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Posts posted by moniquearis

  1. The whole 'I'm so innocent and just a child who wants to save the world thing' is just an act. Now, I won't say he wasn't really altruistic or anything but to think he was all day long some kind of won't-hurt-a-fly kind of a guy is just naive. I can totally see him saying all these things and more. I always thought he was highly manipulative and cunning when it came to building his public image. He wanted to come off as frail and make people feel sorry for him (despite all the shit he got himself into) - he succeeded. Those who are more perceptive can see behind this facade. Even his sweet, pre-puberty voice is faked along with - needless to say - his facial features.

    Amen. His comment about strip clubs are rather telling.

    With that said, it's rather sad that a private convo is made public. Rabbi my ass.

  2. We're gay men -- we're inherently anal. ;)

    Maybe I shouldn't use the word anal and shoot in a forum full of gay men. ;)

    I don't think it's anal at all...the fans deserve QUALITY rather than a lazily thrown together rehash. At first I was excited about this collection and hoped it would be done properly (with the 7" versions previously unavailable) but I'm afraid I've been let down.

    Thank you to Mattress for welcoming me :)

    I can understand let down and disappointed. But to comb every strand to over-analyze and nitpick, dear Gawd.
  3. I can't stop listening to REVOLVER ! It's infectious, yes ! Very catchy, very well produced (even if it's Britney-like), it has good lyrics, that works well with Madonna.

    I'm crazy for the part I lined 'em up and wach them faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal.

    Very consistant, the best of the new three songs for me !


    Is it wrong if I feel like strip-teasing to the song? :demonic:

  4. I believe that should be the way too. A childs blood parent, their blood family should always come first PROVIDING they are sane and generally good people ie no major criminal records. If a parent cant support a child for temporary period then they should state they may want their child back. The child should have knowledge and some form of contact with blood family - one of the articles states that David's father has not seen him for 2 years.

    I think if the child is a foreign one then the adopters should encourage that child to learn about their background, family, language.

    You know your statement is fucking insane.

    So it's OK for birth parents and blood relatives to lease out their children just cuz they can't afford to take care of their kids at that moment. When they want, they can demand their children back. Screw the adopted parents. Fuck the time, love, emotions and money they spend taking the children into their loving homes. Let just use those gullible people who only wants to shower love and better living conditions for the children.

    Not only that, it's traumatic for the children: moving from home to another home, then back to another home. They're treated like properties.

    Your kind of insane thinking is the exact reason why people shy away from adopting in the US and look for foreign adoptions.

    Not saying that the adopted children should be forbidden from having contacts with their birth parents and blood relatives. But they shouldn't be given back to the people who abandoned them.

    Who's to say that by adopting Mercy, Madonna is gonna rob her of her family, background, family, language? David was able to reconnect with his father in his homeland.

    Think before you speak dude.

  5. Why does nt she adopt some poor orphan from the States?
    The adoption process in the US is far complicated. The court system here is always in favor of birth parents and blood relatives. The adopted parents could lose the child to birth parents or blood relatives if they chose to demand the child back, even years after the adoption is finalized. It's heart breaking for adopted parents who'd invested years of love and finance, when the court system can simply snatch the child away from them. In a sense, you're not really adopting the child. You're simply leasing the child. That's why lotsa people avoid adopting in the US and chose foreign adoptions. The legal system for adoption here is fucked up.
  6. Question.

    I want to join ICON Platinum Membership @ 44.99 but it says "

    This will NOT grant you access to presale tickets".

    So what's the point of joining the club, though?

    That was for S&ST 2008. They haven't changed it since.
  7. IM going to look into Icon then, just in case

    If the tour doesnt happen at least il get a magazine and memebership to a forum full of loons



    Good luck with that. We were supposed to get 4 and so far we only got 2, digital.

    And the seats for the pre-sales aren't all they cracked up to be. Open sales got better seats than my pre-sale.

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