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Posts posted by moniquearis

  1. I was there for the STL show (second time seeing MDNA after Chicago September 21st) and she was great of course! I didn't feel the crowd nor Madonna were as energetic as the Chicago show I saw, but she killed it nonetheless.

    Chicago is always the best crowd. This first time for me seeing her outside of Chicago.
  2. I was bummed I didn't win thru Icon . So hounded Guy on Twitter a few times. Got reply back thru Twitter at 4 am. Replied to it thru email right away. Got reply asking for names around 11am. Replied back. Got instructions email at around 3 pm.

  3. I'm beat. She had money stuck on her pantyhose for Like A Virgin. No tattoo. She asked an audience to write on her. She wrote U R The One. She the collected the money again for "those in New York who lost their homes" at end of Love Spent. Sound problem beginning of I'm A Sinner. She stopped it, apologized, and started again. After Celebration she cussed. Something "shit" cuz of the sound problem. GT was a blast. Now time to rest my poor feet. Night!

  4. Most people would understand 30 minutes delay, maybe 45 minutes. But 90 minutes? Practically every show? Come on now. That's just blatant "I don't give a fuck." For the 90 minutes delay, she could practically show a movie (with free popcorn of course). Plenty of artists have the professionalism to charge top dollars and start spectacular shows within reasonable amount of time.

  5. Why didnt Madonna do 30,000-40,000 size stadiums in the US in one night instead of performing two nights at most cities? (like she did in Europe)?

    Gawd I hope not. I want to be able to at least see her not see a dot on the screen.
  6. To be honest, I don't know her intention at the time of this "joke" but we are also talking about a woman who thinks Kabbalah water and a red string have special properties. I love Madonna and I think she's highly intelligent, but she is not incapable of saying something stupid.

    I would be genuinely surprised if she actually thought he was a Muslim, but regardless, the "irony" or whatever she is calling it seems out of step to me. That's all.

    Fair enough to not get the joke at first. It's the people who didn't get it and continue not to get it, even after explanation. Probably cuz it's just another ammo for them to use against Madonna.
  7. For S&ST I was on the floor. While excited, the view kinda blocked by the tall people. So for MDNA I decided to get seats off the floor again like I did for CT to be able to view the whole show. But after reading the experience of people in the Golden Triangle, I think I'm going to give it a go for once in a lifetime experience. I can always view the whole show on DVD. :)

  8. madonnaunderground.nl

    Front National attending MDNA in Nice?

    On the internet and especially Twitter it's being speculated/announced that the Front National (French far right) will be attending Madonna's MDNA show tomorrow in Nice France. They're planning to shout 'Vive Marine' throughout the show, they want to repeat what happened at Madonna's club show in Olympia previously. They've already been covering up the MDNA show announcement posters with Marine Le Pen campaign posters.

    Seems like they are not that bright. By attending the show to shout their hate, they're actually putting more money into Madonna pocket. LOL. What a buncha dumbasses.
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