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Posts posted by Pabl0114

  1. The debut album and Like a Virgin had lots of r&b/funk elements

    Yeah, totally agree. But by the time HC rolled around the fans had long forgotten it. They were used to the ROL, M, AL and COADF.

    Hard Candy is the type of album I been waiting around since BS which is pretty funky.

  2. I dont know how most fans dont think it sounds like a madonna album. All her albums sound different, so in that regards, but not only, it's a perfect mafonna album I jst think that "that sound" is not one that most hard core fans were used to, very rythmic and funky.

  3. jam to it on the regular and was bumping to it today. I loved it since it came out. Love the beats, her voice sounds like how it sounds live in some songs, I'm all for that. Love how some of the songs have such a sense of longing and an air of melancholy (heartbeat, incredible), GI2M is the Over and Over of the new millennium, the disco funk of SNM and BGO and SL is life itself. To quote Pud: "love it all!!!!"


  4. What's most annoying about these people is that they go out of their way to be cunts when they feel like it. Then when people who don't buy into their bullshit they get defensive and start bashing the keys to try and get revenge any way they can. :lmao:

    Please. No need to be bitter because I called you out on the constant bullshit you were spouting before you left here to go and kiss Lady Dumbfucks ass while saying Madonna was over. I didn't forget that and it's why I think not only are you a flop fan but a sheep who realised that Lady Floptits was flopping in more ways than one so your snaked your way back over. Just because I pointed out your OBVIOUS bad taste, nasty behaviour and FLOP DECISION you can't take it. Bye.

    Do what I do...don't respond to that person. A wise man told me to do so and it's much better that way.

    Oh? I thought you were just seeking attention. After all you did seem to very much enjoy something I said about another member which you considered 'harsh'. I didn't think you had such a sensitive nature considering your behaviour.

    I love it when Gugu gathers the girls together and reads them one by one

  5. I agree and I must confess even though I loved this forum from the very beginning, I almost decided to call it quits because I thought some people were being way too rude, there was a lot of negative energy, especially since some of you thought I'm a little monster, for some weird reason lol

    How could anyone mistake you for a little monster, you are obviously an undercover Lamb dear.

  6. The bridge is everything

    "Drop your weapon, you better come clean, I got you covered, I'll catch you when you fall to me. I'm not gonna hurt you cuz I'm not that kind, we not going nowhere till you have a change of mind."


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