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Posts posted by jaron

  1. Wow I like her being bitchy. Good she talks about articles being negatife and pointing out that they are prejudiced. Also her saying, tíf you want someone only staying and singing then what are you doing in my show ! Thats so on point !

  2. I think its just a cold breeze of wind for a cuople of minutes. They disappear when the general elections come.

    We had the same in Germany. AFD and Pegida are those parties that polarize for some time, but when the general elections come, they dont make it to the parliament. Though this time can be different because AFD had 10 % if we had votings this month.

    In general, in some european countries like hungary, czech, austria, poland, germany, france the right wing getting a little bit popular.

    I dont know about holland, there is this Geert Wilders, hows the right wing there and in danemark ?

    But I dont believe, that in Germany we will have a right wing partie as the strongest since the other two, Merkesl CDU and the lefts SPD are still strong.

  3. I wouldn't do it if you paid me,i mean can u imagine the germs...ugh, it's like licking the toilet. She's crazy :lol: Then again I'm one of these ppl who washes their hands like 100 times per day and I always carry a sanitizer with me in my purse.

    ahaha, me too. I love the smell of the sanitizer :p

  4. Omg People are ridiculous... Leaving a show before the end just so that they can be first to enter the next day... Leave others to experience it, even more if you experienced it yourself a few times... if I had the money to attend several shows in several countries, I d like to expérience the show from multi angles. Even from the nosebleeds behind the stage.. But no People like to expérience the show every night from the same point of view just to be close to M....

    Isnt Madonna after 20 shows pissed off seeing always the same faces ? I mean she does have other fans too. I dont like this kind of attitute too. Its ridicolous and unfair towards other fans

  5. We need a behind the scenes !!! I would like to know everything and If they have a plan B if the cage does not coming down or its doors not open !

    I will never forget S$S when she was singing Candy Shop but she was not on stage, because it didnt turn :D :D Must have been in Budva I guess

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