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Posts posted by mad4mad2

  1. The Mayor of MedellĂ­n just confirmed that the DVD will be recorded at Estadio Atanasio Girardot on november 28 and 29



    SO she is keeping the Drugs Theme? First MDMA then the Golden Triangle and Now MDNA Tour Live From Colombia. Clever.
  2. I'm excited for this event, I am pretty annoyed how immature people are being, unfortunately Madonna does whatever she wants and not what her fans want her to do, who cares if she has commercial success and people think shes "in" or not I agree the whole Australia thing is kind of a WTF moment, but GET OVER IT, people say "i have the right to be mad" umm no you dont the fact that madonna tours at all should be enough she has provided her fans with 3 groundbreaking tours in a relatively short amount of time not everyone goes on tour after a new album like she does, if you havent gotten a plane ticket to go see her by now then TOUGH TITTY, in the end she is still her own person, she works for a living and she has kids to take care of. People saying things like "she has said she tours because she has to make a living" NO SHIT do you work because its fun? Truth is she cant please everyone, nor does she have to she is still making music and she is still touring, if its up to me to go to her then so be it, but I am not going to wait 20 years for her to come to me.

    Sorry if this post pisses you off but idc tbh, i'm a Madonna fan through and through and just because she makes questionable decisions with her career doesnt mean im going to turn around and trash talk her.

  3. the truth is she has made enough money on this tour for the LN contract and she doesn't enjoy being on stage anymore or want the humiliation of promoting another flop album.. it is just work to her, she's only doing it for the money and to keep her celebrity status, all she cares about is her family etc, which is fair enough, but the real question is - why are we all still fans?

    it's moments like these when you think that all her 'detractors' may have been right all along.. she is talented at being a publicity whore and using her celebrity to work with talented artists

    and i mean, why do gay guys even like her?.. she married two of the biggest homophobes in history.. bitch is just working you for your dollars and because no-one else likes her anymore

    weren't you over her? :huh:
  4. Ummm... after a little google news investigation, I can't really find any official words or quotes from anyone regarding this cancellation.

    Are you sure this is real, Aussie??

    I mean only some Aussie news outlets posted the news but did not referred to any formal sources at all...

    It's just hard to fathom the idea that she added a new & surprising show in Paris and yet cancelled the Aussie ones on the same day.... :ohmy:

    Maybe is her way to say that Australia should be more like France :laugh:
  5. Yeah I am finished with her, thanks for noticing

    And don't worry, I'm not going to become one of those ex-fans who lurks around just to say negative shite

    But come on man, I have a right to be upset about this

    Little do yo know she might change her mind again go for MDNA round 2 next year and Australia will be where she will end the tour.
  6. Half a million views already. I am actually suprised. I thought by and large it was going to go unnoticed.

    I am sure alot of those views are from little munsters though that flood anything Madonna does lately to thumbs it down.

    argh! why are you surprised? Give Madonna some fcuking credit! why bring that horse face and her delusional fans into it?!
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