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Iconic Fetus

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Posts posted by Iconic Fetus

  1. i guess that every year more people watch tv, every year the Superbowl audience go up so of course Beyoncé can pull a big number, but that doesn't mean that her show will be better than Madonna's, she's not that iconic.

    The media lovers her, Obama too, i bet that this will be her setlist:

    -Single Ladies

    -Desnity's Child Medley (Michelle and Kelly as background singers)

    -Crazy in Love with Jay Z and Blue Ivy

    -Halo (is her Like a Prayer).

  2. She must sing Love Spent the night they tape the show please!

    I need GB, GGW, Celebration, Candy Shop, every song please!

    but the most important is that i need a good cover please, not a shitty one like the one for S&S.

  3. Oh my God. That's so amazingly cool. What is it?

    it's an electric doll from the 90's, it's cool that she only does the split.

    btw, i'm so sad for you guys, i know that you were dying to be in her presence.

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