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Posts posted by renee205

  1. This had never been mentioned in the last thread about the video collection but I gotta give it up to Warner's for a really very good remastering of the audio for these collection. Every synth every chimes and bells are heard distinctly. The depth in the sound is really so fucking good. Worth buying really...... :clap:

  2. YIKES for Mimi a Geriatric lady beat her to the number 1 spot @ billboard. But seriously apart from Madonna's Celebration I also supported Babs by buying her new album, I think her album is very good and she sounds way good still after all these years...Still like Butter lol


  3. It really cracks me up when i read in a yahoo music blog comments saying that it was not madonna but an SNL's new cast member thats with Gaga in that SNL skit.

    Stupid really i just cant understand that people cannot accept that Madonna is still hot even at 51. And that she can still out trump a 20ish something lady like Gaga in terms of hotness and how she looks.

    So Sad that some people have a very narrow way of thinking with regards to how a woman should look at a certain age. But heck Madonna is soooo freakin hot.


  4. well to begin with as mentioned for the nth time it was the buenos aires show that was filmed for the dvd so whats the deal and everybody is shittin their pants over something that was decided upon by the powers that be, even before the second leg started anyways.....

    Guy basically re confirmed what he said some months back. Anyways for those people making a big fuss about it Guy did say that there would be added footage from the 2nd leg maybe as a dvd bonus so stop the yapping already.

    As for the revolver video thingie, Bad enough that celebration single flopped in the US, lets not insist to add insult to the injury. Much as revolver is growing on me I dont think it has what it takes to be a hit.


  5. really dont care im sure mimoo would chart higher than madge in the US but eventually worldwide mimoo would eat shit plus the fact that her cd is at bargain price right now at amazon. thats why im rejoicing over this little tiumph....looney maybe but i couldnt care less....

  6. [/img]


    Nope i think in the US they have a certain quota for success , one cant be successful in all the things that one do. She's making a killing at the touring box office be it US or otherwise maybe they think thats too much success already lol

    Besides it was clear that I did say radio airplay not in all aspects of the carreer....


  7. Oh No more excuses for the US radio she's simply over in the US in terms of airplay , I have accepted that seeing what happened to Hard Candy's Give it 2 me. Great track actually but seeing whats happening now with all the other releases Celebration and revolver included flopping and dropping like flies ,

    i dont think promoting would help as elsewhere in the world she's doin fine. I'd say if its the gays and some other niche market she appeals to then she just mantain it no use in begging other markets to appreciate her cuz i guess in the end its gonna be another MJ story where theyre just goin to appreciate her when she's gone.Sad really but at least she still have her live tours and she's still well loved elsewhere other than the States.Let them have GAGA lol


  8. Seriously if a drunk guy's stage antics could out headline the much hyped performance by Gaga then i suppose this performance will be forgotten in say a week or two. This years VMA's surely belongs to Kanye's ass hole histrionics. in years to come no one will even remember Gaga's stoopid number. Might I say even Madge's tribute stole the thunder from Gaga's Broadway cum slasher movie whatever performance she did.

    And men her panties looks like there's a dildo stuck in it....For show i suppose


  9. Hows about she renew ties with her old hollywood friends and feature them in the vid namely Pacino, Nicholson, De niro, Warren B., Sean P.,Joe Pesci,Joe Mantegna, Willem Defoe, Danny Aiello (her dad in papa dont preach) etc.

    Tough guys that did great gangster movie or two.

    And Martin Scorsese or David Fincher will direct as a last salvo for warners with the queen. It would be a blast but this is pure wishful thinking Just an idea .....


  10. AWWWWWWWWW those bitches got their foot stuck up their nasty mouth.....Esp that hag joy. And Ms. Walters the Jackson family loved it so keep your stupid opinion to yourself. I guess if she were listening she would have heard Madge mentioned that they were not great friends to begin with.

    And I guess part of the bashing stems from the fact that rosie O is great friends with the queen and i just think that trashing Madonna's every move would be getting back at what rosie did to them....

  11. hey lets not over analyze here im just glad that theres a new compilation worth buying for the moment.

    And hey dont worry im sure when she dies (god forbid not in the near future) she will get the Beatles treatment for her catalog....which she rightly deserves...

    Lets just freakin buy the album and make it at least as successful as TIC...(wishful thinking) hehehe

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