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Posts posted by doctorjosh
I remember quite a few people knocking "Music" when it was released. Even after it became a hit, there were still many taking pot shots at it because of the lyrics:
Hey Mister D.J., put a record on I wanna dance with my baby…when the music starts
I never wanna stop, it's gonna drive me crazy…Music makes the people come together…I like to boogie-woogie…
Not exactly deep, clever, or meaty lyrics. Truth be told, if I wasn't a Madonna fan, I would have probably rolled my eyes at it too.
Well, it's still a heap more intelligent than "umbrella ella ella eh eh eh..." Puhlease!!!
It's sad that not a single track from the AL album made the list this week and only 1 track managed to get 1 spin in the whole of the USA!!!
I just hope that her Live Earth performance and the release of a new album at the end of this year may be enough to push COADF to 1.7 million by early next year...
Looks like COADF could become a strong catalogue seller.
When the PSBs "Numb" charted last year, it was #7 in physical sales, but ended up in the 20s on the main chart. It's really all about downloads these days!
Yes, and it broke their top 20 run at 21, which started with Can You Forgive Her and ended with Minimal!
Anyway, why they chose to release Numb is beyond me...
I wonder if WBR will certify COADF for 2xP when her new album gets it's first certification...
I can't understand why GHV2 or Music don't sell better because both Music and DTM have such strong recurrent airplay.
U.K. (5/20)
Nice to see that COADF is stll clocking decent sales a year and a half after release. I'm sure this album will reach 5xP in the UK within the next 2 years.
I just want to see the 2xP certification for COADF!
:D Fab info! What's the source, dear?
Top 5 markets with confirmed retail sales:
1. US 1.628
2. UK 1.260
3. FR 0.775
4. CA 0.474
5. JA 0.445
Germany might be in the Top 5 since it's certified 5xG, sadly no retail sales are known. Italy, Spain, Australia and either Sweden or Brazil (or Russia
) would be the remaining in the Top 10.
That's over 4.5 million in hard sales in just 5 countries!
I'm pleased that COADF is holding up rather nicely. I hope it can maintain similar sales until the new album is released. I'll also have my fingers crossed for a nice sales spike with the release of the Live Earth track.
W/E 2/18/07
Confessions on a Dance Floor: 2,191 (+21%)- 1.614 million cume
A nice little boost for COADF.
1.7 million, here we come!
*phew*...just made it into the top 100!
I hope GHV2 can be certified 2xP by the time the next studio album comes around.
I would just love to see this album certified for 5xP in the UK.
I think 100k for 2007 is a little optimistic but not impossible but it would be very nice to see COADF scan past 1.7 million.
Well I'd like to see a double platinum cert for the following Madonna albums (because they deserve it):
And doctorjosh, COAD was certified 4xplat only a couple of months ago. This album will NOT be certified 5xplat even if it's #38 for half a year in the Eurochart! Not to say it will most probably fall out of top100 in two months time!
I know. It'd be nice though! And one can always hope...
5xplat in Europe is impossible. But it's nice if the album is catching up with mimi.
I wonder how the mimi fans say when MediaTraffic have both albums the same sales.
5xP is not out of the question. Isn't it already at 4xP in Europe? And COADF is still on the charts...
It's so nice to see COADF doing well in Europe. I hope it's enough for a 5th platinum cert for the European charts.
COAD PASSED 1.2 M MARK!!!!!!!!
heaven published top75 year end sales...
Confessions is #45 on the 2006 year end album chart with sales of more than 368,000 copies sold in 2006....
That means Coad's total sales: 1,201,000 copies!!!!
I want that 4xP cert in the UK now, dammit!!!!!!!
Jump drops from No.29 to No.37 on the Aussie charts this week.
I would just love to see COADF reach 5xP in Europe eventually, which will match "Music".
It's so interesting to see Music and DTM chart so higly amongst Madonna's recurrent airplay hits. I don't understand why this doesn't translate into better catalogue sales of "Music" or "GHV2".
BPI: The UK's Bestselling Albums
in ARCHIVE - Madonna
LAP is probably over 4.5 million and should get to a 5xP certifiaction sometime in the near future. It's disappointing but not too bad considering TB is certified for 7 million and LAV for 10 million. That's a drop of 3 million with each successive studio album.