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Posts posted by Phineaspoe

  1. I don't think any of these videos are from

    She could have done the second verse of LS, if she didn't perform LAV. Bee-otch.

    I don't think we still have actual proof of this LS version, or what was sung.

    The video that claims to be the standalone LS version is too similar to another video, where indeed LAV is sung before LS (and Madge ends up on the floor).

  2. Well, this might be signalling that they are testing the public's reaction to Love Spent, and release it as a 4th single. Someone in another thread said that Guy told them they ARE releasing a 4th single and it's either LS or Gang Bang.

    Why does LAV have to suffer because of that, no idea. It shouldn't be an "either/or" decision! Include BOTH!!

  3. MDNA / Ray of Light / Erotica (cannot choose one over the other.)

    Like a Prayer

    Confessions on a Dance Floor

    Bedtime Stories

    American Life



    True Blue

    Like a Virgin

    Hard Candy

    Redid my list without looking at the above one - some surprises:

    - HC did not come out last this time!

    - I'm in a better position to judge the Top 6 MDNA albums and made some *decisions.*

    - MDNA's aura wore off a bit. Music's aura is back.

    - I apparently think Like A Prayer is worse than American Life and Confessions now.

    - Added I'm Breathless.

    Ray of Light


    Confessions on a Dance Floor


    American Life

    Like a Prayer


    I'm Breathless

    Bedtime Stories


    True Blue

    Hard Candy

    Like a Virgin

  4. .The unfortunate thing is that MDNA is such a great album, but with this absurd marketing strategy that turned brilliant tracks (such as Love Spent for instance) into nothing. It's frustrating.

    Frustrating is the right word, I think. But when it's all said and done, we'll still have a great album.

  5. its magic has kind of wore off

    it is still a really great song (one of the best in MDNA) but I HATE the fact that they fucked up with the production..I mean wtf with this anemic/weak bass-line?..it could have been the perfect dance-house song but it lacks the energy/punch

    in any case the middle 8 and the last 1 minute of the song are pure ecstasy

    I'm sad to have to concur - but for the past month or so I've been craving a real BASS to just blow this thing up on my speakers. Particularly after "I need to dance!"

  6. This whole thing gives me anxiety, but I love it all.

    I'm going to try to win this fucking thing, but I'll have a fabulous time regardless. My ex-bf is actually opening for her in San Jose. I can hardly believe it. I'm almost scared to reach out to him and ask if.............

  7. If it was sarcasm, it was lost on me. I honestly believed she just misspoke. If it were "ironic," she should have said "Muslim Kenyan, etc. etc." I've heard tons of liberal talking heads sarcastically refer to him as that. Her statement was a little ambiguous, but I'm glad she clarified it.

    I'm a big fan of how Madge uses irony to express her points of view (for example, during the "Have you seen Molly?" episode or even the Born This Way mashup, which is at once an honor and a huge bitch slap). However, in WATCHING THE ACTUAL VIDEO CLIP of this speech, I must say I too also believed (and somehow still believe) that she was not being ironic or funny at all.

    I'm not saying she actually believes him to be a Muslim, but that she probably just misspoke. In any case, the point is that there's nothing in her tone of voice or face that connotes any irony for me. And that's a pity because I would've looooooveed for her to precisely imply or say, "SO WHAT IF HE IS A MUSLIM?"

    In any case, better luck next time, and I'm glad she clarified it!

  8. I love the entire show (granted I won't see it in person until next month) but I have obsessively watched a trillion clips on YouTube since the start of the tour, and LAV has by far been my fave part of the show, so adding LS (one of, if not my favorite, track on MDNA) was HEAVEN for me. I know some fans, and general fans, may not be thrilled with it, as they prefer the original, poppy rendition they are accustomed to, but this is what she does best, performance art. She really lets go and feels out this bit of the show, and she has become progressively more and more free with it (gyrating and climbing atop the piano, etc)...point being, I hope she embraces this part of her performance artistry and taps into far more in the future. After the Live Nation contract is up and she is (most likely) going to scale down how she performs, I foresee her doing small, intimate type gigs (a la Olympia, but actual full shows) where she aims to please herself and her biggest fans by self-indulging in more passionate renditions of new and old songs and completely forgets about pleasing any part of the masses. Just a lil hoping.


  9. I don't see how it's a purely commercial decision. She's already selling enough tickets, and the album sales aren't going to happen. I think it's more of an olive branch. And was it a commercial decision to perform with Britney on S&S?

    Well, let me take it a step back first - this is coming from Lady Gaga's management team, who has shown to be deluded business people like her. So in reality I'm assuming that what this woman is saying is true (that Madonna invited Lady Gaga to perform).

    But anyway, let's pretend she did - you bring up a good point, that Madge has already sold her tickets. However, I don't agree that album sales wouldn't happen. You'd be surprised how many people don't even know Madonna has an album out. Like, no baseline knowledge whatsoever. That's how bad the promo for this has been. This would definitely move a few thousand copies, if done well. It's sad to say, but... that would be my hypothesis. And why not try it then?

    On the other hand, as you say, there may be more to this than just a commercial reason. I just don't see it. I don't buy Madonna's conciliatory speeches for a second. Once she's made up her mind about you, you're dead to her. I don't believe in a Madonna that actually just wants to be friends with her most obvious competition ever (no, Brit Brit doesn't count, sorry). I believe in a Madonna who is not content to be #1 - she has to be the only one. We'll see...

    I actually always believed Madge and Brit had a genuine good relationship, but then again I'm certain Madonna never saw a real competitor in her. Particularly because at the time Madonna was too focused on being an avant-garde indie artist, a film director's wife, and a humanitarian. I think she genuinely believed she was above the Pop realm. Until the VMAs, of course. She was not into fighting for the Top 40 charts like she seems to have been since 2006. By the time Britney was invited to make a brief cameo in S&S, it was all over.

  10. My mum is going tonite(her first M experience)! and she got floor seats, mind you, so jelly :lol::inlove:

    Can't wait to for Vegas!

    I'm trying to convince my mom to go... maybe she's waiting for me to buy it as a Xmas gift?? (she's in Argentina, so Madge plays right around that time.)

    Mom has seen the Girlie Show and S&S, but thinks tickets are too expensive this time (mind you, in Argentina tickets are literally double as much as they were last time).

    But floor seats? She's gonna have an amazing time.

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