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erotica blu

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Posts posted by erotica blu

  1. Compared to something like Janet Jackson or Mariah Carey it's not commercial, but overall I don't think it's as daring as people make it out to be. And in the end a lot of the tracks don't work.

    Anyway, when Erotica flopped Madonna spent a long time being commercial in order to fix things, from the lite R&B album to drifting dangerously close to Celine Dion music, so it's just that again with the last two albums.

    I know Madonna plays it safe after she fails commercially with an album that’s going left – but I want her to go left again – soon – the suspense is killing me.

    Madonna has always been more daring and even un-commercial compared to the bullshit Mariah and Janet records.

  2. American Life is probably one of her less commercial album BUT it's commercial after all. Hollywood, Love Profusion, Nothing Fails, Mother and Father, Die Another Day are all pretty commercial songs.

    And American Life is just ONE album. Confessions is one of her most commercial album ever, and the same goes for Ray Of Light and Music etc. And what about the 80s?

    Just because it's electronic music and not urban music doesn't mean it' not commercial.

    Get real, we are not talking about Kate Bush working with Timbaland and Timberlake.

    Madonna is a commercial artist – I’m not naïve to that fact. However her move into electronic music for me has made her a stronger/more consistent recording artist. American Life – if it were release by anyone other than Madonna – would’ve been praised for being so damn daring but because it was her people just said she failed at being avant-garde – everything just sounded wrong.

  3. If the Gap ad and duet with Britney of 2003 didn't finish her off (not to mention all the bad movies) I don't think a TV show is anything to worry about.

    Add the weight of being over 50 – with questionable facial surgery. A previous album that’s commercial appeal is two years too late – it sold because it’s Madonna.

    Being the tour goddess she is – and debuting at number one for all four studio albums of the last decade – is keeping her afloat – God I’ve turned into one of them – those fans that bitch – this is why I haven’t posted here in a while – there’s no real news about a new album or anything else I can about – so we find things to bitch about while we wait – until new things come and we bitch about those – tearing at everything – just because.

  4. I think she is just doing it as a favor to Jerry Seinfeld's wife. I do kind of wish she wouldn't do it because it seems dumb and tacky, but I don't think in the long run it will do much damage to hear as most likely noone will watch it.

    Right now she doesn't have anything to perform until she finishes her new record. So she can't really go on those big shows.

    I don't think it will ruin her mystique because Madonna has never been a recluse like person. She has always been pretty accessible and open with the media and on tv all the time, at least up until recently.

    Mystique isn’t always about being bizarre – withdrawn or aloof – Madonna has a quality about her that’s larger than life – I don’t care if she’s friends with Rosie O’Donnell – she’s still Madonna.

  5. Focused exclusively on the albums I actually own.

    I’m Breathless – More

    The Immaculate Collection – Justify My Love

    Erotica – In This Life

    Bedtime Stories – Human Nature

    Something to Remember – Oh Father

    Ray of Light – The Power of Goodbye

    Music – Nobody’s Perfect

    American Life – Love Perfusion

    Confessions … – Future Lovers

    Hard Candy – Candy Shop

  6. I have to just say this, I'm the biggest critic in the world when it comes to Madonna's new face, however, I'm learning to embrace and accept what can't be changed!

    On to her performance of LAP – I’m sorry but I can’t separate my feelings about the song’s lyrics being about oral sex. I wish she sung something else instead that doesn’t have that stigma for me. I must admit that Madonna with the choir always excites me.

  7. Well, yeah, I know that, I'm a fan but I REALLY doubt she'd make Timbaland step up his game. If Madonna couldn't make him do something edgy or original, nobody will (well, not until he finds another Danja).

    The majority of name artists he works with or either sings (who also co-write lyrics) or rappers (who only care about the beats solely). It’s easy to assume going into the studio with him isn’t about how you can get him to tailor himself your way but for you to figure out how to manage under his.

    Bjork with assistance of an engineer re-tooled the material she recorded with Timbaland (7 tracks total). But her unique voice likely is the reason those tracks feel less Timbaland-esque and more Bjork-ish.

  8. It's not like Aaliyah was that amazing songwriter with her own ideas, is it?

    Aaliyah in interviews about recording her 3rd and final album doesn’t come across as a cookie cutter R&B chick. She wanted to be different – to grow. Her final album wasn’t all Missy and Timbaland tracks – she worked with people with no name that went left with everything they gave her.

  9. How about waiting? Rumored info is fine to discuss, but some have a hard time believing Madonna will do something that they’ll enjoy again.

    I won’t underestimate Madonna. She gets bored like we do. I won’t be surprised if the next album is the anti-HC -- Bjork said it best in “You’ve Been Flirting Again”

    Give Her Some Space / Give Her Some Time

  10. American Life followed closely by Music.

    I just love the acoustic folksy/electro tracks like Love Profusion, Nothing Fails, Intervention, I Deserve It, Don't Tell Me and to this day enjoy listening to those two albums the most!

    What are yours now that the 00's are coming to an end and we start the 10's?

    I hate the judgment against this album from fans. I don’t care what critics say about Madonna because she was always a rebel in her own way. But the meanness of those you didn’t appreciate the Low-Fi quality of the acoustic tracks – the minimalism of the electronic layering of the production – the elementary simple lyrics – they’re far more adult than people give them credit.

    I love everything about the album except the last two songs, the album cover art, and layout art.

  11. I don't think that will ever happen because she'll always have touring to fall back on and Europe will always champion her

    I mean an artistic disappointment. I don’t care what critics have to say because they pan the Madonna records that are closest to my heart anyway (Erotica and American Life). And a commercial one is relative – only COADF and Music sold well stateside.

  12. I guess we all agree to disagree. There never seems to be a new Madonna topic about something new she’s doing that doesn’t get examined from every conceivable angle from fans to outright disillusioned people who missed the Madonna of whenever – I just would like to feel like everyone is excited for the new album – instead of anticipating a Janet Jackson size disappointment.

  13. Far too early but it would’ve been nice if she said I plan to release a new album sometime in 2011. I want a new album. I don’t need a new tour. She could wait a year and actually plan for Australia. They deserve to see her at least once more live in her lifetime. I don’t care who she works with for HC’s follow up as long as I like the music and the thematic and lyrically content is introspective and pretentious.

  14. Well, in the full Entertainment Weekly article, it was also made clear that originally Sapphire did not think that Lee Daniels was an appropriate choice either. I'm sure she was just very protective of her work, which is understandable. Obviously, she ended up making a good choice, based on the media and festival response to the film, and it's fortunate that he was able to persuade her to let him direct the project.

    That said, if Madonna wanted to produce, it sounds like she would have been providing financial backing (not necessarily getting involved in the directing of the film)... which would still have left room for other creative involvement from people who would be more "appropriate" choices than Madonna, though I still can't understand why the idea of her involvement is so laughable.

    Not to be too judgmental, but the notion that poverty only affects people of one skin color is slightly narrow-minded. While the racial themes may be important in this work, I don't think it's fair to say Madonna should not have been involved based on her skin color. And obviously wealth can't be a determining factor either, given all the other people who have now become attached to the project (regardless of whether that's pre- or post-production). I don't want to get into a charged conversation about this, but I just think it's an odd argument to say Madonna's skin color disqualifies her from being moved by the story and wanting to be involved in helping to tell that story on film.

    Wealthy white financers produced Precious in the end anyway – so race may not have been a huge factor.

  15. From the 80’s – Everybody / Where’s the Party

    Justify My Love video (1990)*artfully produced and all around fun – when Madonna’s having fun – at least during this period of her career it was fun for us all / Truth or Dare (1991)*best cap off of her career pre-Sex Book

    Erotica [album]*honorable mention the album cover / Deeper and Deeper video (1992) / The Girlie Show (1993)*still resentful of the ignoring of Los Angeles

    Love Profusion (2003)*single best piece of recorded music this decade / (2003, 2005, 2008) American Life/Hung Up/Candy Shop*my favorite contemporary Madonna tracks feature gay robot vocals

    Sticky & Sweet World Tour (2008)*first Madonna concert – a personal sexual fetish of mine is featured in the opening number

  16. Just a reminder all of her studio album’s this decade debut at number one

    Biggest solo touring act – current (i.e. relevant) record holder

    Back in the 80’s people like to pit Prince and Michael Jackson against each other – Chris Rock says Prince won – but the reality is Madonna did – has it all – her life – sanity – children – young Latino dick (God I want me one of those!) – and future albums that she’ll base future tours off of.

  17. You say so many stupid things on this forum, that it's really hard to keep up.

    1. Posting a gorgeous shot of Alek Wek to illustrate what true black looks like, is just ridiculous. Based on that, half of my family just lost their black status. *NEWSFLASH*....BLACK PEOPLE COME IN EVERY SHADE FROM ALMOST WHITE TO BLUE/BLACK. Unless you're legally blind, I'm sure you've noticed Carlos Leon is AFRO-CUBAN, which means Lourdes has african blood in her veins!...just like Mariah! Can't wait for her to claim her blackness, and put out an r&b record like Mariah. LOL :lmao:

    2. As a human being, Mariah has every right to define herself, without having to justify anything to anyone. Btw, her dad is half venezuelan, and there are MILLIONS of people of african descent throughout latin america. A little something called the SLAVE TRADE happened a while back.

    In any case she still sucks, but will no doubt have the #1 album over Madonna

    Thank You.

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