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Supreme Elitists
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Posts posted by jacket

  1. Yes, there is.

    When it comes to objectifying, this is last on my list. Feminism. Firstly, let’s start with equal pay for women. Something men never think about. Then, let’s move on to reproductive rights. How about the right to consensually choose a spouse? Genital mutilation. Forced pregnancy, anyone? Gang rape and enslavement. Gender apartheid. Religious murder and burnings. Pornography coercion. Breast cancer and the lack of scientific funding. Property rights. Sexual harassment. Gynecological rape. The list is endless.

    If this was truly an issue, which it isn’t, I’m sure PwC will give this woman a get out of jail free card if she turns in a good doctor’s note. I’m sure of it. This is non-news that wastes time. When my male psychiatrist came onto me, in 1996, and I sought out help, most people thought I was the one with a sexual disfunction. Maybe my heels weren’t high enough, but my high horse wasn't.

    I think we can walk and chew gum at the same time. Sure there are higher order priorities, but attitudes and values are hardest to shift and they're contained in the PwC dress policy. The standard you walk past is the standard you accept.

    And let's be real, the only people in this thread having conniptions are those saying high heels are the epitome of professional wear and she should shut the fuck up and deal. *cough*roccopop*cough*

  2. I can see why the Huff Post pulled the article. Public confidence is crucial and anti-vaxxers are dangerous. They spread irrational fear and unsubstantiated claims. As a result, more people (stupid people) will buy into these false claims, choose to not vaccinate their children and compromise the herd immunity. Then leaving the majority of the population at risk of treatable infectious diseases. The return of measles is an example.

    Spot on.

    We're at the point now that letting anti-vac and climate denialist/skeptics access to influential media platforms to spruik their debunked arguments is akin to giving space to segregationists and pro abstinence loons.

  3. Nope.

    Are you really generalizing the feeling of millions of millions of people according to what terrorist propaganda sells?

    Are all christians like Trump?

    No - I get my information from Pew research. http://www.pewforum.org/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-overview/

    Where do you get yours - your ass?

    You need to educate yourself before you come at me for a third time.

  4. If it does in fact boil down to Trump vs. Hillary, I really hope we can count on the Bernie supporters to support the Democratic Party. It's not voting "out of fear;" it's doing the right thing. We cannot allow Trump to be president. We have to be united against him. The vast majority of the #BernieOrBust people are white straight men that have little to lose under a Trump presidency. As a black gay college student, I have EVERYTHING to lose under a Trump presidency so please don't contribute to his success by placing your vote on a total losing candidate. I'm begging all of you - for our sake.

    I hear you but I think Trump is the perfect President to see out humanity when the catastrophic climate change tipping point is reached or terrorists finally get their hands on nuclear weapons. It just seems fitting.

    In other words, you are asking people like me to go against my beliefs and principles and vote for a lying, corrupt, corporate fed politician "out of fear" of getting someone like Trump? Sorry, but we will have to disagree. It is voting "out of fear", not doing the right thing. Doing the right thing would be voting for a candidate with integrity in the first place, whether it's Sanders, Stein, or someone else. People have a rare chance to vote for someone with integrity and a consistent record, and they choose Hillary instead. So, now I'm just supposed to give up what I believe in because people have decided to vote against their own best interests and go with the establishment, celebrity, "safe" candidate? That's on her supporters, not on me and the other Bernie supporters. It goes both ways. If Trump wins, people can't just pin it on the Bernie supporters. Hillary will never get my vote ... and neither will Trump.

    That's like saying you don't care if your balls get whacked by a sock or a wooden bat because the feather - your preferred option - is no longer available.

    Son, your balls are going to get whacked either way, at least attempt to minimise the damage.

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