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Posts posted by Chimera

  1. When one flamboyantly dressed contestant (who's a NYC performer) was getting ready to perform, "Vogue" played pretty prominently. And, after the judges gave him a negative response (deservedly so), and I forget exactly what the exhange was, but he, at one point, said "What about Madonna?"

    Howard Stern said "Madonna is a fabulous singer, see Evita"- and the best part? Piers Morgan was a guest judge. :) He didn't say anything or show any facial reaction to what Howard said.

    "what about Madonna?"...was that faggot trying to downplay our mama?...hate her.

  2. My all time favorite Madonna song and one of my faves among all songs I've heard. I amd so glad it had the treatment it had in DWT. The song has haunted me since the very first time I heard it...the lyrics...the voice...the melody...the pain...the love...like a song to hear while having a close to death experience. I also love the Confessions performance of it...." into your eyes my face remains"

  3. I don't get the yawners or moaners about some political rants...too long?...too meh?...is it a 30 minute blood fest or is she ranting about not getting enough cock or what? I find odd that so called fans would not at least suck it up with a respectful silence if they don't give two shyts about social or political stuff...but as to complain or meh about it? bitch please!

  4. Erotica was the first Madonna Album I've ever bought...well, I bought the Cassette as i didn't have a CD player back then...my pencil had a lot of work with this cassette...lol

    My fave song was Deeper and Deeper but love Erotica much as well, the whole concept, music, video, the book and all the stupid drama-outrage :laugh:

    There's something so haunting and sexy about Erotica and that big moan by the end...pure orgasm.


  5. If it's based on quality, why should it be based on gender? Your gender has nothing to do with your singing ability. Why should women be segregated out like they are lesser somehow. They don't have best vocal by black people, Hispanic people, Asian people, gay people, but they had male and female?

    It would be like having best pop vocal, gay, straight, bisexual!! Doesn't make sense and is a bit insulting really.

    I respect your point of view but I think you're going a little too far with that statement, do Summer Olympics insult you as well? they have male and female competitions.

    However, having Gay categories in the Grammys could be pretty i-n-t-e-r-e-s-t-i-n-g to say the least :)

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