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Posts posted by Starman

  1. 18 minutes ago, Ai Papi Si. said:

    I am floored, once again, by this woman. I was probably the most concerned person on this forum about this video, thinking she was going to go batshit and do this wrong.

    It is brilliantly conceived and the message is so smartly delivered. She really is a creative genius. I am very moved. 

    I Agree

    very well done for her

    Amazing song

    great editing

    Its PURE MADONNA the woman we all love


    *wish it was so pixelated (her team always uplosd shitty quiality videos lol)

  2. 2 minutes ago, jonluvsmaddy said:

    I am amused - she gives no fucks at all - and while I would love for her to be loved - She will burn that stage to the ground and I am here for it.

    takes me back to 1993 when I was in eighth grade rolling around in the grass at a school field day singing fever and my classmates thinking I had lost my mind. And maybe I had. I too had no fucks to give and I have never felt so free as I did that day. Bring it on.

    Its one thing to give no fucks and put on a show and do your best,

    Its another thing to give no fucks by performing subpar material

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