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Posts posted by loowee
Okay but can she actually pull a real surprise and perform that political disco stomper?
1 hour ago, Confessit said:
Wow I didn't expect that I've read your comments about it and it sounds amazing.
So it looks like the video she shot in February with the queens is for Future with Quavo? As that's single number 3 by the looks of it as she's performing it at Eurovision....? Any thoughts mensch?
The drag queen video is OBVIOUSLY for Killers Who Are Partying. I don’t know why you keep on insisting that it’s for other tracks.
Maybe Eurovision decided to ban Killers and she has to choose another song?
The like/dislike ratio is looking pretty impressive! It will DEFINITELY have longevity on YouTube. Another 200M video in the bag!
If the Billboard performance goes viral globally (like the Britney kiss), it wouldn’t be a bad idea to keep pushing Medellín on Eurovision if Killers isn’t allowed to be performed. If Medellín becomes an actual hit in Europe/SA then it will at least give enough momentum for Killers Who Are Partying, it all depends on how great the song/video is and so far from what we’ve seen/heard about the song it sounds like a potential smash for her. Fingers crossed she can perform it on Eurovision!
7 minutes ago, Mensch said:
You think Faz will impact Brasil? Hasn’t it already been heard and a hit like a year ago?
I believe it was just a local hit in Portugal. With the help of Anitta and a ratchet video (which will piss off many Madonna fans), I can totally see it going viral in Brazil. It’s a very catchy song and I’m sure Madonna/Mirwais/Mike will elevate it even more.
I honestly don’t care about the commercial success for this song tbh, and I don’t think her team does either. They probably launch this first to drum up the hype for Latin markets (and selective European markets) so it’ll be nice to see it becoming a sleeper hit there. Faz Gostoso will also be an easy hit for her in Brazil.
I think their team is saving bullets for the disco single “Killers Who Are Partying”. It sounds like a traditional Madonna pop song with a controversial video and will be performed in front of 200M people. I don’t see how they can go wrong with that (of course Eurovision would need to approve the song to be performed first, but I’m confident M and her team already had that locked down.)
I cannot wait for the Madonna storm next month.
3 hours ago, AlvaroLiam said:
Btw, if she does the rumored disco song, this woman better serve Hung Up too.
It's been a decade since she performed it in its original version and now the universe has aligned for her to do it again. I'm not joking M, first advice. (?)
Why would she perform two disco songs back to back?
3 hours ago, Confessit said:
I think it's I Rise as it's described as an anthem in the press release and the title fits with the theme of everyone rising up for freedom with the queens in the theratre....? Perhaps?
Well let's see! I don't think they're gonna drop another official single this soon!
I still believe Killers Who Are Partying is the second single/disco smash which will be performed on Eurovision.
Performing “Killers Who Are Partying” & possibly “Like A Prayer” in Israel. This bitch knows exactly what she’s doing.
This is an instant Madonna classic.
1 minute ago, drunkbysix said:
The album cover, minus the off centered writing, is beautiful.
its only three features people. Relax.
I’m actually starting to think that it’s meant to be off centered and they’re trying to make the cover a bit quirky with the slightly distorted text, neck being cropped and the whole pic looking a bit grainy.
I’m fucking loving everything about this era except for the off-centered cover text. Fix it fat!
I’m also screaming @ Bitch I’m Loca and all these “trendy” rapper features. She literally gives zero fucks.
12 minutes ago, fandonna said:
they better release the song on all
platform simultaneously. an exclusive release is a very stupid strategy these days.
Well, they get a pay check for giving MTV the exclusive premiere (to a very limited audience) and they can officially debut the song/video on all platforms on Friday. Sounds like a win-win situation if that’s the case.
April 17th: MTV exclusive music video release (TV debut + Snapchat)
April 19th: Song and video officially released on all platforms
April 24th: MTV live interview/album press release
I feel like they’re going to roll it out like that?
Whats the point of “MTV exclusive” if the song/video get released everywhere on the same day (April 17th)?
I don’t think she’s performing Hung Up because she will most likely perform the new disco single. She’d definitely want some variety in her performance.
Who the fuck cares about Taylor Swift releasing new music at the same time? Some of you acting like M is still a chart topper and Taylor is going to block her from getting a #1...Get real people!
27 minutes ago, Jairo said:
There's no way she's releasing the first single in May. She's releasing a new single next week. This week we had not one but two huge clues about this next era. She's building the momentum and next week we will know everything.
This, and she will release the "second" lead single (Killers) right before Eurovision.
6 minutes ago, Samo said:
Young people especially watch the BBMA
No they don't.
12 minutes ago, Sky Fits Heaven said:
Sounds fake to me.
The "insider" with the radio news is fake for sure, but he's just going along with what MTribe has already reported, so it's not unlikely that the Maluma track will be released next week. Two lead singles, released one month apart, targeting different markets etc. this is what we have known for months. Now that Eurovision is confirmed, it's pretty clear that we will be hearing the first lead single very soon.
April 18th: Reggaeton single with Maluma (targeting Latin markets)
May 17th: Disco single, performed on Eurovision
(targeting international markets)
June: Album Release
The double lead single rumour is starting to make sense now.
7 hours ago, alexis said:
Also, I'm seeing meltdowns for a rumor created by an unreliable source, stop being delirious, motherfuckers
Exactly! Why the meltdown?
"Crave" thread. Official video out TODAY!
No one outside of this fanbase will check out the leaked video. I think you guys are overreacting.