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Posts posted by _Gark

  1. The only negative thing I have to say is, wish she stops using Botox. Someone get it through Guy that she doesn't need it!! People can be so mean about her.

    Botox or not, they would be mean to her anyway. They call her desperate when she shows her skin and they call her old when she covers herself up. There's no escape but ignoring them.

  2. I absolutely think the "Vogue" callback works as a parallel to her mother's advice at the beginning of the song (which is in itself a callback obviously, as you noted to The Sound of Music). The song basically falls through the looking glass halfway through and reflects itself. I interpret things slightly differently though. Bear with me...

    "Deeper and Deeper" works on several levels, and aside from being the greatest coming out song ever, it's also a very personal song about her conflicted upbringing, and the long-lasting effects that her parents have had upon her life. Specifically, the tensions between her father's restrictive authoritarianism and her mother's boundless generosity and wisdom (a merger of "Promise to Try" and "Oh Father" almost). "When you know the notes to sing you can sing most anything" is a recognition that her mother is the greatest impetus behind her following her path to becoming a singer, to becoming MADONNA. The "Vogue" reference at the end is in part an acknowledgement of a destiny fulfilled (not only is she singing but she's singing her own iconic song!), of her mother's influence winning out over her father's repressive control. It's not intended to mean literally that Madonna Fortin said "go out and sing", the verse is intentially phrased as a universal parable (just one of the million incredible things about "Deeper and Deeper"), but rather that undeniably her mother's death is the defining event of her life - the one that has most shaped her experiences and psyche (and hence her music - has any popstar ever sung as much about mortality as Madonna?). Losing her mother is so much behind why she sought so deperately to find love and validation elsewhere ("I travelled round the world, looking for a home..."), to live so willfully and vitally in the moment, sometimes more than any other human it seems. Think with your heart not with you head, follow your dreams and desires because life is far too short. When you know the notes to sing you can sing most anything, do most anything, be almost anything. Madonna's life is living testament to that philosophy. "Deeper and Deeper" is an ode to her mother's love, those "kisses sent from heaven above", that still guide her and shape her and comfort her even though she's passed on. And always will ("I will always have you inside of me, even though you're gone, love still carries on..." as she spells it out on the following album).

    So the "Vogue" callback is her reflecting her mother's message. "Deeper and Deeper" is largely about growing up and becoming your own person, and the bridge and flamenco drop is precisely the point of internalisation and transformation. Her mother might be gone, but the "Vogue" climax is her becoming her own mother in her sense - now she's grown enough to be giving advice (and she's taking her own advice, because its her own song!). Except instead of instructing how to sing, she's instructing how to DANCE. "You've got to just let your body move to the music, you've got to just let your body go with the flow!". Because only when I'm dancing can I feel this free right? And "Deeper and Deeper" is essentially a story of liberation. It's like she's taking her mother's message and improving it, and passing it on to a whole new generation. Of course "Vogue" itself is a song offering divine advice, but there she was imperious - a Queen deigning to help her subjects transcend their meagre existences - here it's like she's just recognised on a gritty human level just how vital and life-changing those lyrics were. And have been to many of us I guess!

    Of course the reference to "Vogue" is also there because what better way to end the greatest coming out song of all time than throwing in the definitive gay anthem by the greatest gay icon ever as the climax - the point where you're out and accepted yourself and fuck it you're gonna go out out and dance and move to the music and go with the flow and live it up and listen to Madonna and be a massive slut 'cos there's nothing better that you'd like to do (no coincidence it's followed by "Where Life Begins" on Erotica btw). But the queer subtext is a whole other post and I've written way too much already.

    Greatest song ever IMO. The words 'epic' and 'masterpiece' don't do it justice.

    Wow. Now I love the song even more.

  3. best directed show since the GS.

    It baffles me completely that the press doesn't zoom in on this aspect of her show. MDNA is really live CINEMA.

    Even if ur left wanting more hits, the fact that a pop star of her mainstream magnitude sets out 2 still intimidate her audience

    after 30 years of top 40 radio is a testament 2 her vitality as an artist.

    I totally agree!

    And i think the question mark is even more effective than the swastika itself, adn it's a smart move. Of course that stupid Marine doesn't get it.

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