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Guest bluejean

You'll have to suck the right cock for that

Guest bluejean

My mouth and hole are ready to earn front row centre!


They just walked up and down the queue asking people to play a win/no win game. A lot got in the triangle for being members here thanks to the Mods.

Guest Rachelle of London

cheers..how did the ipad contest thing work at mdna?

Crap! Stupidest idea ever.


I was in the GT last time and now i promised myself that I'll be Front Row next time!

Thanks to King Hector for the help :)

Guest Rocco Papa

I was all the way in the back at the Yankee Stadium show. I'd love to get a better seat next time. Any idea how this sort of thing works in the NYC area?

I highly doubt the rumors of her doing smaller places on the next tour will be true! :laugh:

Guest Rachelle of London

If it wasn't for the God Hector I wouldn't of gotten in the GT!

I hope they don't have that mess of iPad thing again!

Guest Rocco Papa

Thanks to King Hector for the help :)

If it wasn't for the God Hector I wouldn't of gotten in the GT!

I'm going to have to talk to Hector then... :callme:


Another Hectorite here!

If it's arenas this time, and I suspect it will be mostly, then I imagine they'll follow the U2 model and a lot of the decent seats will be part of mega expensive packages. The ones that go unsold will then go on sale normally closer to the gig. All my decent seats in the past have been bought long after the date has gone on sale with me having to flog the earlier shittier seats that I got on day one (even with the Icon pass) It's happened every single time. Also we don't know if they'll go floor seated or all standing, or if they'll even have the equivalent of the GT, and if they do, they might make us pay for the privilege this time around, who knows?! I have a feeling it's gonna be really hard getting decent seats this time....


i've seen madonna live 5 times now but i've never been near the front :( how do i get a good ticket?

I got a third row seat for $385 last time. I purchased it the morning of the concert, when all those nice seats that haven't been sold via other means (VIP packages, corporate tickets) go on sale to the populace.

So yeah: save some money, or get a credit card, and pay for a damn good seat. Eat rice and beans for a month, don't go out, and you'll be all set. It's absolutely worth it.


If Hector can sort out GT tickets, to they just have your name on a list or do you have to produce ID or what?

I got Golden Circle but not GT. I really would like to get GT at least just so I can see her close up after thirty years!


I tried so, so, so hard to get into the golden triangle last time :( :( apparently Guy was letting any random people in?


Was so privilege and fortunate to be up front for the tenth time saw her for MDNA. (She looked awesome close-up).

Got the ticket a few hours before the show from somebody who needed to sell.

Hopefully, real fans here will be lucky and get the section they deserve!


I remember at RIT the 'cowboy' was going round selecting people from the crowd for the pit. I tried waving but he picked some attractive girls who had tickets right on the back row :(

I bet they only owned The Immaculate Collection.

Guest Rachelle of London

I remember at RIT the 'cowboy' was going round selecting people from the crowd for the pit. I tried waving but he picked some attractive girls who had tickets right on the back row :(

I bet they only owned The Immaculate Collection.

Ugh don't. When I was in GT in Dallas we got talking to these girls that got selected by one of Ms staff to go into the GT. By Open Your Heart I noticed I couldn't see them when we were walking back to the hotel I saw one of them and I asked her if she enjoyed the show and she said no it was boring and they left halfway through. How bloody ungrateful. Horrible that real fans miss out but twats like these get chosen.


My dream is for her to come to Australia.... I kind of have an idea of spending an obscene amount of money to make that whole experience possible hahah I know it would be worth it though :)


I joined her website, but can't get into the forum there. I think they closed it down. I had heard if you're a member you get first dibs on tickets by being an icon member. I'm desperately trying to figure out how to get good tickets. I tried for MDNA on ticketmaster but got locked out and the tickets were sold in 5 minutes. The whole experience was so annoying and I missed out.


Well the pit in RIT was crazy (for me for all the wrong reasons) but you couldn't hear. Random people kept coming asking to go in and Madonnas people were coming saying it was their birthday ect. Madonnas people were saying their seats were better because you cant hear.

M came on, it was amazing but yeah, you couldn't hear it properly because the speakers face forward. I cant knock it though, I could smell her perfume when she came over. You could take in the show much better out of the pit. I went a few times.


the best seats I ever had to an m show was S&S in east-Rutherford NJ. second row right on the catwalk. it was magical.


If Madonna's people know you (i.e. you're someone who travels the world and goes to dozens of shows every tour etc. etc.), then you'll be in the GT. If you run a website that supports Madonna, helps to stop leaks etc. or a reputable Facebook Fan Page, then you'll end up the in the GT. If Madonna's people like the look of you in line (or anywhere), then that increases your chances.

I entered the ICON contests for both Berlin shows and was unsuccessful (as was the guy I paired up with - we agreed to be each other's "plus one" if we won, since we were both in Berlin alone). Someone on another forum (who had already been in the GT half a dozen times) was posting about how they were looking forward to "having a rest" and sitting in the stands at the second Berlin show (since they'd already been in the GT for half a dozen shows), so I was absolutely stunned to see them in the GT that night. I asked them about it later and they told me that Madonna's people came over to them and gave them a wristband, so in they went. Others I know were in the GT close to 20 times. I had no luck with the iPad contest.

I was finally successful in winning the ICON contest for the GT in Copenhagen. It was the most amazing concert experience of my life (and I've been in the front row at four other Madonna shows and second row right next to the catwalk and two more over the years). Thank you, ICON (all of my previous brilliant tickets were also purchased via the ICON pre-sales for Legacy members, including the second row up against the catwalk tickets in New York)! For European shows with GA, to be honest, all you need to do to get to the front is be willing to pay extra for a Hot Ticket/Early Admission ticket and wait 10 hours outside the venue before they open the gates, then another 3-4 hours wedged firmly in your front row spot on the barrier until the show starts :). For venues with all allocated seating, it's a completely different story....

Guest bluejean

Who on Earth is able to go to dozens of shows every tour? :o

It would be great if regular posters on any of these forums (and by regular I mean posting in the Madonna sections) were somehow given preference. Especially since (hopefully) alot of us will be going together :D

But tbh I will be thrilled to be AT a Madonna concert at all since I never have been before. I am sure wherever I am located I will close enough to lose my shit.


I was lucky enough to be in the Golden triangle in MTL. I just sent a pic of me with my tickets...

I know I probably won't get that chance next time. I decided I don't mind to pay a lot of money to be in the 1st rows... But I'll buy my ticket at the last minute.

Guest Rocco Papa

But tbh I will be thrilled to be AT a Madonna concert at all since I never have been before. I am sure wherever I am located I will close enough to lose my shit.

I thought the same thing last time, but it turned out not to be the case. The MDNA Tour at Yankee Stadium was my first time seeing Madonna. I got a seat on the field all the way in the back. It was way too far away and I was forced to watch the screens. I was majorly disappointed. If I see Madonna again, I'm going to have to get closer seats. I don't necessarily need to be front row or in the GT (although it would be nice), but I need to be close enough to see her.

My advice to you would be to make sure you get good seats. Her tickets are really expensive and (from my experience) it's not worth spending all that money to be so far away. You want to make sure you're getting your $400 worth.

Guest bluejean

:lol: Well I would never press 'purchase' on back row seats though. Tbh I think I'll be pretty close, I am happy to spend the money for that. That's for the tip though!

Guest whatatramp

If I don't get good tickets you'll all have to bare witness to my breakdown


Sometimes I don't know what's worse: stressing out the day tickets are on sale to get a good place (if the venue is seated like in the US) or stressing out trying to be at the venue as early as possible to get a good place (if there aren't any seats on the floor like in most of Europe)

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