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I always say that one should never write Madonna off, and always expect the unexpected with her. Let's get that straight.

Be that as it may, would you really… care if she never had another major hit? I mean, she's already accomplished and done so much that it really wouldn't matter anymore at this point if she ever had another US Top 10 or UK Number1 or whatever.

Or would it?

Guest HaveASit

No. I just want an amazing album.


Interesting question. Although I believe that personal love for a song or album is the most important thing, have to admit to loving it when Madonna has huge hit songs. So despite knowing that it is the wrong answer, I do care as I see Madonna as the ultimate superstar and love her ruling the charts.


I think always would.

If her next album is as good as her best work I would care less. But I would always want her to be up there with best selling artists.


There are other ways of remaining "relevant," and I would be perfectly happy with a great album that's critically acclaimed and gets some Grammy love a la ROL (minus the hits). I'm not crazy about what gets played on the radio these days, so for her to score a hit would mean I probably wouldn't like it very much anyway (like "4 Minutes").


During the Confessions era I was disappointed she didn't hit as big in the US as she did everywhere else. Nonetheless it was a huge hit era for her. At this time I don't care so much if she has anymore hits. Does she really need anymore hits anyways? What would it prove at this point?

MDNA didn't have any huge hits but the era proved that Madonna is still a force within the industry to be reckoned with.


couldn't care less, but I'll rejoice if she has any...even if it's a 4 Minutes.


As someone said, the most important is to love the next album (which I m sure I will). And I loved MDNA the lp (minus some songs) and the era... However due to the fact she didnt have a monsterous hit through her last era made it feels incomplete somehow... I guess I love the era so much: music, looks etc. that I felt the general public didnt see how amazing she is still...


No. Her status as the best selling/most successful female recording artist of all time is already set in stone. No one can take that from her at this point if she releases nothing but a string of flops from here on out.

Like was said, I just want her to continue making great music, and would like to see her step outside of her comfort zone for this next record and really try and tackle a new direction.

I wouldn't write her having another massive hit off though. I think out of all the "older" artists that are still big names but have reached the point where top 40 radio rejects them, Madonna has the biggest shot of overcoming that hurdle. I mean all you have to do is go to any music forum that is geared to todays current pop tarts and Madonna is still so much a topic of discussion.


At this point, no. A top ten hit every few years would be fine as well. All I need is a new sound/creative album from her. I'm pretty sure she'll keep scoring #1s on dance chart though.


During the Confessions era I was disappointed she didn't hit as big in the US as she did everywhere else. Nonetheless it was a huge hit era for her.

It was still a pretty big era for Madonna in the US. Radio was nothing but Hip Hop at that time, so the fact that she managed to break through with a dance song sampling ABBA, and go on to sell 1.7 million copies of Confessions here (I think that's where the total stands) says a lot. Top 40 radio might not have embraced her, but people still found their way to that album, and the video here was massive. I don't think anyone will soon forget Madonna in her pink leotard which has gone one to be another signature iconic look for her.

Just imagine how much bigger the album would have been here if Hung Up was a massive radio hit along with Sorry, like it was every where else.


I don't really expect her to. People are still discovering her and her music so it's all good. She makes so much money touring we never have to worry about low budgets, albums that only come out in Japan, etc.

Guest Rachelle of London

How depressing!

Madonna willl have another hit. People wrote her off in the 90s, 00s and its the same now.


I never cared how many singles or albums she sold. I'm all about her brilliant body of work, one off sense of self and spine tingling live performances. I never really understood the big deal about all that chart shit.


Well no matter what at least we can say that GMAYL was a top ten. :madgemanson:

Now that streaming counts I think she can easily score more top tens if she releases songs that appeal to her core fan base and casual fans and releases great videos.

I would be more than happy with that. Who else in their mid 50s is still getting top 10s?

Guest TearsInHeaven

i wouldn't care but as a fan i would love her to have a huge ww hit again a la 4M or HU


It wouldn't so much be the end of the world, well not at all, but I'd love if she did - it'd be a huge "fuck you" to all the delusional idiots that call her a flop. Chart position doesn't make a difference to me, and Madonna doesn't have anything to prove to anyone

Guest TearsInHeaven

It wouldn't so much be the end of the world, well not at all, but I'd love if she did - it'd be a huge "fuck you" to all the delusional idiots that call her a flop. Chart position doesn't make a difference to me, and Madonna doesn't have anything to prove to anyone



I think you have to dive into what really defines a hit these days. I think the forumla for a hit song for the general public is pretty much the same as it's been for decades. It usually means the artist is young and producing songs that are on the edge of what's going to be current or has recently been. Madonna was able to tap into that back in the 80's and 90's, for sure. Though, it doesn't mean she stopped producing great music. For me, I feel that the general public tends to put an age limit on who should be allowed to have a hit song. There are plenty of songs she recorded in the last decade that could have easily been a hit if radio gave her a chance. Give that same song to another popular younger artist, and radio would have given it a chance.

It's not a big deal to me if she has a "hit" song that appeals to the general public. After all, there were plenty of great songs from her MDNA album that are equally appealing to me than any song I enjoy that the general public/radio digs.

I do agree, that we shouldn't rule out a possible hit for Madonna in the future. If anyone can do it, she can defy what's the standard mindset of what defines a hit song for radio. Though, I do think if she ever does, it has to be something different from what we've been hearing, yet catchy. Something we wouldn't expect from Madonna could be her next hit. And it's quite possible she could produce something that it very current sounding that catches on. But in the end, it's all about producing quality albums whether radio or the general public embraces it or not.


Radio means nothing in Europe. I highly doubt it does in Asia either.


this so hard to answer. i do want her to have really good future big radio hits. i want more people to appreciate her . most people have no idea how good she really is and wont even give her a chance. i think big hits would give the younger generation more exposure to her. i know my kids have Madonna in their blood but most kids are clueless to her greatness.

Guest Not4Pussies

It would be great if she did but now at this stage of her career it doesn't matter. That is why she should focus more on doing music that doesn't cater to radio. I don't listen to the radio. Plus Madonna is very much capable of scoring many more top ten hits.


No. Madonna's albums matter more than chart success for her singles. Sure I would welcome any new chart success she could have with singles. But it isn't a deal breaker. A shitty album too many is.


this so hard to answer. i do want her to have really good future big radio hits. i want more people to appreciate her . most people have no idea how good she really is and wont even give her a chance. i think big hits would give the younger generation more exposure to her. i know my kids have Madonna in their blood but most kids are clueless to her greatness.

The thing is you have to go back to when you were a kid. Music (especially POP music/big music hits) is generally aimed at a younger audiences. Always has been!! There were plenty of older artists when we were younger, that we didn't dig. So now, Madonna is now among that older generation of musicians, it's harder for her to get acceptance by a younger generation. No matter how great, hip and cool we think she is, there will be a generation behind us that will not. The cool thing about her, I do think she is one of those artists tend to gain more younger listeners as her career goes on than most other older artists. Still, we're never gonna have those great moments as she had during the 80's, 90's and few era's in the past decade. As fans, we will make the best of it, but the general public will not see the greatness she is still producing.

Being huge fans, it's hard to be bias as it is. We want to love everything she does. We want EVERYONE to love her like we do. Unfortunately, that's not gonna happen and quite unrealistic. And again, you kinda have to go back to when you were younger when there were older artists that your parents or grandparents enjoyed, but you couldn't as much.


Some years ago I was still waiting for her "Cher's Believe" type of monster hit... Today I just want a great album, doesn't matter if it sells 500K copies but that can be translated into a GREATEST tour


Of course having hit songs brings some excitement to an era. It's always nice to hear your favorite is on top. At this point though, it's not necessary or expected. I do hope she can squeeze out 2 more US top 10's, just to make it an even 40. :-)

Guest TearsInHeaven

i think it is actually easier for her to score a big hit now than 5 years ago...all that Youtube/Spotify streaming counting towards charts, deals to be made, younger generations more aware of her now than in the past etc etc...she managed to get a top 10 with GMAYL ( and if i am not wrong it would have charted higher if it wasn't for I Will Always Love You re-entering the chart after W died) imagine with a proper strong first single and some payola here and there :newspaper:

Guest Not4Pussies

i just wished Hung Up would have charted higher.

if released now it would be a sure #1 hit


Gotten use to M not having such huge hits in the states, but thought 4 Minutes was pretty popular here because of her collaborators, and hip hop being well liked. I always got the feeling so many people here do not know songs on AL, Confessions, or MDNA. Her eighties songs continue to be so popular. Never listen to the radio regularly, but I heard the other afternoon by chance Angel, Dress You Up, and Material Girl all within a couple of hours.

Overall, much more interested in amazing music instead of her albums and singles selling. M started to become very popular during a time when there was much better and more diverse music on the charts. Unfortunately, many mainstream artists suck today and lack originality, but there are some upcoming singers and bands who are amazing


I don't really care...it's The Guy Oseary business model at this point.

But I'd rather she'd flop with Gang Bang & Falling Free than stuff like GGW and TUTR.

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