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5iVe Elements

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Posts posted by 5iVe Elements

  1. Thank god for the Rebel Heart Tour here in Manila. Madonna is back to the public consciousness after been off the radar here for so many years. She's on everbody's lips from all walks of life. Everybody are talking about her. Big thanks for the media that keeps mentioning her in a positive light. Even my nephews and nieces ages 4 & 5 are mentioning her name! So relevant nowadays and im glad by it.

  2. I really think those people who take what's written in the bible literal should take EVERYTHING in it literal. I bet many of them will have to die sooner of later for eating something that some verse forbids or many daughters will need to be stoned because another verse says so. It amazes me how people can be so dumb when it is known for a long time and has been discussed among theological scientists that many of those verses should be read within the context of the times they were written because back then they were referring to different things. Sodom and Gomorrah probably being the most extreme example.

    hate to say this but some Flipsees are sheep
  3. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter how wrong they are. The only people who will agree with him are the people who already hold these beliefs themselves. Someone who gets punched for a living quoting a bible verse is not going to cause a sea change in public opinion. He is an ignorant religious twat, and the world is full of them, wasting their time following a fairy story.

    love this :kiss2:

  4. I don't want to generalize but I have quite a few Filipino friends and yeah, they're super traditional Catholic, especially when it comes to abortion. I'm assuming most of them will continue to support this person?

    I heard water cooler talk that some are still pro-Manny.

    There are lots of Flipsee gays :lol:

    But there are lots of religious twats here as well.

    I abhor this country. :lol: Somebody adopt me!

  5. Hmmm, Nike dumping someone because they are holding a religious belief

    Remember when they dumped someone because they apparently offended religious beliefs?

    But seriously, what is with catholic conviction in the Phillipines? I think some Filipinos are more hardline than the Pope these days. M will sort them all out soon.


    Karby's country colonized us long time ago and fed the native Flipsees Catholicism. Religion, Catholicism esp. Runs very deep in the roots of Flipsee's culture. A lot of people are brainwashed

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