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It is her school's stage production of Sweet Charity. Have seem some of the pictures etc floating around the net. Apparently she said in the program that she wanted to star on Broadway or the West End in musicals. A star in the making !

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WOW! Massive Madonna vibes in this pic.

I can still remember when she was born. It was on the front page of every paper. You would have thought with all the media coverage of it that the real "Madonna" had given birth to the daughter of God or something. :lol:

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Wow amazing photos . Thanks. I remembered at one point ( around Erotica / Sex backlash ) it looked as if she would never have a child but when she got pregnant during Evita it was such a HUGE news .

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It's adorable to see that she is actually somewhat of an "average Jo" ( not referring to looks) hanging out and performing with school mates.

Despite the Madonna factor, I thought that Lola would turn out to be another Paris Hilton sort, which I'm glad to be proven wrong:)

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