Guest CJM Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 So this happened recently What do you all think? Tbh this just made me realize that Madonna truly is socially aware. Interesting this is all happening now. I don't really know how to put my thoughts into a paragraph about this but what are all your thoughts? Could Russell and Madonna potentially meet? Could something come of this? I wonder what each of them would think if they saw each other trying to change the world over the same reasons. Truly fascinating and I think shit is about to get real with this revolution! (I know this isn't directly related to M's revolution but I think it is a topic relating to her and what could potentially happen soon)
Guest Rachelle of London Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 I doubt they would work together imo
Guest CJM Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 I agree, however I could see them publicly supporting each other
Guest Rachelle of London Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 I agree, however I could see them publicly supporting each other YESSSS!!!!!!
Guest Rachelle of London Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 I like Russell hes a cool dude!!!
Skin Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 Well I don't think Madonna would agree with the not voting at all thing.
boy skeffington Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 Love what he says but he is an intolerable person to work with and be around.
raptor_attack Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 Shit. Now I am forced to actively like Russell Brand. On a scale of Awareness Ribbon to Bono, he scores pretty well in communicating to a large audience that "It's the Economy, Stupid." Whereas most celebrity thinkers tend to just talk vaguely about "Ending the Hurt", he is at least engaged with a materialist approach and it looks like he has probably read the same volume of Keynes as me. Which is not much. But hey, look. The guy is not a "genius", he is just a well-known person of moderate comic talent and above-average intelligence who tends toward some left-centrist economic views and it is just good seeing someone famous and peppy talk about changing market economies instead of vague rainbow nonsense.
rb19 Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 What is quite frustrating is the number of people throwing this video around saying he's a genius and blabla.
Guest Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 Well I don't think Madonna would agree with the not voting at all thing. She was criticised in the past for not registering to vote herself. I do understand his reasons for not voting. He has a reason not to vote rather than just laziness. I think what he says is on the whole correct. Personally, I don't think the world needs to be turned upside down. However ALL people need to think about correcting the problems that exist in the world today and doing their bit...however small that may be.
madonnasuperfan01 Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 Oh please, all Russell cares about is fucking every girl under the sun. This guy doesn't love anybody but himself.
Guest Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 What is quite frustrating is the number of people throwing this video around saying he's a genius and blabla. He is obviously a fairly articulate and experienced opinion. I applaud him for showing his opinion like that. Probably the reason most people are calling it genius or whatever is because they share his frustration.
Guest Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 Oh please, all Russell cares about is fucking every girl under the sun. This guy doesn't love anybody but himself. Um. That's a bit simplistic. I love fucking strangers but it doesn't mean I don't care about anything else. If you actually see him in action he supports equality and freedom in general. He supported gays without demonising those who are ignorant enough to hate homosexuals due to an illogical interpretation of the bible. It's not easy to do that.
acko Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 Brilliant! How I feel, in a nutshell. Although I do vote (in two countries . )
madonnasuperfan01 Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 Um. That's a bit simplistic. I love fucking strangers but it doesn't mean I don't care about anything else. If you actually see him in action he supports equality and freedom in general. He supported gays without demonising those who are ignorant enough to hate homosexuals due to an illogical interpretation of the bible. It's not easy to do that. Yeah maybe you're right. But there's something i really dislike about this guy, his behavior, personality,... I saw a few interviews with him and he seemed to be a real jackass. But maybe i'm wrong, i don't know.
Guest Rachelle of London Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 My sisters friend was finger fucked by Russell Brand in Hyde Park #truestory
Guest Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 Yeah maybe you're right. But there's something i really dislike about this guy, his behavior, personality,... I saw a few interviews with him and he seemed to be a real jackass. But maybe i'm wrong, i don't know. He's a bit weird but I think he means well. My sisters friend was finger fucked by Russell Brand in Hyde Park #truestory
neutrocks Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 I applaud him. The problem is that we have some simplistic and ignorant people who will let the eccentric fast talking cockiness comical persona get in the way with what he's trying to convery. Some will say, why can't he just sit there without looking like he's going to go ape shit and say what he wants to say? Ummmm, we have plenty of personalities on news programs doing that already and still coming off like they are nuts. I'm not going to say Russell is a genious, but he is quite articulate and intelligent on what he speaks of if you can get past his eccentric way of presenting his views and himself. I do disagree with him regarding the "don't vote". As long as we are under a democratic government, majority wins. Not voting, will only assure the wrong people in office. If anything, we need to hold our representatives accountable and clean house if they aren't doing their job. I suspect it's only going to get uglier before it gets better if that's even possible.
Larkspur Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 I love what he says about people feeling that sense of injustice. I believe he feels the same way I do as I get frustrated by the displays of emotions ending in this is all very sad but what are you gonna do? Okay let's get back to the illusion and distractions. From the interview: "If we can engage that feeling instead of some moment of lachrymose sentimentality trotted out in the T.V. for people to pore over emotional porn, if we can engage that feeling and to change things, why wouldn't we? I agree with this. I'm not sure about the voting but I understand what he is saying but I believe anything can evolve into something that is worthwhile. Like the interviewer said about if someone comes along that you would want to vote for that would create changes. I'm all about what he says here and he's very idealistic but I also know idealists can be naive. I'm one of them. Still I am with anyone who would like to change the way governments are run and whether we need a whole new system whatever that may be because what is in place now is still not for the best even though there is progression.
realityisalways Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 Wow, Just wow. Man, Russell Brand is incredibly intelligent and so very articulated. This video really made me like the guy, his mind is unbelievable. I was guilty of underestimating him until I watched this. He really seems to have his finger on the pulse of things. The interviewer is caught off guard and cant quite refute a lot of what he says when he's 'ambushed' by his intellect. Love Madonna but would have loved to hear her address the real problems explicitly like he is doing here.
realityisalways Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 Yeah maybe you're right. But there's something i really dislike about this guy, his behavior, personality,... I saw a few interviews with him and he seemed to be a real jackass. But maybe i'm wrong, i don't know. I hated his guts too until I watched this.
Lucky guy Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 I don't agree with him about everything, but I applaud him for stirring things up.
Larkspur Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 Wow, Just wow. Man, Russell Brand is incredibly intelligent and so very articulated. This video really made me like the guy, his mind is unbelievable. I was guilty of underestimating him until I watched this. He really seems to have his finger on the pulse of things. The interviewer is caught off guard and cant quite refute a lot of what he says when he's 'ambushed' by his intellect. Love Madonna but would have loved to hear her address the real problems explicitly like he is doing here. Madonna addressed the problem within the person and how that creates problems for other people. I agree with Russell about change but how can you create real change? I'm not saying he is but its too easy to fall into that us and them mentality. Completely rejecting voting although that is his right. I agree with his issues with things we shouldn't be doing but one person cannot wave a magic wand and create change. I think Madonna's current contribution to a revolution is very important. What am I doing or not doing to create or maintain situations that I'm concerned about?
Guest Not4Pussies Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 The more people waking up the better.
realityisalways Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 Madonna addressed the problem within the person and how that creates problems for other people. I agree with Russell about change but how can you create real change? I'm not saying he is but its too easy to fall into that us and them mentality. Completely rejecting voting although that is his right. I agree with his issues with things we shouldn't be doing but one person cannot wave a magic wand and create change. I think Madonna's current contribution to a revolution is very important. What am I doing or not doing to create or maintain situations that I'm concerned about? The solution is non-compliance. Instead of protests, revolutions, we have to stop participating in this system which is clearly not working. If we all stopped our countries through an organized peaceful non-compliance (stopped working, going to school, shopping, watching tv, etc..) there would be no government that could take it. We are the ones who move the economy, not the ruling class. We have the power, not them. Without our participation they are nothing. We need to halt everything to bring about transformation.
neutrocks Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 Madonna addressed the problem within the person and how that creates problems for other people. I agree with Russell about change but how can you create real change? I'm not saying he is but its too easy to fall into that us and them mentality. Completely rejecting voting although that is his right. I agree with his issues with things we shouldn't be doing but one person cannot wave a magic wand and create change. I think Madonna's current contribution to a revolution is very important. What am I doing or not doing to create or maintain situations that I'm concerned about? Why do people say that all the time? Most people who stand up, and speak or rise up about important issues, aren't necessarily thinking, "Oh, I'm going to change the world all by myself". What bothers me is that a lot of people seem to think entertainers should just "shut up" and do their act and not talk about things that bother them or close to them. Why can't they? Why is it okay for us regular folk be able to voice our opinions about everything under the sun, but not celebrities. It seems to me just because they have an in with media exposure, they all of a sudden shouldn't be able to speak up about things that bother them. Besides, if no one stands up and speaks out, how can things be discussed to be changed? And what better way to get people talking, then getting someone the general public knows and may relate to, then keep relying on our politicians who keep fucking us over and over. Certainly, there are going to be celebrities who have less credibility or may say things we disagree with, but at least they are using their voice to bring awareness. At least they are saying something publicly that a lot of people may agree with. It's no secret that especially in the U.S., the political system is a huge joke anymore. For years now, us regular folks have been saying things need to change. Yet, nothing is being changed. Most celebrities are just like us regarding our thoughts on a lot of political and social issues. They just have more money and have an easier access to getting their thoughts out there. Even though, I may not agree with everything about Russell, I can see he (like many other celebrities) are looking for a peaceful solution to things. He certainly can't change things alone, but his words and actions can encourage and inspire others to come together and help make that change.
realityisalways Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 He's really fucking smart, another example of 'journalists' trying to denigrate him, talking about his style and trivial things and bam, suddenly they don't know what hit them I'm seriously thinking about buying tickets to his Messiah Complex thingy, he will be in Copenhagen the 3rd of December
Larkspur Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 The solution is non-compliance. Instead of protests, revolutions, we have to stop participating in this system which is clearly not working. If we all stopped our countries through an organized peaceful non-compliance (stopped working, going to school, shopping, watching tv, etc..) there would be no government that could take it. We are the ones who move the economy, not the ruling class. We have the power, not them. Without our participation they are nothing. We need to halt everything to bring about transformation. That would be very interesting. How many people will get on board with that? Would it be beneficial in the long run or would it affect people negatively? Single people can take risks but people who have children depended on them for food and shelter will probably be too afraid to not go to work. I do believe that people need to learn more about being more self sufficient so they would not have to rely on a work that cares little for them. On a cultural level I dream of people suddenly not buying tabloids that tell lies about people's lives. I have a problem with journalists who drag people who are going through real problems just to sell their stories. Would love if no one read their stuff but a lot of people don't think its the big deal I think it is. So how do you get everyone on board if they don't think there is a problem? I ask them how would they feel if someone dragged their name in the mud if they were going through a painful divorce or they were having an emotional breakdown? I would keep asking them until I could find some empathy. I do lean more towards what Russell is saying in that drastic change needs to happen like you said non compliance in matters that I oppose but how can I inspire others to want to join me in that non compliance?
Larkspur Posted October 26, 2013 Posted October 26, 2013 Why do people say that all the time? Most people who stand up, and speak or rise up about important issues, aren't necessarily thinking, "Oh, I'm going to change the world all by myself". What bothers me is that a lot of people seem to think entertainers should just "shut up" and do their act and not talk about things that bother them or close to them. Why can't they? Why is it okay for us regular folk be able to voice our opinions about everything under the sun, but not celebrities. It seems to me just because they have an in with media exposure, they all of a sudden shouldn't be able to speak up about things that bother them. Besides, if no one stands up and speaks out, how can things be discussed to be changed? And what better way to get people talking, then getting someone the general public knows and may relate to, then keep relying on our politicians who keep fucking us over and over. Certainly, there are going to be celebrities who have less credibility or may say things we disagree with, but at least they are using their voice to bring awareness. At least they are saying something publicly that a lot of people may agree with. It's no secret that especially in the U.S., the political system is a huge joke anymore. For years now, us regular folks have been saying things need to change. Yet, nothing is being changed. Most celebrities are just like us regarding our thoughts on a lot of political and social issues. They just have more money and have an easier access to getting their thoughts out there. Even though, I may not agree with everything about Russell, I can see he (like many other celebrities) are looking for a peaceful solution to things. He certainly can't change things alone, but his words and actions can encourage and inspire others to come together and help make that change. I said that to explain Madonna's approach with the secret project. Madonna has been creating change over a long period of time. I do agree with celebrities having a voice in what is going on in the world. They are citizens with concerns and I applaud Russell Brand. I love when celebrities and people who are influential are passionate about change. They already have the attention of the media. Why not use that to create positive change? I have said before that what Madonna can do for real change in the world is very important for me. I believe that she can be and has been influential in positive change. Madonna's approach is different than other idealists. Ultimately I am with Russell Brand in what he says here especially about doing something about what you find unjust and talking about it and not tolerating it anymore. I'm with him and hope more celebrities speak up and inspire people.
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