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Posts posted by Chimera

  1. bullshit..

    Cultural appropriation is the biggest load of rubbish and something for whiny idiots to complain about. If only they could focus on real injustices and horrific things that are happening in the world. Instead they choose to worry about people from different cultures loving and embracing things from other cultures. They actually make me angry as getting so much attention now. People are seeing through them but it seems as if everything is offending someone over the most ridiculous things. The funniest part is most of the time it is not the culture of people that are complaining, it is the university types who are trying to get offended for them.

    my thoughts exactly baby :smooch:

  2. ^5 ciccone! love how people say that's nothing and it's so easy to get a hit on this chart. really? then why doesn't everyone have 45 number ones on this chart? stupid bitches!

    My thoughts exactly, haters have always said this Dance chart is the shittiest of all BB charts and that it means zero, all in the sake of not giving any worth to Madonna's accomplishment in that zone at all, well get that you bitches, it is already official, she has the most numba 1's in all BB charts, no country, no hip hop, no r&b, no latin nor chinese...Dance!

    She's the artist with the most top 10's in BB's history also, right muther fuckers?

  3. The church is very powerful in the African American community and a lot of black churches tend to be very anti-gay and anti-sex so there is even more pressure on African American performers to not be sexual and support the gay community. So if there was an African American women of Madonna's age doing what she does, they would be very harshly condemned by their own community. Maybe that's why there's not.

    Interestingly said...let's see what Buddy Cole would say about this:


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