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Posts posted by mlcr

  1. Like I said in the chart thread. The comments are mainly supportive of M. This actually makes Radio 1 look bad cause they mention other artists.

    Sky news discussed this article, reviewers were in support of M but that weezle Sky reporter Stephen Dixon bashed M! What a prick! Btw he is a fan of Kylie, mentioned it ages ago. Calling M irrelevant and old and should put it away. How would he like if someone banned him if he was GAY! Ugh!

    Anne Diamond and other reviewer said she still got it and should be about the music.

    Isn't he gay and a Gaga fan? He is Gaga and Kylie and I have always believed him to be gay. So..

  2. And I continue to express myself -- my sexuality -- in my 50s, even though that's also considered taboo, and I get a lot of shit for it. But in 20 years, Miley Cyrus probably won't get shit for it. Then, it'll be like, "Oh, yeah, that's nothing new."

    This needs to be engraved in a time capsule for posterity. She has never been more accurate and history has proved her right and will prove her right.

  3. "In Madonna's eyes, the use of the word is all about context. "If I say to you, 'I'm a badass bitch,' I'm owning myself, I'm saying, 'I'm strong, I'm tough, and don't mess with me.' If I say, 'Why are you being such a bitch to me?,' well, that means something else.""

    A bit of a clumsy defense/explanation considering the key line and title of "Bitch I'm Madonna" is using it in the derogatory. :D

    But that's her point. She does mean to be derogatory in that song. She's telling these hoes and bitches that she is Madonna.

  4. Think about those folks with millions of twitter/social media followers, hundreds of millions of youtube views.....and can't sell for shit.

    Let alone make the impact that directs and defines the cultural zeitgeist (for over 30+ years)...

    Just take that in while you shit yourselves worrying about things that define 25 year old pop tarts catering to pre-teens.

    I am going to steal your comments. I will paraphrase. I will tweet what you have said. I will attribute it to fam voguemusic in the forum. Sadly I have too many of these kids on my TL who try to engage me in irrelevant arguments about these social media stats, and I feel certain parts of your comments are just PERFECT response. Arrest me if you must, but I will.

    Oh, and thanks for hitting the damn nail on the damn head.

  5. VeniVediVici is definitely a single. Should be the second. We should have a double single with JoanOf Arc if the version I heard is the one on the album. That song with Nas is fire. Radio friendly too. She should perform that somewhere soon in the states. It's going down really well with the hip hop community. They are talking up Madonna's flow. LOL. Say she is spitting flames.

  6. This is one of the most interesting threads in recent memory. Love it. I hope she is dating Pierre too and loved him from those Museum pics a year ago. I believe Craig is married with kids so its not Craig.

    It's Pierre. Maybe he is the one that doesn't necessarily want the publicity and thats what she likes about him. I hope it is true.

  7. It's actually my favourite track. I am amazed all the other songs are doing better than it. I thought four sure it would be neck and neck with Ghost Town and Living For Love. But Oh well. All 6 are very good tracks. BIM I am not feeling too much but the other 5 are right up my street.

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