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Posts posted by drunkbysix

  1. +1000000

    Fucking lynch mob in here. And all over jealousy if you ask me. Everyone was fine to listen to the leaks but any further information and everyone gets all moral all of sudden :lmao: What a fucking joke. The only reason why the conversations started becoming hostile in here is because of a select few arseholes whose egos couldn't handle someone else getting attention...and unsurprising, those same people are in a 24/7 circle jerk.

    Bring back the fun!!!

    Jealous of what??? JESUS Christ

  2. The questioning of Hector's decision, a guy who's tireless, almost one-handed devotion to keeping this place on the straight and narrow is legendary, is fucking shocking, far more so than the nefarious goings on of the last few days. Seriously. have a bit of respect for his decision and his reasoning behind it. Without him, the forum would have gone to shit like all the rest... long ago.

    The fact that the questioning is coming from people who themselves more or less abandoned the forum for shitty pastures new ages ago / some clueless newbies (yes, not all newbies are clueless) speaks volumes.

    Exactly omg. Can you guys really not survive without gone? It's really that serious?

  3. What I find very questionable is that he was banned based on assumptions as far as I can tell. G_O_N_E was always a very kind and trustworthy member on several forums throughout the history of Madonna communities. I'm suspecting there are alternate motives in work here. As a guy in the know I have no doubt that he was hounded by people for info in pm's and we all know what happens when people don't get what they want and think they are entitled to. They get vindictive and angry. I think he was played!

    Very sad devellopment!

    Yall lovers????????

  4. unless he has reason to believe he had bad intent or what he said was untrue i agree. if people don't wanna read it then they can just ignore him/her. now i don't even know if I'm allowed to share rumours of what people elsewhere are saying because some people may complain again.

    Sharing rumors is one thing, I mean that's not that bad, but these threads are turning into Q&A's and I just find that annoying

  5. I have a cousin who has a friend that dates a guy whose sister in law's uncle's first cousin Sasha is a makeup artist for an off broadway company who overheard an intern in the hallway before a show talking on his cell phone with someone who it sounded like may have been in the music industry talking about Madonna discussing her track listing for the new album on a conference call with representatives from the major record labels in the country discussing track listings and distribution rights! They told me all the latest info and I have it if you wanna know, just PM me! It wouldn't be right to post it here for just anyone to see, since this is real industry insider stuff and I don't wanna hurt madonna by posting this firsthand knowledge publicly. It's just that I have this great hookup for gossip about the new album and need to share it with the die hard fans

    I am laughing so hard

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