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Posts posted by StrawberryBounce12

  1. I understand but call it domestic terrorism then. This is a real problem in the U.S. so many homegrown terrorists.

    My point is that so many Americans and Trump want to ban all Muslims but don't seem too concerned about the sickos in this Country. Why are these mass killings so commonplace in the U.S.? Insane.

    Let's call it what it is. Over 50 people have been killed (so far sadly) and 200 injured. This is an act of terrorism.

  2. This is so tragic! I was literally JUST at the "Mandalay Bay" resort for a concert a few weeks ago. I can't imagine the horror these people went through and are still going through.

    50+ people dead and 200 injured is absolutely insane. I am so very sorry for the victims and their loved ones.

    What the fuck America?  People are so focused on the "Mohamed's" of the world that they are forgetting about the homegrown terrorists right here in the U.S. Trump just released a statement and he isn't calling this terrorism  of course because the shooter is more than likely a white male. Call it what it is. This was a terrorist attack.

  3. All the media is reporting that Trump's people say he is "without regret" regarding his statements about Charlottesville, which is no surprise to me. It seems some in the media and elsewhere are trying to shame him into apologizing which definitely won't be happening.

    He is an arrogant, bigoted, narcisstic maniac who will NEVER admit he's wrong. More than likely he doesn't even see anything wrong with what he said. Bottom line here is that he knows that he needs these white nationalists voters continued support as they are a huge reason why he was elected.

    If the Republicans  had any balls they would jump ship from this disaster but they are spineless. I can't believe this is the kind of person they want at the forefront of their party but I guess it's "party over country" for most of them.

    What a disgrace.

    I agree with some of you that people need to go out in mass numbers and protest against this piece of shit orange clown.  Yes he has his supporters but more than half the Country does not support him. I've gone to protests before and I plan on going to protests in my area this weekend. I DO think they can be effective.

    People need to get out there and show that this kind of behavior and rhetoric is NOT acceptable.


  4. 14 hours ago, Jazzy Jan said:

    The over whelming percentage of white people are disgusted, ashamed and hate white supremacists.  I don't remotely support those pond scum who I find evil and horrible.    Don't know why people think it is necessary to then have a go at all white people because of those revolting idiots.  

    I agree that it's unfair to attack all whites and name call when many have stood up and continue to take a stand against this type of behavior and racist rhetoric. Jazzy, I know you're one that calls people out on their racism, prejudice and just any type of injustice. I see your posts in this forum and I know that you're genuinely disgusted with this kind of behavior.

    There's still so much progress that needs to be made and society definitely needs more people like you who aren't afraid to speak out against injustices.

    5 hours ago, ULIZOS said:

    How many times have we discussed the systematic kind of white supremacy in this very forum only to be told that we're making up, being ridiculous. Remember GetUnconcious? :wacko:

    I have no idea how we're ever going to move forward when we have to be careful about just saying something like oh, I don't know, I had to work twice as hard as my white colleagues to get to where I am today. I don't say this to get pity. I hate pity. It's just a fact.

    The problem, at least here in America as I can't speak for anywhere else really, is that people want to bury their heads in the sand and act like racism doesn't really exist. That it's just a few misguided individuals. It's NOT only redneck Billy Bob from bumble fuck wherever with these ignorant and hateful views. It's your neighbor. It's your co worker. It's your banker. It's our fucking President.

    These types are EVERYWHERE. There's a reason why Trump was elected president. There are more people with these types of views than many would care to admit.

    Unitl Americans are willing to have REAL open discussion about race and figure out how we can change things for those of us who actually want change anyway, things will remain as they are.

    Things are actually getting worse. There's always been racism but this is the most DIVIDED this country has been in years and it's only going to get worse.


    1 hour ago, ULIZOS said:

    I've been thinking about this all day long, and the more I think about it, the angrier I get. Seriously, fuck everyone, including several people in this forum, who downplays the importance of the Black Lives Matter movement.

    "Waa, all lives matter, waa." Fuck you.


    I HATE that shit. People who scream "all lives matter" are really ignorant. Maybe BLM should start screaming "Black lives ALSO matter" because that's really what it's about. BLM is for equality not black supremacy unlike those white nationalist CLOWNS who are for white supremacy.

    White nationalists have a disgusting history of violence and it should be illegal for them to hold rally's to spew their crap. Freedom of speech my ass. They don't deserve it with the kind of history they have and violence they continue to incite.

  5. Shameful. This is Trump's AMERIKKKA. Sure, these racists have always been around and always will be around. HOWEVER, these white nationalists feel more comfortable  and protected speaking out under his leadership. They see him as one of them. These white nationalists make up a sizeable portion of his base anyway so I'm not surprised he won't speak out directly against them.

  6. 10 hours ago, Jazzy Jan said:

    I can't understand how anyone could have thought Trump would not do this.  The orange buffoon from Hell demonstrated time and time again during the campaign what he wanted to do.  He said he wanted to build a wall between the USA and Mexico, he chose an ultra religious conservative in Pence as his running partner ( says it all ) he demonstrated his disdain for women.   He said he wanted to get rid of Obamacare.  It was all there to see clearly.  He has said he does not believe in Climate change,.  He mocked disabled people and encouraged racists at his rallies.  Anyone should know that he would have no interest in protecting the rights of anyone.  

    Exactly! This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. His whole campaign was run on hate. 


    Yes. Yes. This.

    It's who he always was. It's who THEY HAVE ALWAYS BEEN. All of those suburban and exurban 90's teens who borrowed from black culture for an entire decade have reverted back to their true form. All of those hillbilly teens who were jamming to the Chronic and Doggiestyle, tinting their windows, stuffing their trunks with speakers, and wearing Starter jackets only did it because it was 'cool' at the time. Now, they're all jamming to country music with confederate flags waving out of their rusty pick up trucks and drinking bud light in their garage, talking about wild conspiracy theories pertaining to our Kenyan Muslim former president. 

    It's sickening. 


    Yes to ALL of this. This is exactly what these people have morphed into. It's disgusting.


    Can I also say either Kid Rock was a fraud from the start or totally sold out.  A man that used black culture and hip hop to build a career (making this music was the only time he had a short lived career) and now he is all Confederate flag waving Republican bitch pretty much spitting in the face of the community he took from.   Pig.


    I wonder how Kid Rock's half BLACK  son (whom Kid Rock had with his BLACK "High School" girlfriend) feels about his redneck, confederate flag loving Daddy?

    Then again, maybe this is who he always was but his public "transformation" from wannabe rapper/rocker to a redneck, confederate flag waving, staunch republican is interesting to say the least.

  9. Trump and his inept administration are the biggest embarrassments ever.

    They're all such liars and so corrupt. I mean all politicians lie but Dump and his ilk are just the worst.

    Dump owes Obama an apology for his wiretapping allegations which he had no proof of in the first place (unless you consider the white nationalist rag "Breitbart" credible). Being that Trump has no class, he'll never apologize to Obama but he should not be able to get away with making up such a serious allegation without facing any consequences.

    The Country is going down the toilet with him as President. We're more divisive then we've ever been. I can't believe I have to deal with this idiot for at least another 4 years. I was hoping for impeachment but the Republicans have made it clear that they put party above country  so I'm pretty sure the orange buffoon is here to stay.


  10. 4 hours ago, KalamazooJay said:

    Oh please. 

    I'm well aware of some of the atrocities the West has committed. Of course the U.S isn't innocent. But for a sitting American President to basically say that the U.S and Russia are of the same mold is breathtakingly incorrect. 

    Imagine the fall out if Obama had said this? Faux news and every other  right wing media  organization would lose their minds and call him anti American.

    Sure Trump is right in this case but I don't think a sitting president should make such a statement.


    Trump gets away with saying and doing stuff no other president could. It's unbelievable.

    It's also amazing how he refuses to utter a bad word about Russia/Putin. That's why he even made that comment in the first place in order to deflect. He's afraid to say anything that could piss Putin off.

  11. You know, despite being heartbroken that Hillary lost, I honestly was prepared to give Trump a fair chance. Afterall, Trump doing well could only be a good thing for the U.S. 

    However, things are even worse than I could've ever imagined.

    Trump and his administration are evil and power hungry. I don't even think Trump thinks through most of what he's doing. He just signs executive order after executive order without much thought imo. John McCain even spoke out and said that Trump's muslim ban (because yes that's what it is) was not well thought out. Big surprise.

    And as much as I dislike Trump, I dislike that piece of crap Steve Bannon even more. Bannon is not a good person and he does not have America's best interest at heart.

    He's a proud member of the "alternative right" which is just a politically correct term for white nationalist. He is racist, anti semitic and has been accused of domestic violence by his ex wife.

    If you thought Dick Cheney was evil....boy you ain't seen nothing yet!

     Bannon is even worse. A whole new kind of evil and I believe he's the one calling most of the shots behind the scenes which is fucking scary and unbelievable to me. He should NEVER be on the national security team. I think it's outrageous.

    I find it appalling really and extremely worrying that such a man could be put into such a high position. That was Trump's choice though and doesn't say much for him as a person or president. How can you have a gotdamn white nationalist in such a high position?

    Trump will go down as the most divisive president in history.

    These next four years are really gonna be a bumpy ride.


  12. 3 hours ago, pjcowley said:


    Lmaoooo haha

    Not surprising though considering that half the Country can't stand Trump.

    I hope his inaguration gets the lowest ratings ever also.

    You know Trump is always bragging about being number one and being the best ever, so that will definitely drive him crazy.


  13. 54 minutes ago, Raider of the lost Ark said:

    Guess what? If this is what people in those countries really think then I am very much in favor of Trump saying to keep out. Let's do that for a change. Saves the developed countries a lot of money. Get your things sorted out on your own. Don't call for help. You don't want it. Of course we will stop all development projects as well. Sooner or later there'll be bomb attacks in Hurghada, Sharm, before the Egyptian museum or in Luxor anyway. It's going to kill your economy because tourism will come to a stand still. Good luck.

    Yes to all of this! couldn't agree more 

  14. 26 minutes ago, spazz said:

    Yes they did sell weapons to Daech and full supportive of terrorism in middle east.

    I wont repeat myself zillion times.

    you ppl r brainwashed by the media that glorify Obama

    we hate him with a passion.

    smoking? I never put a cigarette in my mouth :rotfl: 

    Who exactly is WE? Please speak for yourself. Obama has a 57% approval  btw rating which is pretty damn good.


    I haven't been able to watch any of the news coverage this morning. I'm literally sick to my stomach. It's not just Trump that worries me. I am concerned about his right wing nut VP Pence and who the sureme court justices will be. The prospect of Trumps cabinet members makes me ill as well. There's a very good chance that Giuliani will be given a position and he is a horrible racist. I literally despise him. Even more than I do Trump. 

    Also ALL three branches of the government are now Republican. This is bad for gays, minorities and womens rights.

    This is fucking scary actually. This is not a joke. 

    This Country is a disgrace.

    Fuck America.

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