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Posts posted by Mensch

  1. 1 minute ago, Alain Delon said:

    Wow! That's amazing! I'm sure this is going to be awesome live (for those who have tickets). One more week and we'll hear the full album!

    Live with a visual presentation, dancers and a live pianist breaking it all into that frenzied piano bit...I think it’s gonna be fantastic! 

  2. 7 minutes ago, Amelia said:

    For those few who have been overly vocal about not liking Dark Ballet,  you might want to stop thinking of her for just producing a "catchy song" for general consumption, and think of her interested in sharing an experimental aesthetic which most likely will come more together for some when the video is released.  Still, I don't expect everyone to get it.  Though, I'm sure this release is not intended for radio consumption.  At this point, radio doesn't really play her, so she's looking outside the box and letting her artistry and vision drive this particular release.  I don't know about you, but for the past decade or so I've been digging how Madonna doesn't just come up with only catchy infectious pop songs.  She seems to serve a smorgasbord of styles and artistry anymore.  Each album, she seems to explore more artistically.  I've always thought she was a visual artist, so I think Dark Ballet is a very fitting sampling to deliver to the world, five songs in.  I'm sure there will be some catchy songs on the album, but for me, not every song on the album has to be this infectious dance banger some are begging for.  😉


    I do believe the “think outside the box” stuff that was mentioned to me is starting to make sense in this context...she’s not chasing radio or releasing singles in the typical ways...or releasing videos that necessarily are singles...she’s just unleashing a plethora of fresh, forward thinking art and we’re all just gonna have to deal! 

    Cant wait for Pride!!! I’m gonna be on the Stonewall Float! 

  3. 1 minute ago, Confessit said:

    I think the album will offer more straight up pop/dance tunes....and I do think the drag queen video will be one of these moments.

    I think Dark Ballet is a one off an example of her and Mirwais most experimental work. 

    Yes I’m betting God Control, Crazy, Bitch She’s Loca are all more general pop/dance songs from the descriptions  

  4. 4 minutes ago, Bat-Fan said:

    Ever since she emerged from New York in the early 1980s, Madonna’s moderate abilities in music, singing and dancing have been more than made up for in searing ambition, an ability to work with the right people at the right time and a brittle form of bravery, with outer toughness masking inner frailty. Now comes probably her boldest, certainly her strangest, album yet. Madame X veers between pop, Latin and clubby dance music, jumps from the personal to the political and is bound together by an exotic, breezy mood that feels strangely intimate, as if she is revealing a hitherto hidden part of her soul. She isn’t really, of course, but she does a good job of pretending she is.

    Dark Ballet, recorded with the French producer Mirwais, throws all of these qualities into one three-part experimental epic. Over piano-led, minor-key pop, Madonna variously tells us that she can dress like a boy or a girl as she wishes, castigates the world for being obsessed with fame and concludes by saying that some unnamed people, at a guess Donald Trump and his team, are naive to think that we aren’t aware of their crimes. At one point she says something indecipherable in a half robot, half Disney princess voice. It is quite a trip.

    Then there is Killers Who Are Partying, on which Madonna goes the full Bono as she identifies with Africa, poor people, exploited children and pretty much everyone else who isn’t a rich, old, golf-playing white man. “I’ll be poor, if the poor are humiliated,” she claims over a touch of Portuguese fado, and although you suspect that she isn’t really about to give up her life as the most successful female pop star yet and wander the Earth as a penniless ascetic, the sentiment is there. “I’ll be Islam if Islam is hated,” she continues. “I’ll be Israel if they’re incarcerated.” World peace through song may be a naive endeavour, as John Lennon found out five decades ago, but this flash of idealism at a time of rising global division is welcome nonetheless.

    There are straightforward pop songs, such as the country-leaning Crave and the English/Portuguese Crazy, but the most captivating moments push the boat out. The Latin-tinged Batuka has a wayward quality reminiscent of Brazil’s late-1960s tropicalia movement and features the unequivocally Trump-bashing line “Get that old man and put him in jail”.

    It wouldn’t be a Madonna album with a bit of overt sexuality and Faz Gostoso (“make it tasty”) pours the sauce over a samba rhythm, while on I Don’t Search I Find she reconnects with her core audience via the medium of high-energy, pumping house music. Finally comes I Rise, an empowerment anthem with a sample of the now-famous speech by the Parkland shooting survivor Emma González.

    So good! 

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