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Posts posted by Mat.Guy

  1. 1 hour ago, Messiah said:

    She wasn't actually wearing grills in Ghosttown, but a tiny crucifix between her upper incisors. It's basically a form of jewellery but for the mouth, let's put it this way LOL

    I really liked it and it looked very dramatic because of the overall look: clothes, hair, make-up.

    Image result for madonna ghosttown gif

    They were grillz


  2. If Pride is off the table then Madonna will have lots of time to concentrate on tour rehearsals. With the tour coming on September she will need to start rehearsing in June.

    That might be why she decided to film many videos this time. Since she won't have much time to promote herself, she can release a new video every one or two weeks to keep the momentum going until the tour arrives.

  3. 18 minutes ago, Nonoka said:

    No idea how legit this newspaper is, but I found this part quite interesting...

    Imagine! A SuperBowl type of show with several songs :dramatic:

    I also don't mind a performance with a controversial theme, however depending on the topic it might not be that fitting for Eurovision indeed. If she wants to address problems concerning the US politics, it would be a bit odd to use a show for European audiences as a platform for her message...obviously Europe has its own problems that in many cases don't relate to what's going on in the US. 

    Of course, this is all just "what if" speculation because the fact of the matter is, we know nothing about what they mean with 'controversial'...

    That's why she WON'T. It's not rocket science.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Bat-Fan said:

    They state it in the article that the US politics is the problem. Of course it is Trump. 

    Because of course the whatsit blogger who wrote it knows better. Can you stop the drama and the negativity? We don't need this here. There's a bunch of other forums you can join!

    A lot of people have made arguments in several different threads about what "political" means for Madonna music and how it's a constant in her art. If you will still say the same thing over and over again about Trump and America then don't! I bet you Madonna is less concernced about Trump than you! 

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