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Posts posted by BabyDietrich

  1. People who are anal about vocals group any pop stars be them has beens or legends together because they're usually more about the image than the voice and so they probably see them as non-artists (and though M isn't an amazing singer she can do very very well when she's not dancing her ass off and even when she's dancing she can do pretty well). And even if it's a narrow minded way of thinking I can see why some people who are fans of the great vocalists of the past (or present) in R&B etc. may think that way. But as for people who are fans of Britney or Rihanna or whatever, who are also not exceptional singers either, I dunno. Maybe they're threatened by M and so they try to put her in the has-been category. That or they're uneducated about her. Also not all music is just about powerhouse vocals. Different genres have different focuses.

    Speaking of Britney Spears why could she sing better when she was 10 than she can now?

    Anyway bottom line is not everyone appreciates Madonna, big deal. It's not anything new.

  2. No. I love many other artists - dozens - but Madonna is always going to be at number 1. That doesn't make me any less of a fan, it makes me a normal sane person. Madonna is in my heart forever :)

    And sorry but people who seriously believe that they can only listen to Madonna are probably also lurking outside of her house at night and collecting her restaurant plates *cough*michellebudd*cough*

  3. Well I always had 4 Madonna cassettes in the house when I was really young - BS, LAP, IC & TB. My mother or I would put them on occasionally and I remember liking them but I didn't really know who Madonna was. I remember seeing music videos when I was younger of her aswell and being especially intruiged by them, but I again didn't know it was Madonna and actually probably thought these fascinating women were seperate people, what with all her different looks! The first M CD I recieved was American Life - I asked my mom for it after seeing some coverage on the news about her controversal "American Life" video. I'm suprised I didn't burn a hole through the CD from listening to it so much. But I still hadn't connected all the dots. I didn't know much about pop culture, I rarely watched TV, so it wasn't really until 2008 when I started going to the library more and using a computer that I really understood who she was. Then all the puzzle pieces fit together! I think what triggered more interest in her was rediscovering that BS cassette and being absolutely blown away by it. So in that month I think I read at least 5 biographies and spent hours and hours watching interviews and performances and this and that. And then it just developped from there. :)

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