scene where he talks about his dreams of globalizing voguing and riding the dance he was so involved with advancing to cultural notoriety, knowing Madonna would end up living out his dream a few years later.

    Please understand there is a middle ground between the equally silly narratives of "Madonna is an exploitive racist that should be abhorred" and "anyone who says a negative word about Madonna's cultural appropriation is a fool." Vogue is one of my favorite Madonna songs and videos despite its baggage.

  3. You have a very misguided view of the lives and experiences of the general public and what "they" have done. Who's "they or the general public?" You also have have a very misguided view of Madonna. Your opinion must have been misguided because you certainly have not been following her career for any length of time. It's also patronizing to put down people so horribly and say that you love them. It's offensive to lump the general public together with the actions of people with hate in their hearts. I really don't think people realize what they say sometimes.

    Where did I put down Madonna, exactly? Did I say she released Vogue with the expressed intent of exploiting Drag Ball culture to make money? Absolutely not. I assumed I wouldn't have to explain Madonna's intentions since we all know what they were. The discussion in this thread previous to my post was overly dismissive of the retroactive criticism of Vogue imo and I was simply trying to get people to avoid blanket dismissals.

    Also, it would be a revisionist fantasy to suggest the general public in 1990 was not grossly homophobic and transphobic. You can miss me with that. I feel you're the one who is being patronizing in this exchange.

  4. You guys aren't even going to try to step back and understand why people might find this objectionable?

    Madonna monetized a form of cultural expression specific to oppressed, financially destitute gay men and trans women of color. She made many millions of dollars repackaging Voguing for the (white, cis, straight) general public that were forcing the people who created Voguing into poverty. Many of them were homeless, many stealing food to survive, resorting to sex work to get by, being attacked and murdered on the streets.. but I guess to you all a year's worth of a modest dancer's salary for a handful of boys from the Balls is enough to counteract the millions Madonna made off their backs?

    I love Vogue but let's try and have some perspective here. Consider what's being said instead of just dismissing it because we all love Madonna.

  5. A 7 purely because she looks bloody fantastic.

    The video though... really, I hate to say this but it's not even average. Sub par storyline, and direction. The visuals make up for some of it but I am truly dissapointed.

    I gave it a 7 also, but I wasn't disappointed by it all! She looked amazing and the visuals were fantastic. It was just small sections of the video that was really cheesy lol but great video nonetheless!

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