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Posts posted by renee205

  1. Well I'd say lets just wait for the sophomore album coz i don't think the Fame monster could be considered as the sophomore album as it also includes the Fame tracks plus the 8 new tracks.

    I'm thinking Alanis Morissete the 1st album was like mega successful but the second one paled in comparison and the succeeding albums later.

    Longevity I guess would depend on the creative energy and vibe plus the total packaging that would spell the difference as the audience gets tired easily of the same thing.

    But I do think Gaga does have the chops to stay as I see that she is talented and very entertaining, she just have to play her cards right But to be the next Madonna per Se.That remains to be seen......

  2. Why should one be embarrassed? Its a great homage to Madonna and its very rare that a Number 1 TV show devotes something positive to her.

    Usually one just sees trashing and making fun and ridicule of what Madonna has done in her career and her life (ie 30 Rock) very much like the usual stuff I read in these forums .

    This time it actually showcases how encompassing her music is And even glorifying the magnitude of her impact culturally.

    And its not like Glee needs Madonna right now with the ratings and rave reviews it has gotten from the beginning of its run up to now.

    But of course I am not underestimating The power Of Madonna Lets just see next week how its gonna impact on Glee's ratings.


  3. Well all I can say is to each his/her own, And for crying out loud this is a freakin Madonna forum. I mean if some people wants to react violently to a not so nice comment about their idol then its mighty fine. I just find it funny the level headed crap that others are advocating here. If one is a Madonna loon like meself admittedly then go fire away against anybody who tramples and denigrate our idol LOL.

    And who's golfrapp btw? :lmao:

  4. Uhhhhm got confused I mean Madonna's got new cheeks and all , So why not Lets just agree that she is the new Madonna with the cheeks, with new boyfriends ie JESUS A Rod etc, with two new black kids, new hair, new outfits, new charity etc.

    With whats happening, Say every two years or less we always have a new Madonna so why should we look further for a new MADONNA when we already have her....


  5. Just glad that S&S is being released , I dont wanna complain been waiting for this for ages at least theres a concrete date of release. Just wondring when will be the release in other parts of the globe. Gonna have to call my friend from Japan again to get a hold of these asap. or it may be available thru Amazon or last resort would be freakin e bay....

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