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"High Society" is perfection

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Guest material_boy

"Another victim of a high society -- Your hiii-iii-igh society!"

Listen to that voice. She wanted to be a STAR.


I love it. I love all the early stuff. But it smells like Camille Barbone.


Wow this song is very good, not on the level of the ones on the first album but it's good as a b-side or bonus track.


I always sing this in the shower :D

I believe this is where she invented Courtney Love :chuckle:

Just imagine her singing it :fag:

I also LOVE, 'Love 4 Tender'


First time I've heard this. The voice and the singing style is unmistakeable! Love it!!

Guest material_boy

Wow this song is very good, not on the level of the ones on the first album but it's good as a b-side or bonus track.

I'd take it over "I Know It."

She sounds so ferocious in these pre-fame tracks. She is hungry for the spotlight. I love them.

Guest material_boy

I hope one of there pre fame songs makes it to a setlist one day. Could you imagine!

I would DIE if she threw "High Society" or "Get Up" into one of her shows.

I'd love to hear one of these on guitar instead of a mangled hit.


Lol @ a mangled hit. It would be very "you thrill me out of left field" A couple of those tracks, polish them up at bit...I can feel it in my body!


I distinctly remember the first time I heard a snippet of this song was on that "Madonna Exposed" special that came on back in '93. I can remember it being late night, I was flipping around and caught the beginning of the show and was absolutely ECSTATIC!!! To see and hear some of the exclusives they had on that show was truly something RARE back then. I don't think anybody who doesn't remember life pre-internet can understand what a privilege it was to be able to actually hear even just a clip of these songs. I had no idea the show was coming on, I was up past my bedtime and just happened to be flipping through and caught the show so I didn't have a VHS ready to record it or anything. I thought I'd never hear the songs again....and certainly never dreamed I'd hear them in full. Well.....lo and behold, some months later I was in Suncoast (I know somebody here remembers that store) and what did I see?!? The MADONNA EXPOSED special!! I was so excited. I played those little clips of GU and HS over and over and over and over.

Years later, when I first downloaded Napster, one of the first things I looked for was HS and GU. It took DAYS (maybe even weeks) for those songs to download and when they did, it was the really bad quality versions but I played the f*ck out of them!!


Get Up is the real gem from those sessions. This one is also good, though. Would love to see them finally get an official release as an EP.


Anyone have a download to final version of "Get Up". The version I have is a 1st draft or something.


She should have released Get Up as the second single from MDNA.

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