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Posts posted by CMoody

  1. Yes I remember that!! It was neither of the two actually. OMG that was hilarious, it was an older journalist, a woman and she made a complete fool of herself". Do you really think you have the MORAL AUTHORITY to write stories for children? :lmao:

    The higher moral horse bitch was trying to make Madonna feel uncomfortable or like she had to justify the incongruence between the publishing experience of the SEX book and the Cabala-inspired children's books.

    Of course Madonna managed like a pro, she didn't bat an eyelid and just smirked, quickly quipping "I think I have the right to write any book I want really. SEX represented what I was interesting in exploring then and these stories are what I'm into now since I have kids"

    It was Diane Sawyer who said that.


  2. At this point, didn't HC and MDNA sell about the same, or even less than AL? AL was the FIRST time she didn't sell like crazy, but that was largely due to the lack of a strong lead single. I remember many friends commenting around this time that they "didn't know she had something new out" when I mentioned it to them. AL is a masterful gem in the Madonna catalog. She was personal, bold, and fearless with this release, her closest thing to a concept album. That fearless trait hasn't really followed a full album release since (here is hoping she brings back some edge to the new album!)......

  3. I just caught this on FB.....loved his intro.

    I wonder what her feeling towards the song is today...I know she eluded to not being a big fan of 'This Used to be My Playground' around GHV2 time and when someone held up a sign for 'I'll Remember' during the Sticky and Sweet audience participation section, she said something to the effect of "ugh, no, too slow"... I hope that she hasn't lost any love for it as she seemed to have with '...Playground'.

    IR is a classic, yet sometimes forgotten M gem, regardless of it's #1 status (same with TUTBMP). I too hope it finds some love on a future tour, as with many of her other tour-unloved ballads from the same era (Take a Bow, You'll See, etc).

  4. My official hardcore fan status started around 1997, but I was still very hyper aware of Queen M long before then. I was 11/12 during the BS era and M was EVERYWHERE. Secret and Take a Bow were radio monsters so there was no escaping. I remember sneaking off to watch MTV with my neighbor friend, as both of our mother's banned us from watching MTV, mainly due to artists like Madonna, and I will never forget seeing the TAB video for the very first time. I was instantly drawn in, my friend thought she was "nasty" for removing her clothes and writing around on the bed, but I was in LOVE. As I said, it was a few years later, when I was a bit older, that I was able to become a true blue fanatic. I agree with what someone else said about the vocals on BTS...pre-training, yet so perfectly warm, sensual and sultry. People can say what they want about M's singing voice, but to me, she has one of the most versatile vocal instruments in pop music.

    Secret is and has always been in my top 5 M songs!

  5. I could be in the minority here but the fact that Madonna treats people with respect who have unfairly trashed her is classy. She rises above the hatred and does not dwell on it. This has always been Elton's problem and the fact that she is not nasty to him back, only shows how petty he has been.

    Absolutely agree.

  6. Aw, Miss Spider's Tea Party is a sweet story. I always loved that she chose it to read as it is a direct reflection of her own image/life/celebrity, she is always prejudged for one reason or another, but mainly because she is MADONNA in the same way Miss Spider was judged simply because she is a spider. Madonna perfectly sums it up in the end when saying "never judge a bug until you know her..."

  7. No

    This video was shot in Europe (Iceland I think), Cherish was shot in Malibu

    Vid was shot in Cali:

    The music video for "The Power of Good-Bye" was directed by Matthew Rolston, and was filmed from August 8–10, 1998 at Silvertop House in Los Angeles, California and Malibu Beach. The video premiered on MTV on September 10, 1998, a few minutes before the MTV Video Music Awards show began. The video was occasionally played on The WB Network after the television show Felicity, which played the song as the background music during its TV ads. The video shows Madonna and her lover playing chess and ultimately Madonna destroying the chess board, symbolizing an end to their relationship. Madonna also goes walking by the sea, but it is unclear whether she drowns herself in the last scene. Throughout the video, there are the scenes of Madonna sitting, singing and slowly dancing in front of the curtain. Madonna's lover in the video is played by Croatian actor Goran Višnjić. The video is color graded to that of a blue-green tint.

  8. I remember being 15 and oh so in love w M....I became a fan after Evita and just prior to ROL so this was my first era and WHAT an era it was! I was SO excited when it was revealed that she had gone back to brunette for the video....I agree, GORGEOUS look, timeless video, and breathtaking song. One of her absolute best!

  9. Fuck yes! former M fans are the worst. they're bitter and have the need to tell everyone how awful Madonna is for some reason. it's almost obsessive.

    I think the obsessive need ex-fans have to bash Madonna is because they are in fact STILL obsessed with her. It's the same when someone breaks up with someone and yet they still constantly talk about the person.....the reason being they are still very much in love and emotionally attached.

  10. I remember watching this over and over and over and over again when it first aired. I still find it one of her most inspiring interview features. Her creative energy was SO infectious! I wish MTV still did these sort of music-based specials.

    PS: A few years back (I think 2008) MTV had their "vaults" open where they aired a bunch of cut footage from this piece....I am sure much of it is still floating around YouTube.

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