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Roland Barthes

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Posts posted by Roland Barthes

  1. We could go on and on about this and go at each others throats for not agreeing because thing is it's a very complex subject and there is more to it on both sides.

    Do i like burkinis ? No, i think they are ridiculous. Am i for banning them ? No, simply because i want everybody to be free to express themself. I couldn't fight for the acceptance of LGBT and support the bashing and banning of another community.

    Do women wearing burkinis do it of their own will ? Who knows ? Maybe they are so we are discriminating people for the way they dress and that bothers me. Is it ok to ban it for everybody to protect the ones who don't wear them of their own will ? No because it's gonna be an open door to banning other things based on personal taste. Are burkinis prohibited by the law here ? No. If they were then i wouldn't oppose the law but since it is not written in the law and they are not breaking any by wearing them i don't understand this local decision.

    Am i right ? No, it's just my opinion for the moment...but it could change depending on what informations and discussions i'll have with people concerned.

    Do i witness more women wearing veils and headscarves in Paris and around ? Yes ? Does it bother me ? No but it questions me. Why all of sudden they are doing it ?

    Do we have an Islam problem in France ? No, we have a problem with Islam and its acceptance on one hand and a problem with arab culture an traditions to fit in our history and culture on the other hand. It comes from the definition of what being french means. For some people, especially the right wing it's all about identity. Instead of trying to find a solution, a common ground, an agreement they choose to oppose everything for electoral reasons. If religion divides people, politic does it even more. The Republic is what guides us and help us live together and as long as nobody breaks the rules of The Republic (not the most perfect system but still the best out of them all) i don't see a problem.

    Do i think the french governments takes all the right decisions and steps to protect us after the terrorist attacks ? HELL NO. Reforming mosquees won't do anything, terrorists don't go to mosquees, the ones who killed people here were not affiliated to a Mosquee. They go on the internet and get their orders and advices from people who think muslims living and going to Mosquees in France are traitors and miscreants no matter if they do Ramadan, pray as much as they are supposed to etc...

    Do we only have a problem with this religion now ? No because for the last 5 years we also have problems with radical catholics. They are the ones who marched all over France against gay marriage and who are still going on about it, trying to influence the coming election and they have succeeded, almost every candidate from the right have suddenly expressed strong ties with the catholic church, they go to processions etc....things that were absolutely not seen or accepted before because our culture has been strongly anticlerical for decades. It's a secular country.The church was separated from the state in 1905 and laicists are all of sudden showing support to the catholic church.

    I don't have any answer, i don't know everything, i just think that we are so lost that instead of doing the right thing we go after all the peripherical things without going in the real problem because there's too much money involved to say fuck off to Saudi Arabia. We know sheikdoms are behind all this shit but as long as we need their oil and money for our politics and business we just close our eyes and go after the little people.

    To me, from the get go it's always been and always is about the oil (and gas). We supported wars in the middle east and intervened to protect our access to oil. All these wars created massive waves of immigration on our shores and we never really knew how to handle them. We treated people more as guests than nationals and a feeling of alienation was transmitted through generations.

    My other question is why do the North still owns most of the money in the world when the south is struggling while they are the ones who have direct access to natural ressources ? We let extreme groups getting strong because they are attacking what we considered our enemies (the ones who wanted to make us pay more to access oil) or in hope they would attack them. Now it's a fucking big mess and NO government past or present from the western world is innocent. For decades they made money (personally or for their countries) on the back of these local wars. Now these wars have exported themselves here and everywhere.

    The result is not only having all these terrorist attacks at home but also having to deal with the resurgence of far right extremists, racist feelings and nationalism in every western country.

  2. Roland Barthes, Islam is not a race And hijab/niqab has nothing to do with Islam. Its A culture from Saudi Arabia, it started to spread in early 70's when they discovered oil and muslims from arab countries traveled there to work and they returned with this culture.

    I know but the problem these people in France have with the hijab, burkinis etc.... comes from the feeling of being invaded (their words)...they use this rhetoric and the theory of "le grand remplacement" (to replace french culture and identity with thier culture).The Le Pen are using this theory, the right party is using it too.

    Sociologists who investigated these movements and reactions came to the conclusion that it's the visibility that drives the right and far right wing mad. They think that it's a conspiracy from sheikdoms to make "Islam" and arabs more visible in french society....at the same time these very politicians making these remarks on tv, press and on Twitter go to Saudi Arabia to get money (Sarkozy was there just last week...just like he got money from Gaddafi for his last campaign and killed him right after)...

    The same sociologists came also to the conclusion that it was because these hijabs were worn in the suburbs and what are perceived as dangerous zones (because of criminality) that they don't like it, to them it represents poors and minorities not staying in "their place" and yes they linked it to racism, not only racism because they are of arab descent but also social racism because they come from difficult suburbs.

  3. You should know that whole Riviera (Cannes, Nice etc...) is very very racist. Most mayors are from the right wing leaning on the far right (Estrosi, Ciotti, Luca...) even the mayor of Marseille (Second biggest city in France with one the biggest community from north Africa) is a racist asshole ( he made a fuss when Madonna refused to meet him at the hospital where guys who built up her stage in Marseille when it collapsed on them were hospitalized. She said it was a private visit then he trashed her in the press). Even Estrosi mayor of Nie (close friend of Bono and Elton John...he was having dinener with Bono and his wife Alison when the terrorist attack happenned in july) makes terrible anti muslims statements regularly (he's close to Sarkozy). People living on the Riviera are very racist and have no qualms about it. They almost elected Marion Marechal Le Pen (the niece) last december and the National Front Party always scores high during elections. Those mayors regularly say awful things int he press and on Twitter.

    Thing is these right wingers leaning on the far right are almost all second generation migrants from Italy (Estrosi, Ciotti, Luca...).

  4. I live in Central Europe. Of course I've met and befriended Muslims, men and women, from all over the world (France, Morroco, Algeria, Egypt).

    I have regular contact with them in and out of the workplace. I do not believe all Muslims are terrorists.

    Ok. I thought you did regarding the things you shared. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


    Karby, that's on my sister's birthday, i hope it's gonna bring you luck.

  5. I don't know Love Spent.

    Where do you live ? Have you ever met a muslim or an arab in real life ? You seem to think all muslims are potential terrorists and that the problem is Islam.

    There's not just one profile for these terrorists, yes there are Isis agents whom infiltrated the migrants wave from last year to get in Europe but there are terrorists who act by mimetism, the Werther syndrom Karbatal talked about a few weeks ago. They find the 101 on terrorism on the internet. That's because there's not just one profile that it scares me.

    I don't know how Germany and England managed their immigration, each country has a different story. All i can talk about is how France did not manage it well. We had to come out with "posisitive discrimination" laws so employers are forced to hire people whose names don't sound french or are not white, not living in the cities. It did not change much.

    What should have been done is to not build an invisible frontier between the suburbs and the cities especially in Paris. That's what they are trying to break now by turning it into a metropole and extending the subway lines, creating new ones.

    There's also another debate we should have here in France and that is what does it mean to be french since there's this big identity crisis for many. That yes you can be named Mohammed and be french, that you can be black and be french, you can wear a headscarf and be french. Not always being asked "Where are you from ?" when even your parents were born in France just like you because your grand parents were the ones who migrated. To stop whitewashing History in school too. Will it change something ? Maybe not. But it shows the will is there.

    And all this is also happenning because there's a huge economic crisis. Isis and all these fuckers target people who are struggling and can't see a way out with doors all closed before them.

    The terrorist from the train was named Amadhzai ? Like Mirwais ? Proof that some 2nd generation immigrants managed very well....but Mirwais grew up IN Paris and that makes a very big difference, he had access to culture, people from other walks of life, things you can't get even when you only live 5 kilometers away from Paris. This is changing though but it should have been earlier.

  6. Oh dear I'm spending my honeymoon in Paris is September. I'm not scared.

    These acts are vile and horrible, but irrational fear doesn't help at all.

    I know but i can't help it. I perfectly know that is the intention of terrorists. Bombings in Paris are not something new though. I grew up checking under my seat in the metro for bottles of gas and opening my bag to guards whenever i got into a store.

    What i also meant in my other post is that religion in itself is nothing harmful, well if you read the books there are terrible things in them especially in the bible. But it's just spirituality. Once it's organized that's when things turn sour.

    Every religion through the years has been used to manipulate and justify murders because people think their religion is THE ONE. This makes them feel like they are above the others, the chosen ones.

    Instead of saying nobody would kill another person because of oil i should have said nobody would die for oil.

    Here they manipulated the frustration of second and third generations of immigrants, post colonial resentment and social segregation based on racism to get them to join these groups.

    They exported the palestinian/israeli conflict here as an example of forces of the western empire slaughtering arabs and chasing them out of their lands. It's not just french arabs who are importing this conflict here, french jews are doing it too with LDJ (ligue de defense juive).

    A few years ago i was incidentally having drinks on the terrasse of Le Bataclan café on a sunday afternoon when this group did a march to show they were there and looking for a fight. Something like 50 guys invaded the terrase asking us if we were jews or muslims. They get into fights with groups of french arabs or french africans...they don't go into the suburbs though....they just check that they don't come to the center of Paris. The LDJ was dissolved by the government even though it was backed up by some israeli governmental branch because it was recognized as an extremist group.

    Now there are just isolated cases of people who are lost looking on the net for a mean to express their anger, they use religion and Isis...and then Isis gladly say they are behind their actions even though they did not commanditated it in the first place. They are opportunistic. Their goal is to install fear and they succeeded with me.

    Of course i still live my life the way i used to but i'm not carefree anymore.

    A lot of my friends say "what should happen will happen anyway", very existentialistic...but i'm scared for what could happen to my family and friends or even people i don't know because it's getting its toll on me to see all these dead people, all these families and friends in tears.....just like i was really deeply affected by the deadly summer of 2014 in Gaza. I'm haunted by the pictures of these disembodied children people posted on my twitter feed. I'm affected whenever there is a terrorist atatck in Israel too like this little girl slaughtered in her bedroom while she was sleeping. I'm affected by the endless and mostly never reported attacks throughout Africa.

    It's always children paying the price of this madness and greed. I'm affected by the pics from Syria, not knowing who are the good guys or bad guys anymore, why are we still there making things worst ?

    In french we have this horrible expression "living in the Care Bears world" whenever we say that we want for once in our lifetime, before i die, to live in a world at peace or at least without wars.

    It's always a matter of borders, oil, money and power. Today just like when mankind appeared on the surface of the planet we still can't accept people looking and thinking differently than we do, we still need to force our beliefs on others. Wether it's religion or a queen of pop. We look at things vertically, a top, a bottom (versatile....just kidding) when we should start looking at things horizontally. There's a place for everything, everyone. The thirst for power is a defect in human kind.

    As for God, i don't believe in it and i believe in it at the same time because saying there is no god would be as pretentious as saying there is one for me. We can't prove it either way. We just don't know. In my opinion religions were created to resolve the mystery of life & the fear of death. We didn't know where we came from, what was our purpose here and death is still a mystery. We can't accept that we have an end. Religion is deeply linked to ego and at the same time every book teaches humility.

    For years i was against women wearing headscarves. Then i had to go to the hospital weekly, i met this french arab woman who had brain cancer. We had conversations in the waiting whenever we had an appointment on the same day. All she had to go through this was believing in her God. She explained me that headscarves had nothing to do with religion but more with tradition, like a beret in France (even though we don't see people wearing them anymore). How on earth would i had been so awful to tell this woman who was dying that her god did not exist ? The only thing she was getting her hope and force from ? The only thing that made her go through another day at the hospital ? It changed my views. Sometimes discussing with people who are different than you prevents a lot of things. If people were more connected to each other, not on the internet but in real life maybe we could build a real community.

    Tell me i'm living in the Care Bears world but i think that what we should do now is learning to accept our differences, fight for other people's right to express their differences and to communicate, to discuss, to find a common ground that links us together. To not let anyone feel alienated. That's our biggest challenge and something we have not been able to overcome since Homo sapiens took over Neanderthals.

    My mother lives outside Paris in a house, there's a project not far away. When we were flooded i had a conversation with a woman living there while we were waiting for the firemen. She told me that for 5 years now they were trying to get the housing company to do something about the incredible amount of mildew they have in their apts due to a defect in the windows they put. They left a huge space between the wall and the windows, cold and air keep coming in. The ventilation is 40 years old. When they sent a letter to the housing company they told them to buy some foam to fill the space they left. Then 2 years ago they got bed fleas and coackroaches. again they did nothing and it spread. It's not a problematic project, there's no criminality but raising children in these conditions is impossible. They have flea bytes, difficulties to breathe due to the mildew etc...So when i got the time i contacted a friend who is friends with the green deputy from this zone. 3 weeks later she visited them and came back a week later with the press and specialists. The pictures speak for themselves. She sent a letter to the housing company, they did not respond so she had to ask the prefect to act. This is just an example of the kind of resentment people living in projects grow up with.

  7. Roland,

    Perhaps you should rethink your unwavering support of the 'Religion of Peace'.

    The struggle we're in is hardly new.



    There is no religion of peace, to me that's an oxymoron.

    I was born in Paris and live here, i've always had muslim friends, neighbours....as well as jew and my nanny as a kid was a Jeovah witness. My sisters were brought up as catholics, they did their solmen communion and even taught kids on sunday school.

    I did not. Right after my father died when i was 6 i hated God (maybe because i was told my father had died as "God wanted him back" so i was pretty pissed off at it) and did not want to have anything to do with it. My mother obliged.

    Until 10 years ago muslims were not visible in France. It was a stark contrast from what i could witness in London or New York. I had never seen women wearing head scarves on their heads until i oved there. They were not doing it here when i was growing up.

    After the end of the Algerian war, when France repatriated its citizens born in our old colonies and people who supported France in these colonies, they had to build projects in emergency to house all these people (some lived for years in shacks in the outskirts of Paris). They put these housings far away from the center of the cities, in places where there was nothing around. Completly cut off from french society and its heartbeat. First generation immigrants tried to fit in and kept a low profile.

    Second and third generations who witnessed their parents trying to fit in without ever managing to and being rejected themselves not for being muslims but because of their names and the places they lived in grew angry. They rebelled by aknowledging their heritage even more. When you are born in a country that rejects you because your name is not french enough or because you live in places that are not regarded as being part of society (la banlieue) you go through an identity crisis.

    When i was 22 i met this girl at Uni, she was in her last year of Ethnic psychiatry, she asked me to help her with her final year report. She went to 5 projects outside Paris and conducted interviews with people living there. My job was to type what was on her recorder. All these women felt alienated. The projects were their cages. They felt like they did not belong anymore to the country they came from and did not belong to french society they knew nothing about after being here for more than 20 years sometimes because they never left the projects. What they knew about french society came from TV (and they were all addicted to the Young and the restless...so they had all these fantaisies about western life based on this american soap). How could they teach anything to their kids when they felt alienated themself ? The kids grew up between this and school and the idea that there was another life out there, out of the suburbs that they were not allowed to take part of. Interestingly most of the teenage boys and young men she interviewed showed great refrained homosexual tendencies due to the way they viewed women through their mothers.

    This feeling of alienation transmitted through generations is the basis of what is happenning here now.

    The History of Humanity is made of wars of religions or more precisely wars of territories and conquests with religion used as an excuse.

    On august 23rd 1572 at dusk started the massacre of St Bartholomew's day. Catholics slaughtered calvinists all over Paris (watch the movie Queen Margot with Isabelle Adjani, it's sublime).

    Wars of religions are what also gave birth to the United States, puritans, protestants etc....fled Europe because they were persecuted (and they killed native indians when they got there to claim their lands, mocked their beliefs...).

    For centuries kingdoms of Europe fought and made alliances against each others to extend their lands to get access to natural ressources and expand their economy with religion as a way to make this look like some spiritual and noble crusades against what each saw as pagans.

    Spain, Germany, Italy, France....They fought for centuries. See Joan of Arc as just one example among many.

    When they finally settled their borders, they looked further and colonized other parts of the world : Africa, Asia, Americas...They splitted the world to build their Empires. They were not using religion anymore as an excuse for the economic war they were conducting against each others. But in Africa for example they forced locals to convert to catholicism . They forced their culture and ways of living on the populations they colonized with the noble excuse to "civilize" them. Some were made slaves.

    Religion and conquests of lands were intertwined because state and religion weren't separated, kings were chosen by god.

    Kosovo, Kurdistan, Yemen, Somalia, Rwanda...all these recent wars were ethnic wars based on the non acceptance of different beliefs. Just like religion.

    Every religion have blood on its hands. There is no religion of peace.

    The conflict in Palestine and Israel is also a war of land and access to natural ressources (Gaza is full of Gas and oil) hidden being a war of religion.

    As for the Moores, my mother is portuguese and my father's mother was spaniard so i perfectly know about it and that i maybe have arab blood in me.

    The first inhabitants of Paris before Paris was Paris were morrocan nomads. When they dragged La Seine and built the Bercy park they unearthed artifacts belonging to them.

    Why am i telling all this ? Because behind every so-called war of religion there's always a deeper motivation based on economy, access to natural ressources. It's hard to convince people to kill other people for gas & oil but using religion instead works. Muhammed is not financing these killers, sheikdoms are.

  8. If i can avoid being in the center of the city i do. My nephew is here on holiday and i went to a mall in the outskirts of Paris to buy him clothes, i did not feel safe but still felt safer than going to the center. The military with machine guns patrolling the streets are supposed to make us feel safer but it makes me even more anxious, it feels like a warzone.

    Knowing that anyone can just decide to kill people like the guy in Nice that got involved in ISIS just a few weeks prior to the attack is scary. My nephew wanted to take pictures from the Eiffel tower but then he told me he could not because he has vertigo, i was relieved. My sisters are going shopping at bd Haussmann tomorrow where all the dept. Stores are and i begged them not to go. Their excuse is that the stores are owned by qataris...as if anyone was safe from that madness.

    Most of my friends have the same feeling. Some thought i was carefree after Charlie Hebdo and Le Bataclan because it did not change my life. But Nice was the turning point for me. I think it's also due to being tired of all this shit.

  9. I'm being really affected by all this shit to be honest. Since Nice i don't feel safe anymore. Until then i thought it would not be as bad as Charlie Hebdo or Le Bataclan anymore but now i lost my confidence. It's not easy to live where you know the place you are can be blown to shreds or you can be shot at any moment for just being there.

  10. A lot of the people doing these acts are not migrants though. The guy last night was born and bred in Norway. The Lee Rigby killers were born and raised in south London. One of them was 3rd generation British. The argument about mental health affecting migrants I completely understand and a lot of the kids that are coming over are so mentally scarred it's beyond repair but most of these attacks are being conducted by European nationals not migrants.

    Yes that's what i meant by controlling the net and changing our integration policies. The Kouachi brothers were born french but in France we have a problem of what we can call modern segregation, second and third generations of immigrants descendants face work and social discrimination, they are rejected for not being white enough, for their names, where they live....it starts with the school system in the suburbs of Paris not having the same means as schools within the cities and same access to culture etc...it prevents to build a cohesive nation, a feeling of belonging to the same world. It's a very elitist society we live in. And when you are born in a country that sees you as a foreigner is nerve wrecking, especially when you went to extra lenght to get an educatio, went to uni etc...that's why i say our society builds terrorists, they just find somebody to listen to the anger of those who are rejected for things they can't change no matter what they do, we breed this anger, people with an agenda use to this anger, put things in their heads to explain the reject they face.

    The current wave of racism nurtured by these attacks is playing against us because it's only making what was problematic in our society worst.

    The way mental health is treated AND regarded (see the mocking of Sinead O Connor) in our society is another problem. Hospitals don't have the means to treat and help everybody and the way the world is going more and more people are losing it. The economic crisis created the constant fear of not being safe (losing your job, your flat....trying to get new ones...)

  11. I'm sorry, i feel like my last comment was a bit racist and unsensitive to what happenned in Russel Sq. It's just that we are working at the moment on an article about these stabbings (France, Germany, England mostly) and in most of the cases it was due to mental health. Our government sent a mission to evaluate migrants in centers following many attacks and they realized that a lot of migrants had prior mental health issues before coming to Europe while some others are facing nervous breakdowns due to their awful journey and the deception, rejection and difficulties they face in Europe. Some are losing it. Which is understandable after leaving their countries and being in a totally foreign place, living under bridges, scared to be chased, sent back or worst etc...

    It really is a big mess. We were unprepared to welcome all these people decently.

    Hillary Clinton must be asked about this. She went to war in Libya, got rid of Gaddafi without a plan.

    The more i talk with people from NGO's about the matter, the more i think we should forever stop to intervene in these countries. I was too young during the Gulf War but i remember Iraq, the mistake that this was. Libya is another one.

    The problem is, people in charge, politics etc... most of them make their fortune with oil or gas or people who do are strong lobbys. This help us from moving forward, to drop oil and gas as our sources of energy because this would completly change not only our environment but the way we deal with the middle east. If it was not for oil we would have never go there and got involved in endless local wars.

    What we are facing now are just the consequences of the policies put in place by the CIA and our governments in the 60's and 70's (but we can also go back to colonial times) to put our hands on oil and gas.

    To tell you the truth, since Nice i don't feel safe anymore here. I don't feel protected and i think my government is not doing what it should be doing to stop this. Going after the way mosquees are run is looking at the wrong source of the problem. Most terrorists never set foot in a mosquee. The problem is internet, that's where they get their contacts. We have enough geeks and ingeneers to control this shit even the darknet. The other problem is to make these people stop feeling like rejects of our society. Our policies on immigration and integration is a catastrophe. It breads terrorists. When you have nothing to lose, you don't care about anything or anyone anymore.

    Please read this interview and the links in the interview :


  12. There are many many stabbings happening in Paris that are not reported by the press, most of the cases are migrants with mental health issues. The last one was the son of police comissionary in Morrocco who illegally came to France and who attacked a guy with an oyster knife in a bar in the outskirts of Paris. Just like the killer in Nice he had mental health problems back home and his family sent him to France.....

    I'm pretty sure the same stories are happening all over Europe.

  13. Isis or whatever their fucking name have won. Now we live in a state of fear and link everything to them. They gladly accept the responsability especially when they are not behind the events because it makes them exist without having to move a finger. In that aspect they have won.

    If you are interested in understanding how Isis works follow the NYT specialist on Twitter. She does a great job explaining and demystifying everything :


  14. i'm working right now on a long article about the consequences for European society after this horrific year. The main issue from psychiatrics is that there's being what is called the 'Werther effect', name given to the syndrom of copying behaviours. People who weren't even religious are beign radicalised and now decide to go and kill as much people as possible. It's the same as happens with suicide and in part is due to the overexposition and overinformation. Police is continually asking people not to post images from these tragedies in social nets.

    So we can expect more during the summer. And they are impossible to control, because these people are regular ones, with severe psychiatric problems or who are suffering sever bullying (the Munich case). But you cannot know when will they snap.

    Other thing is that we have to difference between organized attacks (Paris, Brussels) and spur of the moment attacks (even if they were planned by months in advance) like Nice, Germany or this one. The later ones are Werther effect. Later, ISIS goes and takes credit but in fact those people weren't in contact with any ISIS member.


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