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Posts posted by mamifero

  1. Madonna always has an epic opener.

    I have watched the complete GGW opener and although it is epic, she seems very unsteady and rushed throughout the Performace.

    The staging is amazing but it appears that she is watching every step not to trip or fall vs. focusing on the song. With all of the heavy dancing she should be wearing a headset to free her hands for easier movement - I could care less if she lip syncs the entire numbers - I am not paying to hear perfection I am paying to see Madonna rock out!

    When she shatters the glass and poses with the gun she should move slower and more dramatic. She should the toss the gun to a dancer vs. trying to sit/lean it in the confessional. She should come out of the confessional wearing the crown and veil to remove it in front of the crowd - even a dancer could remove it for extra dramatics.

    Just my thoughts.

    Yes. The gargoyles should remove her gun, crown and veil :demonic: :demonic: :demonic:

  2. Over 20 years between those two pictures. She is a fucking Goddess. ... and more and more a nightmare for every younger and middle aged woman on the planet. The pressure those pictures create is immense. And ultimately the reason why her biggest critics nowadays are actually women (and 12 year old monsters without any knowledge in history :nocomment: ). So sad. Why can't people just appreaciate?


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