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Posts posted by realityisalways

  1. ... But how she will never pay him what he feels he deserves from it...

    Niles on Madonna, Rolling Stone interview:

    On why he hasn't worked with Madonna since Like a Virgin in 1984:

    There were two things going on at the time that she would probably deny, but it's absolutely the truth. She didn't want to go out [on tour] without me as her musical director. Which is impossible, because I make records. So maybe in some strange way, she felt a little bit slighted or betrayed. That was a little bit of it.

    Also, she had just married Sean [Penn], and Sean had a huge problem with my girlfriend at the time, even though, when they got engaged, they [sean & Madonna] did it at her apartment. They were living at her apartment, all that sort of stuff. But sometimes that can backfire on you, and that's what happened. So that had a little bit to do with it. She was incredibly loyal to Sean at the time. Of course, I'm going to be loyal to my girlfriend. So this is all stuff that nobody would think about, nobody would admit to. But it really is the absolute truth.

    And then, probably, the biggest impediment was my deal, which was a massive deal, and it guaranteed that the next record would absolutely be the same. If you think about it from my point of view, I earned that. And I certainly had no reason to back down. "I just gave you a 20-something-million-selling record! Why should I take less?" But why should she pay more, now that she's got a 20-something-million-record? That doesn't make any sense.

    So you put all of those things together. She and I have never talked about it, because I know I would stick to my guns. I've spoken to many people who were involved in the deal, and they said, "Oh, Nile, just be a bigger person." And I'm saying, "Guys, it's just technical. You have to put in context." At the time, no one believed in her but me and a couple other people. I would love to work with Madonna again, but I certainly would absolutely say, "Here's the contract, it's already done. Let's do this." And she would probably say no, and I would understand that. I guarantee you she's not paid anything like that ever since. But we never had a falling out, and we're totally great friends. I don't lament not working with Madonna at all. I don't even think about it, until other people mention it.

    Full: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/nile-rodgers-on-working-with-michael-jackson-were-weird-guys-20131003

  2. You're highly sensitive and I'm truthful which sometimes isn't a good mix. I love to hear myself talk yes. I do. Not because I'm arrogant but because what would be the point in existing just to let the world float by? Oh and I wasn't saying that I was perfect or that Madonna was based on our approach to giving encouragement. I was explaining to you that YOU READ ME WRONG. As above...if I don't like somebody I avoid them. I was just having a conversation with you and asking you to post your work. I think in time you'll see that I didn't do anything wrong. :D


  3. Hey guys ive been a madonna fan since i first went to see her "virgin tourl" i come on here most days to see whats happening but this is my first post ...this is really exciting! this is my submission to Madonnas curation... its a song i wrote last week while i had spare time in studio inspired by #artforfreedom its called "Revolution"

    hope you like it http://youtu.be/0GzDkXJwBqQ xx

    It sounds so so but very so Madonna, like the influence is everywhere :tigger:

  4. Just wanted to say I respect Lucky Guy's posts in general and I always enjoy reading his opinions. I admire that he is able to think for himself and to look beyond what the mainstream media feeds us.

    That being said, there's a tiny bit of bitterness in his last posts that I didn't enjoy, I think he could express the same in a less abrasive way, this is, after all, a Madonna forum and while I think it's valid to criticize, if you come off as if you are bashing her then you should expect negativity from M fans in return. It's valid to express but there are better ways IMO.

  5. The interview was to die for. Shame the comments from retards here in my country are very backwards thinking and very sheep-like. Still, who cares about them anyway? I applaud M for being open about this and not playing the victim card.

    Yes, the photos are fantastic Uncle Terry or not. I agree with above who said an artist's work can be separated from their fucked up personal life. Do I wish she shot with another photographer? Yes. Now it's done do I have to mope about it? No.

    marry me :blush:

  6. TMZ just reported on the event and how Madonna looked so great and that Lindsay could pass as her sister. They also said she's one of the most successful people in entertainment in the history of show-biz. All praise which was weird coming from TMZ LOL

    The comment section on rolling stone is also weirdly positive:


    wtf is going on?

  7. A so called madonna fan on atrl called the film crap and said they couldn't sit through it.

    I just don't understand why I go on there anymore.

    And then some monsters said how amazing it was and some non-fans that don't like her music praised the film and her braveness.

    Everyone has opinions, don't let it bother you, didn't M say during the movie that we have to continue with our beliefs no matter how popular or unpopular they were (or something like that)? :laugh:

    Breathe, enjoy this moment and be happy.

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