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Supreme Elitists
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Posts posted by reQuiem4adream

  1. 1 hour ago, Katypatra said:

    Her voice is seriously unbearable! She sounds like a dying cat. I accidentally heard her song on a radio the other day and turned it off immediately cuz she sounded so bad!! I don’t understand how she won an Oscar for it. It seriously baffles me. 

    When your daddy’s a mafia who can buy anything his little girl wants!

  2. 33 minutes ago, juliebean said:

    why are people so shocked at the toe sucking? LMAO


    Cuz it’s Maluma’s toe! It makes ppl think she licked something else too. 

    I wanna see the full horse dance by M  it’s refreshing to see some new moves from her. It’s very theatrical. I’m pretty sure she'll Find a way to incorporate this dance to her tour.

    I’m all for Maluma, not so much for M.

    Ha, I kid!

    Now, I wAnt to hear ‘Bitch I’m Loca’!


  3. 4 hours ago, Blinko said:

    It's called North hemisphere imperialism; in Australia for Summer you have winter Christmas celebration elements. 

    I am so sad about heavy dark outcome of Meddelin video, i am sure it will fails commercially, and Maluma momentum will not helps. 

    Bitch I am madonna was masterpiece. 

    Are u shitting me with this?

    If BIM was a masterpiece, then should Medellín win GOLDEN GLOBE and all?

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