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Iconic Fetus

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Posts posted by Iconic Fetus

  1. @Mensch Now the strategy usually is first single and video to drop in the same day to garner the most streaming points possible.

    Ariana is releasing her new album on Feb 8th, so I don’t expect M to drop the single in that day it will be eclipsed, I do expect an announcement by Feb 15th and single drop by late Feb.

    And maybe the video is a cute trailer/ad for the album, like the mdna skins videos. JLo or Gaga had made a 5min video with 30seconds of the songs, but DW.com mades this sounds like it could be a small short/documentary maybe releasing only in Apple Music or somewhere, Tidal is dead, and it’s very atypical something short for Netflix.

  2. 35 minutes ago, Nightshade said:

    Well, for "Living for Love" she shot it January 16-17, 2015 and it premiered on SnapChat on Feb. 5. I am not sure if that timeline will hold this time around. It sounds like the roll out might be different.

    Anyone know who designed the floral dress?

    The design could be D&G or Gucci because of the style.

    And the LFL video was messy, but yeah, one more give or take, I think that we will have the video with single by March, it doesn’t make sense to wait until May.

  3. I can’t refreshing Instagram so we can get another look or photo.

    It’s weird because maybe this will be for the cover but I don’t see how it fits with #DiscoGod and Anitta danceable music.

    Maybe it’s just for the cover and that’s it like American Life and the first single, but then it changed to other style.

    Or COADF, we never saw her with the red hair ever 🤷🏻‍♂️ Outside the photo shoot.

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