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Posts posted by Starman
Im not a Lady
A friend of my sisters bumped into Madonna at the Langham hotel a couple of days ago and said she looked amazing (my sisters fried complimeneted her handbag which she said was a birthday present). She ordered a Champagne cocktail. I was at my sisters house when her friend came over the day after and she didn't realise I was such a huge fan. She was just saying how great she looked and she was surprised how incognito she was. The story got me extra mega excited. There's always been something old Hollywood about Madonna. Her understated and yet undeniable presence everywhere she goes. I think this era is going to be more brilliance and I'm really excited for any live performances. Can't wait.
Lucky girl !
I'm gonna be bluntly honest here: Without a "hot" guest artist,a new Madonna single will flop in America.No pop radio station in the US would play a new single by a 63-year old lady,unless it was a collaboration with a younger,hotter artist."Hung Up" barely made the Top 10 in America and the three follow-up singles went nowhere.Madonna needs the first single to be HUGE,so she has to use the heavy artillery and pull out all the stops.She's on a new label,she's starting a new era...she HAS to do what she can to get people's attention.Call me crazy,but I like seeing Madonna in the Top 10.
Most likely,the follow-up singles won't have guest stars,but for the first single,guest artists will help her get airplay.
Well Hung up and the whole confessions era was much more successful than HC , and M still has a lot of fans
I like Nicki Minaj in spite of whatever I say here, certainly more than Justina anyway but HONESTLY. This was supposed to be Madonna's BIG COMEBACK SONG to remind everyone why she is the FIRST and the BEST. Does she really need the flavor of the month rent-a-rapper AGAIN? Does she really need to go where Mariah went 2 years ago? I mean honestly. What happened to her fucking integrity. If she MUST have a rapper, why not choose someone who hasn't worked with Rihanna, Britney, Kanye, Drake and EVERYONE IN THE FUCKING INDUSTRY. Jesus Christ.
100 % AGREE
Those rumors dont say nothing
Bedtime is the filler album for her carrer
Shes soo gonna maka a live version of the American Life video !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The into the groobe S&S performance would be nice
Shes gonna perform RAY OF LIGHT ! OMG
I dont believe it
That was not arianne for HC album shoot.it was B. thats her name. Shes responsible for s Sorry,Jump,4 Minutes,
Oh i didnt know that B. made Sorry and Jump , the style was great on those
I think Arianne gets her style and the black is Madonna's choice. Remember when another stylist did her clothes at the beginning of HC and we got the wonder of BEDAZZLED TRACKSUITS? Just no.
Yeah it was a mess
@Madonna Bowie Prince
I Agree with everything u said , but i really doubt anything of that will happen , i expect a HC era II
Thats not bad , i can imagine her singin that
especially the beggining
Wow shes is gorgeous
She got all Ms great facial features + the height and the tan form her dad
Agree. It was a mondo let down after ROL.
HC wasnt cohesive at all though
Tour 2012
in ARCHIVE - Madonna
OMG ! i hope that means everything will be happen earlier than what we expected