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Posts posted by pattitude

  1. Is it true Jamie King won't be involved with this tour? I also read somewhere (rumor probably) that she was working with both Donna Delory and Nikki Richards (CT, S%S) as backing vocalists on the album so hopefully they will both be on for the tour. That Kylie Dean did no justice for Madonna on the last tour. She was a throw in by Timbaland.

  2. Not necessarily age appropriate but something that doesn't sound like the competition as some say. She's always been cutting edge so when we hear stuff that sounds like something out of Katy Perry's catalog, people tend to freak out. As I said previously I look forward to live performances more than the new music. She tends to bring new life to the songs in live performances.

  3. It's dumbasses who call themselves "fans" even though they're unable to stand by the person they're rooting for.

    :clap::bow: Yes to even hear the words "she's done, her career is over" is sad. I don't think her career is over and the same people who are denouncing her now will be singing a different tune if she announced retirement tomorrow. I'm pretty sure they'll be heartbroken by that. I know I will!! :thumbsup:

  4. I just think that Madonna has gotten quite lazy of late. It seems that she feels so uninspired. Where are the new image changes? Where are the cutting edge videos that we all know and love? Hard Candy was a poor attempt to harness the already dying sound that had proven successful for Justin Timberlake and Nelly Furtardo,and the 3 decent songs that were on the album (Beat Goes On,Heartbeat & Devil Wouldn't Recognize You) she didn't release!!! The 2 new tracks she recorded for Celebration were just piss poor,and I could be wrong but I think because she has achieved so much in her career and pretty much said and done it all,the overriding impressionI get from her is one of boredom,I was hoping that Gaga coming along would light a fire under her ass,but if this demo is the direction she is heading in then I fear that may not be the case. It's almost like she is just making albums so she has an excuse to go on tour and make a shit load of cash!! Xx

    I see what you're saying but after nearly 30 years and at 53 does she really need to continue the constant image changes and try to shock us. I mean the name MADONNA is all you need to see on the arena marque and that show will sell out in a heart beat. But I do agree with your statement about creating an album just to go out on tour. I'm pretty sure if this album does flop, the tour won't. If she just wants to tour she can just do a greatest hits tour and call it a day but we all no the backlash that occurs every time those words are uttered on the net. And yes we all know she doesn't like doing her old stuff but we'll save that for when the set list drops. :)

  5. I took that as more anti-war than "let me create a controversy" mode.

    yeah that's what I was trying to say. Alot of people hated it but IMO I thought it was a creative album. Yeah this supposed demo first single doesn't mean the whole album will be trash. Hard Candy had alot of good songs.

  6. I hope she hits the NYC area after the summer cause they're renovating Madison Square Garden summer 2012 and again in 2013. If so she would probably do Citi Field In Queens (old Shea Stadium) or the new Giants/ Jets Stadium in the Meadowlands, NJ. I also read somewhere that Jamie King will not be involved with this tour and they want to go in a different direction. I say good move cause now all these artists seem to all do the "madonnaesque" type of show. Catwalks with those huge backing screens! The demo leak may be a bust but the tour is my highlight! :thumbsup:

  7. Hopefully this demo was purposely leaked on the net as a "test" song to see what kind of reaction it would get from fans. If this is set to be released and it gets a bad review, hopefully it gets shelved as a single. It's possible that her people and the record company scout message boards like these and with facebook and twitter at the forefront information gets out even faster. My opinion on this demo is that it doesn't have a hint of Madonna. If it hits the airwaves I'll just have to ignore it the way I ignored 4 minutes.

  8. What about American Life? That's an unusual lead single.

    Not necessarily, American Life was recorded and released after the 9/11 attacks in the US, and the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq so she was in her "let me create a controversy" mode. I actually appreciate many of the songs off that album now.

  9. What has dissapointed me is the whole Hard Candy era, The Sticky and Sweet Tour, not wanting to perform Holiday on the last two tours and the second leg of the S&S tour doesn't count LOL, and not wanting to perform a true greatest hits tour. I understand wanting to move forward with new music but her past work is part of her legacy. Other than that she just does what she does and it doesn't really bother me. Maybe another hair color other than blond would be interesting.

  10. If your a Janet or Cher fan we should look forward to a tour. Both gals are over. But as a Madonna fan I look forward to more top ten or even #1 hits from this woman. So I applaud her working on a new album instead of giving us movies and putting her name on brands. It's suppose to be all about the music.

    I do look forward to her new albums, but I get more excited for her stage shows. That has been the case for me since The Blond Ambition Tour. I miss the days when they would broadcast it live on HBO. As far as a new album I will take anything that doesn't involve Timbaland or Timberlake, or any corny sounding auto-tune tracks and please nothing with Lady Gaga. :thumbsup:

  11. I was responding to Gimme comparing this to Ke$ha dissing Justin Bieber via Twitter. The only thing we know for sure is that Madonna said something about Lady Gaga to her friend during a private conversation which she's entitled to do. There's no need to freak out like Madonna is on Twitter herself dissing Lady Gaga.

    Who gives a rats ass anyway if Madonna is conversating or tweeting about Caca. She has every right to if she wants and i wish Lady Caca would stop appearing as topics on a Madonna board. Yuck!

  12. I'm kinda glad M is out of the picture right now. It gives everyone a chance to get Caca, Beyonce, and all the wannabees out of their system in time for M;s next release. I just hope we don't get a Madonna-Caca collaboration. She has enough attention already. I wouldn't mind a rock style album from M. Everything on the radio now is generic dance music that Madonna did back in '05.

  13. I love how people see Gaga play the piano and they instantly think she must be talented. I've noticed this for other artists as well. If you play the piano most people seem to instantly give you the talent card.

    :clap::clap::clap::bow::bow::bow: Lady Caca is WAYYYY too overrated. So Been there done that. Another chick will come out of the woods in a year or two and Caca will be a distant memory.

  14. Where did she recycle stuff?

    Drowned World, not that it's not enjoyable, but it's not as fun as attending an up tempo show like Confessions or S&S.

    Probably the same huge backdrop screens and staging is what seems recycled. Middle runway. Seems like all of these pop stars are using Jamie King for their shows.

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