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Posts posted by Migsjust

  1. I cant believe how she is playing the victim, bitch you have (unfortunately) people that look up to you, dont teach them to be sorry victims that need a hug and a pat on the back, brush it off and show some strength, she wants everyone to be like " Oh poor Gaga she is so nice and wholesome and that old bitch Madonna is just plain mean, fuck her! Here Gaga have some ice cream." God is Madonna the ONLY strong female really out there anymore, a lot of them talk the talk but dont walk the walk, except Madonna.

  2. Hahaha, I just love peoples reactions to it, it makes them SOOOO MAD that Madonna doesnt care to conform to societies views and expectations on age and what is expected of a 53 year old woman. She does what she wants when she wants and people just CANT HANDLE IT.

    God I love her.

  3. I cant believe how amazing everything is, ive been showing everyone i know non stop lol "Have you seen Madonnas new Mdna tour videos? Here take a look" lol

    Everything i wanted to say has been said probably hundreds of times so to put it simply I am incredibly proud to call Madonna my forever queen of pop, no one comes close, no matter how much they tear her to shreds, diss her on her age, appearance, voice....all in all it is obvious that they are SO PISSED she is just not slowing down. GO QUEENDONNA

  4. First off, congrats to 12:51 and CUBB....WOW!! I know you guys must be on cloud 9 right now. THE FUCKING QUEEN has seen and acknowledged (and ate) your work!! Doesn't that just make you want to jump up and down and scream!?!? :lol: It seems like she's seriously considering the Tarantino thing too. OMG....just think in a few months we may have 12:51 and CUBB to thank for what could potentially become the best Madonna video ever!!

    Secondly, I actually like the chat with Lionel Richie. To think they were sharing the charts back in '85 and now here they are again. Not many artists can say that.

    Thirdly, I can't help but think that Gaga comment doesn't have anything to do with Madonna. If it does though...WTF GAGA!?!

    Yeah I guess its cool to think of it that way, would've been nice to see cyndi lauper tweet her, like a nice big reunion of the 80's and 90's lol

    I think it shows extreme shadyness that lady GaGa was making such suggestive comments while Madonna was on, yet never actually tweeted her like all her other pop sisters did. Hmmm

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