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Posts posted by Crux

  1. "I don't know where people get the idea that we are doing a piano version of "Like a Virgin!" we are told.

    It's got 'Like A Virgin' in and wasn't there a post earlier say that Madonna doesn't understand why people think it will be in?

    They could be messing with us.

    They mention a PIANO version, the didn't say anything about the original. It could STILL be on the setlist....i'm hoping it is.

  2. https://twitter.com/#!/pboutte

    Phillip Boutte Jr. is working with Arianne Phillips on the MDNA Tour costumes & just posted this:

    "Concept to completion. http://instagr.am/p/KnomS0wJgP/"

    "Very soon. I am not allowed to say much. Just know that this tour will blow your mind. Madonna is in top form!"

    Could it be possible dancer costumes or one of Madonna's???



    FABULOUS! Especially, if those are for JML.

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