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Posts posted by renee205

  1. What the heck I have loved the Queen as a bitch from the start if there was any change then good but i am a fan of her talent not her character although the nastiness and the bitchiness is a fckin BONUS. I don't want my Queen becoming some sweet good natured angelic goody goody, that's pure bullshit.

    If there's any consolation at least we know that M is human and she gets pissed.

  2. I'm excited for this event, I am pretty annoyed how immature people are being, unfortunately Madonna does whatever she wants and not what her fans want her to do, who cares if she has commercial success and people think shes "in" or not I agree the whole Australia thing is kind of a WTF moment, but GET OVER IT, people say "i have the right to be mad" umm no you dont the fact that madonna tours at all should be enough she has provided her fans with 3 groundbreaking tours in a relatively short amount of time not everyone goes on tour after a new album like she does, if you havent gotten a plane ticket to go see her by now then TOUGH TITTY, in the end she is still her own person, she works for a living and she has kids to take care of. People saying things like "she has said she tours because she has to make a living" NO SHIT do you work because its fun? Truth is she cant please everyone, nor does she have to she is still making music and she is still touring, if its up to me to go to her then so be it, but I am not going to wait 20 years for her to come to me.

    Sorry if this post pisses you off but idc tbh, i'm a Madonna fan through and through and just because she makes questionable decisions with her career doesnt mean im going to turn around and trash talk her.


  3. I don't mean to be rude, but this, out of all reasons, is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Did you miss the fact that she is doing almost 90 shows already....what would another 8 be in the scheme of things. If she's as tired as you think her to be, I think she better stop now. FFS!

    OH but you are rude and you do meant it , and please stop the niceties crap , And being tired is actually one of the best reason not to do anything. Maybe dumb to you but then again your not the one flying 20 hours from the States to Oz after doing the 90 shows you mentioned plus the huge logistics involve in it.

    Seriously my heart goes out to the Aussie fans but maybe she is simply tired and old as the same time.....And when you said for her to stop Maybe just maybe she will eventually do that.

  4. I cannot believe they would think the sales would be bad. After putting shows on in Europe that sold HALF of what she did last time, and new places like Colombia sold like gangbusters, surely Australia would've been a killer haul in cash. I refuse to believe it was canceled for fear of no profit. I think Madonna just didn't want to do another leg.

    Or maybe a simple reason that she's tired I mean she's 53 going 54 next month for crying out loud. And its not like her show is a concert wherein she'll just stand up in front of a mike and sing

  5. Oh No here we go again the crappy comments about a clip/teaser. Its like deja vu every time. Clearly this has happened already one when GMAYL had its preview then with GGW . Good thing she did not disappoint with the first two, some people just don't get tired of being so reductive.... :dramatic:

  6. I hope she comes to Asia in Feb. It's the best time .Great weather . We will help her break her previous record for sure .

    I'm so happy for MDNA Tour's boxscore ! God Madge . Go Madge !

    Asia is actually an untapped market for M save for Japan. And its a huge market that she should harness. Seeing that Asia had been clamoring for her for years, Now's the time I think. Maybe Singapore, Bangkok ,Manila,HongKong, Taiwan,Korea and even China. Plus seeing that Asia is the emerging economy right now she can pull it off even with the sky high ticket prices. I mean for crying out loud the likes of Air Supply, Tears for Fears,Duran Duran and other has beens can pack it in and the likes of Beyonce, GaGa ,Nicki Minaj,Katy Perry whose current did it.

    And don't even worry that some of these countries in a third world level . Her demographics of Gaysians are the rich ones that can afford her. And as trend has it in most concerts that's being held in Asia, the more expensive seats are the first one to get sold out.

    With the inclusion of Gaysia it would be so easy for her to wipe out the S&S record

  7. thats so mean, lol....ur a newbie though so maybe ur just a pawn in lady gags bonet...madonna gets bullied all the time by stars - bigger than her - maybe lady gag's speech was a response to elton john & his husband's bullying of madonna this year!!! u ever think of that...i think thats what it is, lol

    hmmmm and who might i say are these so called BIGGER stars that are bullying M, Elton,Morrissey,Piers Morgan ? I dont think so...
  8. Seriously I mean in every tour there's always a mash up, it had been sort of a tradition for M, in the Virgin Tour its Billy Jean and LAV,

    In WTG Its Sugar Pie honey Bunch with LAV,

    In the BAT I forgot lol.

    In DWT its Rain & Just my Imagination, In the RIT its the Bitter sweet symphony sample with Don't Tell me,

    In the CT its I feel Love and Future Lovers,

    In the S&S Tour its Music and Put your hands up for Detroit .

    So i Think Gaga should be glad and be proud that her song was even included in this Tour by a Living Legend no less even if there's some sort of a shade going on...lol

    She should even be thankful for these,,,,

  9. #1






    (anywhere else???)

    Glad to see finally MDNA made it to number 1 in Australia. Isn't it that Australia is one of those countries that ignored the pre order scheme

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