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Posts posted by ashtangi74

  1. im from the netherlands and it's on on 02.00 cet. i can choose from bbc, espn america, sat 1......

    i dont understand guys who dont stay up. i mean come on it's a once in a lifetime thing. don't u go out till two sometimes.....or think of it as a nightshift. we can go to bed at 03.00 and sleep a few hours and doing the things we should do....work, study, etc. it's just one day with just a few hours sleep but look what u get in return...being there live.

  2. so tonight is your last chance of getting it right, of rehearsing it for the very last time, to make it even more perfect. i know ur nervous and okay it's a big deal. but just feel all the L U V from your fans and everything will be alright. you never lett us down, u won't do this time. just enjoy your performance and it will shine through. we will enjoy it. welcum back dear.

    ur fans.

  3. thebigham may be right, cause the chances for a number one havent been great the last couple of years. but the tone is very negative. let's stay in positive mood with all this exciting m, promo times. enjoy the single for what it is, funny, catchy pop song. with a great video.

    first signs of airplay are good, pre-sales are huge, just wait for tomorrow and see how she delivers this one live. i'd love a number one but even if it went into top 5 its still great. a career of how many years staying relevant and scoring hits.

  4. no new news tidbits, leaks about tomorrow's performance........

    what do you guys think we're gonna see, hear.

    im thinking this:

    stadium lights off.....intro music......lightspot following the pit, beginning of vogue original version, the light catcges 'something'....it's a egyptian throne....with m ala cleopatra whispering vogue, vogue, vogue.....she then steps on the stage and vogue begins in egyptian style with lots of hunks and dancing

    after that the lights on the stage turn black and we see on the big ledd screen a football being thrown towards the stage...the stage lights up and M's standing there with the football and lots of cheerleaders and gmayl starts. much the same ass vdo except lmfao is also there.

    then there's music mashing with im sexy and i know it....sexy, fun. acapella piece "music makes the people come tgether" to get the crowd going

    finally like a prayer with this gay men gospel choir. the extended single version with choreo like ba-style with the song fading with the choir singing and m disappearing from the stage slowly.

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